Mimosa salad with canned fish is already a classic! How to cook a salad "Mimosa" with canned fish

Mimosa salad with canned fish is already a classic! How to cook a salad

A beautiful, bright, tasty salad made from the most affordable products in a matter of minutes is the “Mimosa” salad. Probably, few people now remember what exactly is included in the classic composition of the dish, but it is not so important. Today, many variations, recipes, ingredients, and always “Mimosa” turns out delicious. Especially popular is the salad with canned fish.

Mimosa salad with canned fish - general principles of cooking

Usually the salad is collected in layers, but there are options where the prepared products are mixed. In principle, it does not matter much in what sequence the ingredients will fit, this fact will not affect the taste of the salad, but it is important that grated egg yolks be the final top layer, because the appearance of the salad is called Mimosa.

Prepare a salad of any canned fish: saury, sardines, pink salmon, cod, salmon. Fish can be either in oil or in brine or in its own juice. For this salad is not suitable fish with vegetables and tomato.

Another important ingredient is boiled eggs. They should be fresh, ideally taken for a rustic dish. In domestic eggs, the yolk is bright yellow, making the salad more beautiful.

They also put vegetables in the salad: they mainly use carrots, potatoes, onions. Onions are simply crushed, potatoes and carrots are either boiled or baked until ready, then cooled, peeled and also crushed.

In addition, boiled rice, melted or hard cheese, as well as greens and green onions are often put in Mimosa. From spices use only black or fragrant ground pepper.

Each layer of salad must be smeared with mayonnaise. It is best to purchase a quality product or make mayonnaise yourself.

1. Salad "Mimosa" with canned fish


• a jar of any canned fish;

• 4 eggs;

• 4 medium potatoes;

• 3 carrots; • onion head;

• half a glass of mayonnaise;

• parsley leaves - 5 pieces;

• salt - at will;

• sunflower oil - 20 ml.

Cooking Method:

1. Boil carrots, potatoes and eggs separately from each other in salted water, peel and grate three with small teeth.

2. On a serving plate lay out a layer of slightly grated potatoes, coat with mayonnaise.

3. Knead the preserved fish with a fork, remove the bones (if any) and spread them on the potatoes with the second layer, again we coat with mayonnaise.

4. Lay out a layer of onion, chopped fine crumbs, pour with oil, remaining after the canned food.

5. The fourth layer lay out the remaining potatoes, grease with mayonnaise.

6. Spread the grated carrot, mayonnaise again.

7. After the carrots, we put the boiled eggs, crushed on a grater, and coat with mayonnaise.

8. Sprinkle with egg yolks, crushed on a grater, on top, decorate with parsley leaves, put in the refrigerator for several hours.

2. Salad "Mimosa" with canned fish (with pink salmon)


• 1 small jar of mayonnaise;

• 3 carrots;

• 3 potatoes;

• 3 chicken eggs;

• jar of canned pink salmon;

• 1 green onion sprig;

• 1 onion head.

Cooking Method:

1. Pour water into a saucepan, add some salt, put potatoes, carrots and cook until softened.

2. Boil hard boiled eggs.

3. Cut the onion into small cubes, pour hot water for a few minutes, so that it does not taste bitter in the salad.

4. In a salad bowl, spread the first layer of tinned pink salmon, kneaded with a spoon, and coat with mayonnaise.

5. The next layer is put the onions, chopped potatoes on the onions, again grease with mayonnaise.

6. The third layer of carrot, grated on a grater with large teeth, grease with mayonnaise.

7. Spread grated egg whites, again mayonnaise.

8. Sprinkle the entire surface of the salad with chopped yolks and green onions.

9. Remove for impregnation for several hours in the fridge.

3. Salad "Mimosa" with canned fish and rice


• 4 eggs;

• 2 carrots;

• 200 g of rice cereal;

• onion head;

• any canned fish - 1 jar;

• fennel greens - 1 bunch;

• mayonnaise - 5 tablespoons.

Cooking Method:

1. Boil carrots in salted water until cooked, cool, peel.

2. Wash the croup thoroughly and also cook until softened.

3. Boil eggs for 10 minutes.

4. Put the first layer of rice on a portion plate, chopped dill on it, grease with mayonnaise.

5. On the grits, put chopped canned fish, finely chopped onion, and grease with mayonnaise.

6. Further: carrot, grated on a coarse grater, chopped egg whites, a layer of mayonnaise.

7. Sprinkle the surface with egg yolks chopped on a grater.

4. Salad "Mimosa" with canned fish in balls


• canned saury - 200 g;

• potato - 3 tubers;

• carrots - 1 pieces;

• chicken eggs - 2 pieces;

• a small piece of Dutch cheese;

• mayonnaise - 1 small jar;

• green onions - 3 stalks;

• parsley - 3 leaves.

