Chicken breast steamed in a slow cooker - no hassle! Steamed chicken breast recipe in a slow cooker, with vegetables, mushrooms, garnishes

Chicken breast steamed in a slow cooker - no hassle! Steamed chicken breast recipe in a slow cooker, with vegetables, mushrooms, garnishes

Steam dishes are considered dietary.

In principle, it is, although this technology is quite suitable for the daily diet.

Use the slow cooker and our recipes to save some time and, perhaps, steamed chicken dishes will become quite ordinary for you.

Steamed chicken breast in a slow cooker - general principles of cooking

• For steaming, it is recommended to take a chilled breast. Frozen meat, as a rule, turns out to be rather dry; during defrosting, most of the “meat juice” leaves the fibers, ensuring the juiciness of the finished dish.

• To achieve maximum juiciness, chicken is cooked entirely on the bone and does not remove the skin from it. Fillets must be marinated and packed in foil tightly before laying in a steam bowl. Quite often chicken meat is plentifully greased with specially prepared sauce.

• Also, the breast or its fillet is steamed with vegetables, which are also laid out in the bowl of the steam container to the breast. Often they are mated with pieces of chicken fillet or stuffed breasts with browned vegetables.

• There are many recipes for cooking steamed chicken breast in a slow cooker with side dishes. Usually they are cooked in parallel with the meat, in the cooking bowl. This garnish can be both boiled grits, and stewed or boiled vegetables.

Juicy steamed chicken breast in a slow cooker with zucchini


• 800 gr. chicken breast (on the bone);

• two tablespoons of concentrated soy sauce (dark);

• half a teaspoon of “seasoning for poultry”;

• two small young zucchini (you can any other vegetables).

Cooking Method:

1. Thoroughly wash the chicken under water, wipe dry with a one-time towel. Do not remove the skin and bone.

2. Finely rub the meat with “Seasoning”, and put it in a bowl. Pour on soy sauce, close tightly and refrigerate for at least 40 minutes. Seasoning and soy sauce contain a sufficient amount of salt, therefore it is not necessary to additionally add meat. 3. While the semifinished product is marinated, it is desirable to get it several times and to coat the marinade well on all sides.

4. Wrap the marinated chicken tightly in baking foil and place the multicooker in the steam bowl.

5. Pour half a liter of hot water into the brew bowl and place the steam container on top. Run the “Steaming” program for forty minutes.

6. Wash the courgettes, remove the edges with a knife. Cut into narrow ringlets and lay them around the breast-packed foil 10 minutes before the end of the program.

7. After stopping the timer, carefully remove the meat and remove the foil. As soon as it cools down a little, cut into large chunks and server with steamed zucchini.

Steamed chicken breasts in a slow cooker stuffed with mushrooms


• two large chicken breasts;

• small onion;

• 160 gr. fresh mushrooms;

• white vermouth (dry) - 1/4 cup;

• a small piece of unsalted butter;

• vegetable oil - 15 gr .;

• 70 gr. Russian cheese;

• Spinach is a small bunch.

Cooking Method:

1. Shred the shredded onion and washed fresh mushrooms in small pieces. Washed and dried from the water spinach leaves cut into thin middle-sized strips.

2. Put the cream in the bowl, and then add vegetable oil to it. Start the “Frying” mode or, if desired, “Baking”, save the onion on the mixture of oils for three minutes.

3. Then add fresh mushrooms, stir and continue cooking for another three minutes.

4. Then pour wine into the bowl, add the spinach strips and cook until softened.

5. Put the future filling in the bowl and set aside until cool.

6. Remove the skin from the chicken, gently separate the bone from the fillet with a knife. Rinse the meat under the tap and wipe it thoroughly.

7. From the side of the thickened edge of the fillet, without cutting the sides, make one deep, even cuts.

8. Lay mushroom stuffing and small cheese cubes into the formed “pockets”.

9. Tightly wrap each stuffed fillet with foil and place in a steam container.

10. Fill the cooking bowl with a liter of water, insert the steam bowl with breasts and turn on the slow cooker for 20 minutes. 11. Boiled rice, buckwheat or lentils will be great as a side dish.

Chicken breast steamed in a slow cooker, under cheese with tomatoes


• half a kilo of thawed fillet;

• two tomatoes;

• 80 gr. hard non-sharp cheese;

• 40 ml of light soy sauce;

• bitter onion head;

• a small bunch of greenery.

Cooking Method:

1. Rinse the fillets and cut into narrow pieces across the fibers.

2. Transfer the chicken pieces to an enamel or glass bowl.

3. Pepper meat to your taste, add non-concentrated soy sauce. After stirring, set aside for half an hour in the cold.

4. Slice the cheese into as many thin plates as possible, chop the onion into half rings, and chop the greens with a heavy knife. Cut the tomatoes into medium-sized slices.

