Did you make a cucumber salad for the winter "Winter King"? New recipes for cucumber salad for winter "Winter King"

Did you make a cucumber salad for the winter

Imagine long winter evenings, a hot dinner and a summer freshness of lettuce made with your own hands. You can always serve it as an unusual side dish or salty snack. The beauty of this dish is that it preserves not only the taste and aroma for a long time, but also vitamins.

Cucumber salad for the winter “Winter King” - delicious, simple, and most importantly - inexpensive. As they say: cheap and cheerful.

The ingredients need the most simple, and cooking it is easy and pleasant. The most important thing is to keep the proportions, then the dish will turn out so tasty that you will lick your fingers!

Cucumber salad for winter “Winter King” - general principles of cooking

For the preparation of cucumber salad for the winter “Winter King” select solid fresh fruits of medium size. Do not use overripe big cucumbers or very small gherkins.

To start the vegetables should be well washed. You can use a soft brush (take the old toothbrush) in order to gently clean off the spines remaining after the bed. It will not be superfluous to soak cucumbers in cold water for an hour or two. Next, lightly dry our main ingredient and proceed directly to cooking.

You can cut both half rings and whole ringlets. Practical in all cucumber salad recipes. The composition includes onions. It needs to be cleaned, washed, dried and cut into half rings. Prepared vegetables spread in a large bowl, add salt and allow to stand for thirty to forty minutes. This is done to ensure that cucumbers have allocated juice. If desired, add washed and chopped dill.

In a large saucepan, spices are mixed with acetic acid, sugar, and black peppercorn. In the resulting aromatic brine add the fruits of cucumbers and mix well. Put on a quiet fire. Bring to a boil, in the process it is necessary to stir. After the vegetables have changed color from bright green to muffled - the salad is ready. Immediately laid out in the prepared banks. Cooked pickle should completely cover the cucumbers in a jar. Close the key, turn and wrap.

Cucumber salad for winter “Winter King” - classic

Most housewives prepare this salad in various ways. You can also find different “names” of such a cucumber dish, but the essence of the basic ingredients and principles of cooking remain the same. We offer a classic recipe for cucumber salad for the winter “Winter King”.


• five kilograms of cucumber fruit;

• three hundred grams of dill;

• one kilogram of onions;

• one hundred milliliters of acetic acid;

• two tablespoons of coarse salt;

• forty grams of granulated sugar;

• black pepper peas.

Method of preparation

Cucumbers are well washed and cut into rings. If desired, in a cucumber salad in half rings - the vegetable is cut in half into two parts and each of them is chopped across into thin semi-circles.

Prepared onions are cut into half-hen, finely chopped greens. All is thoroughly mixed and left for thirty to forty minutes.

Salt and pepper are put in a large bowl, sugar is poured, and acetic acid is poured. This sauce is mixed with infused cucumbers, greens and onions. All mix well. Put on a slow fire and leave until it boils. In the process, be sure to stir.

When changing the color of cucumbers from bright green to muted - the salad is ready. It is removed from the stove and laid out the banks that have been sterilized in advance. We roll, we wrap a warm blanket. Leave to cool.

Cucumber salad for winter “Winter King” with vegetable oil

The second name of this salad is “Nezhinsky”. He bears such a name in honor of the town of Nizhyn, famous for its cucumber varieties in Ukraine. This type of “Winter King” is similar to the previous one, but in the recipe there is vegetable oil and slightly different proportions.


• two kilograms of cucumbers;

• two kilograms of onions;

• one hundred milliliters of sunflower oil;

• one hundred milliliters of acetic acid; • twenty grams of salt;

• thirty grams of granulated sugar;

• black pepper peas.

Method of preparation

The green fruits of fresh cucumbers are washed and chopped into slices of medium thickness. Onions chopped into semi-circles. Pour spices, pepper, granulated sugar, salt and insist. We need to wait for the juice to stand out from the cucumbers. Then everything is mixed, put on the stove and allowed to boil. Ten minutes later, acetic acid and sunflower oil are poured into the cucumber fruit. Once again give to boil. Then immediately laid out on prepared banks and roll the key. Tara turn over, cover. Then allow to cool.

Cucumber salad for winter “Winter King” - “raw”

Not everyone prefers conventional winter salads by cooking, because the taste of cucumber fruits may change and they will become soft. For lovers of the fresh taste of fragrant crunchy cucumbers, this is an excellent recipe for a cucumber salad for the winter “Winter King” of the raw cooking method. The highlight of this recipe is a large number of garlic cloves. We do not advise you to add less, because in the salad it acts as a preservative, preventing the appearance of mold or other microorganisms.


• three kilograms of cucumbers;

• two hundred grams of onions;

• quarter kilogram of garlic cloves;

• one hundred fifty grams of 6-9% acetic acid;

• one hundred grams of salt;

• a glass of sugar;

• ground black pepper;

• Fresh herbs or other spices to taste.