Cooking Method:

1. Boil potatoes and carrots, peel and rub on a fine grater.

2. We lay saury on a plate, crush it with a fork.

3. Boiled eggs, three grated.

4. Chop onion stalks.

5. Mix all prepared ingredients with mayonnaise and form small balls.

6. The resulting balls roll in grated cheese.

7. We spread on a flat plate, decorate with leaves of parsley.

5. Salad “Mimosa” with canned fish and cheese


• canned salmon - 1 jar;

• 150 g of mayonnaise;

• butter - a small piece;

• 3 chicken eggs;

• onion head;

• Allspice in powder - on request.

Cooking Method:

1. Put prepared boiled crushed proteins to the prepared transparent salad bowl, grease with mayonnaise.

2. Put the salmon from the jar into another dish and crush with a spoon, put it in the second layer. 3. We clean the onion head, finely chop with a knife, pour with hot water for a few minutes, drain the water, rinse with cool water, dry a little and spread with a third layer, coat with mayonnaise.

4. In the fourth layer put the chopped grated cheese, coat with mayonnaise.

5. Frozen slice of butter three times on a grater and spread on the cheese (it is possible without butter).

6. Sprinkle grated yolks, finely lay the fennel leaves and coarsely chopped green onion stalks.

6. Festive Mimosa salad with canned fish in the form of a rooster


• canned saury - 200 g;

• 1 carrot;

• 8 Art. spoons of mayonnaise;

• paprika powder - 30 g;

• 6 eggs;

• Dutch cheese - a small piece.

Cooking Method:

1. Cook eggs for 10 minutes, so the yolks will cook well, but they will not have time to change their usual yellow color. Cool the cooked eggs in cold water, scrape the shells, separate the whites from the yolks.

2. We clean raw carrots.

3. With canned food, pour the liquid into another dish, knead the fish itself with a spoon, remove the hard bones.

4. We take a rectangular salad bowl, we cover it with food cling film: we will collect the salad from top to bottom, and then turn it over.

5. Cut the cheese into two halves, grate one and lay with a layer in a cup, coat with mayonnaise with a spoon, while dipping it in saury oil.

6. The next layer is put shredded on a grater with fine teeth yolks, lubricate with mayonnaise.

7. On yolks lay out grated on the same grater as the yolks, raw carrots, coat with mayonnaise.

8. On the carrot lay out a bit of crushed proteins, we coat with mayonnaise.

9. Again, lay out the cheese, put a spoon of mayonnaise, smear.

10. At the very end put the canned fish.

11. Put a flat plate on the salad and turn it over, remove the plastic wrap.

12. We remove a small portion of the salad from two sides with a large spoon, making a rounding for the future of the scallop and the neck of the rooster.

13. We take a simple sheet of paper, cover the entire salad, leaving only the scallop, and sprinkle with paprika. 14. Cut a heart in the middle of the paper and sprinkle the "earrings" of the rooster using the same method.

15. Cut a small triangle out of a raw carrot - it will be a rooster's beak.

16. Instead of the eyes we put small olives or black pepper peas.

17. With a napkin we remove the excess paprika and put the salad in the fridge for two hours.

Mimosa salad with canned fish - subtleties and tips

• Salad can be formed in any convenient way: on large flat dishes, in deep salad bowls, in portion bowls. Especially beautiful salad is obtained if you lay it in special detachable forms, which are removed before serving.

• Smooth and tidy salad is obtained, if all the components included in the composition, the same temperature.

• In any recipe, boiled potatoes can be replaced with rice and vice versa, the taste of the salad will not get worse, just change a little.

• Instead of the usual boiled carrots, you can put Korean carrots.

• The salad will turn out to be nourishing and with an unusually delicate flavor, if you add grated frozen sweet butter to it in the thinnest layer.

• To make the onion in the salad not bitter, it is poured with boiling water for a while, or marinated. It is also permissible to replace onions with shallots.

• Canned fish is always different in taste, so be sure to try it on salt before adding to avoid over-salting the salad.

• Especially tasty is a well-soaked salad, so it is prepared either in the evening or a few hours before being put on the table.

• To make the settled salad look fresh, rub the yolks just before serving or simply cover the salad while soaking with cling film.

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