5. The onion is first placed in the steam container. On top of it are greens, and then pieces of chicken.

6. For each piece of meat, put on a slice of tomato and cover everything with hard cheese slices.

7. Place the container of meat in the cooking bowl, into which you first pour one and a half liters of running water.

8. Cook chicken with tomatoes and 40 minutes under the cheese.

9. Serve a dish with fresh vegetables or a side dish.

Steamed chicken breast pieces in a slow cooker with stewed vegetables


• large chicken fillet - 600 gr. (preferably in one piece);

• one tomato;

• a small pack of thick cream;

• small onion head;

• four potatoes;

• one yellow peppercorn;

• 200 gr. beans (string beans);

• small carrot;

• fresh herbs to taste;

• white cabbage - 250 gr.

Cooking Method:

1. Peel carrots and potatoes with a peeler, peel off onions. Cut the “tail” at the peppercorn, remove the core with the seeds and cut it in half.

2. Cut cabbage, potatoes, carrots, onions and pepper into small cubes and put them in the cooking bowl. Put green beans to vegetables, mix. Unnecessarily long pods must be cut.

3. Add a spoonful of vegetable oil, pour a glass of water. To your taste, pepper, lightly salt and mix. 4. Moisten the steam grid of the multicooker with oil and place the poultry meat cut into portions in it. Mix sour cream with ground pepper and salt. Smear with chicken mixture.

5. Place the tomato rings on top of the meat, and thin slices of cheese on them.

6. Install the steam grid in the multicooker, close the lid and turn on the “Pilaf” cooking option.

Steamed chicken breast in a slow cooker with boiled rice garnish


• chicken - 4 fillets;

• two glasses of steamed white rice;

• one third of a teaspoon of pepper pounded in a mortar;

• two tablespoons of soy (necessarily dark) sauce;

• large garlic clove.

Cooking Method:

1. Poultry meat, rinse well under running water, remove excess fat and film with a knife.

2. Add the ground pepper to the soy sauce, press the garlic with the press. Mix well, pour cooked marinade into a bowl of whole fillets. Leave for half an hour to marinate in heat.

3. To make the rice crumbly, rinse the grits thoroughly with cold water and strain the remaining liquid.

4. Then transfer it to the brew bowl and fill it with four glasses of water. Add a pinch of - another salt and mix well.

5. Place a steam container on the bowl and place the meat marinated in it.

6. Close the lid, set the “Plov” mode and start the timer for forty minutes.

A simple steamed chicken breast recipe in a slow cooker


• 1 kg of chicken, not frozen fillet;

• young dill;

• three sprigs of purple basil (fresh);

• ground thyme - 1 tsp;

• soy, only light, sauce - 40 ml.

Cooking Method:

1. Rinse dill sprigs and basil leaves thoroughly with plenty of cold water and place on a towel.

2. Wash the chicken and cut off the remaining chicken fat.

3. Grind dried greens with a knife, mix it with ground thyme.

4. Fold the breasts in a bowl, add the chopped greens to them, pour evenly with soy sauce and mix well.

5. Cover the bowl with a lid and put the meat in the fridge for an hour. Can be left indoors for half an hour. 6. Pour one liter of water into the slow cooker and install a steam bowl. Carefully place the chicken breasts in it. Spread the marinade and greens evenly over the chicken.

7. Cook the meat under the closed lid in the “Steam” mode for a quarter of an hour.

Steamed chicken breast in a slow cooker - cooking tricks and helpful tips

• If you have taken not the cooled, but frozen breast - defrost it properly. Do not thaw chicken in water, and do not use a microwave to defrost. The breast itself is somewhat dry, and with such a defrost it will become even drier. Therefore, put the meat in a bowl and leave it in the air until it is completely thawed.

• When wrapping chicken in foil, pay attention to the tightness of the package. If in the process of wrapping accidentally violated its integrity, be sure to change the foil. Otherwise, the juice will not be held, and the dish will turn out to be too dry.

• When using non-concentrated, light soy sauce for the marinade - do not add salt. This sauce in itself contains enough salt, which saturates the meat during pickling.

• Thyme recommended in some recipes should not be confused with seasoning from the savory plant. These are completely different plants and they give the taste to dishes unlike. However, given the amazing loyalty of chicken to various spices, you can experiment yourself.

• In general, adding spices to chicken meat, first try a couple of grains and try to imagine what the dish will be. Perhaps your own version will be much tastier. The only exception is the national dishes, the whole essence of which consists precisely in the aroma of spices.

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