Method of preparation

Cucumbers are washed with cool water and chopped with ringlets no more than one centimeter thick. Onions cut into thin strips, garlic is passed through a press. All mixed, salt, add sugar, acetic acid, pepper and other spices as desired. If you add fresh herbs - the salad will acquire a fragrant fresh smell and taste. This training is best done at night or early in the morning. As further, the salad should be left in a cool place for ten hours. Then it remains only to decompose the salad in sterilized container. The dish is ready! You can even close the cans with ordinary capron caps, or roll them up if you wish. If one tablespoon of sunflower oil is poured into each jar, it will be stored in a cool place better and longer. Enjoy your meal!

Cucumber salad for winter “Winter King” with apple juice

With the preparation of a salad of cucumbers, "Winter King" according to previous recipes can handle an inexperienced or novice hostess. And if you want to surprise your loved ones with an unusual refined taste, try cooking this salad with apple juice. For the exotic, you can add pine twigs, then you will have already prepared a New Year's dish in advance.


• two and a half kilograms of cucumber fruits;

• one liter of freshly squeezed apple juice;

• one tablespoon of salt;

• pine sprig to taste (3 pcs. 10 cm each).

Method of preparation

Washed cucumbers are blanched for a few seconds in boiling water. Then put salt, apple juice and boil. When adding pine twigs - they are placed on the bottom of the jar, then put cucumbers and pour in boiling brine. But not everything is so simple. After two minutes, you must again pour the marinade into the pan and boil again. After that, cucumbers are finally poured, the banks are rolled up, turned over and allowed to cool in an inverted form.

Cucumber salad for winter “Winter King” in currant juice

Experiment lovers are invited to try the winter cucumber salad flavored with currant juice. This component will give the dish spiciness and juiciness. And guests will not remain indifferent and be sure to ask for a recipe. Of course, black currant juice is better to prepare yourself from fresh berries, but you can use the one bought in the store.


• two kilograms of cucumber fruits:

• two cloves;

• twenty grams of granulated sugar;

• a glass of black currant juice;

• one liter of water;

• five tablespoons of salt;

• mint to taste;

• dill to taste;

• several black pepper peas.

Method of preparation

Cucumbers are washed and dried. Then the ends are cut from two edges. Water, salt and sugar are poured into a large pot. From currant berries make juice. You can skip through a sieve or cheesecloth, in the presence of a juicer - use it. The resulting black currant juice is also added to the pan. Put on a slow fire and bring to a boil. While the pickle is being prepared, banks can be prepared. Mint, cloves, dill, pepper and other spices are put on the bottom of the sterilized jars. Tara filled with sliced ​​cucumbers, add fill and roll. Salad ready!

Cucumber salad for winter “Winter King” with sweet pepper

If you are already tired of the classic “Winter King” and want something more spicy, cook this salad with sweet pepper. You can take the usual taste or spicy - your choice. It's even better to make a mix by adding both kinds of peppers.


• two and a half kilograms of cucumber fruits;

• 10-12 tablespoons of salt;

• 2-3 pieces of sweet pepper;

• 2-3 pieces of hot pepper;

• two bulbs;

• three tablespoons of allspice;

• three cloves of garlic;

• carnation;

• half a liter of apple cider vinegar for each jar.

Method of preparation

The fruits of cucumbers are washed and poured salted water. Leave for 10-12 hours. Onions, sweet and hot peppers cut into slices, garlic is passed through the press. After soaking the cucumbers rinsed, chopped into ringlets or cut along. All vegetables are laid out fresh in sterilized jars. Spices and spices pour acetic acid and boil. The resulting brine poured cucumbers in banks, leaving a space on top. Roll up, turn and leave to cool.

Cucumber salad for the winter “Winter King” with tomatoes

If you have grown fond of cucumbers and tomatoes, then you can add tomatoes to the Winter King salad in a cucumber salad for the winter. You do not have to cook them separately. Two salad in one - an excellent solution, time saving and unique taste.


• three cucumbers;

• three tomatoes;

• one onion;

• two tablespoons of sunflower oil;

• two tablespoons of acetic acid;

• two teaspoons of salt;

• one teaspoon of granulated sugar;

• one clove of garlic;

• dill.

Method of preparation

Vegetables are well washed. Tomatoes are cut in halves, cucumbers are chopped into rings. Onions are peeled, chopped into rings. In a clean liter jar poured vegetable oil. On the bottom of the container lay onions. Then alternating layers put tomatoes and cucumbers. Add garlic passed through the press. All sprinkled with salt, sugar, add acetic acid. Put dill on top and pour boiling water over it. Banks put in a bowl with hot water, cover with lids and sterilize for ten to fifteen minutes. Then roll, turn, wrap a warm rug and allowed to cool.

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