Calories of buckwheat

Calories of buckwheat

Those who follow their own figure often mistakenly believe that buckwheat due to its high starch content and rather high energy value, which is 313 kilocalories per 100 g of finished porridge, does not fall into the category dietary products. However, this is not the case because, due to its unique composition, buckwheat helps to improve metabolism and burn fat deposits. For this reason, buckwheat porridge is often included in the composition of various diets: there is no harm from its use in terms of weight gain, but the benefits to the body are very great.

It should start with the fact that 100 buckwheat contains about 60% carbohydrates, which are the main source of energy for any person, and about 10% protein, which includes 18 types of different amino acids. This means that even if you eat only buckwheat porridge on the water, you can not only perfectly satisfy hunger, but also maintain the normal functioning of the whole body for a long time. Of course, buckwheat is very low in fat, and their amount per 100 g of cereals does not exceed 2-2, 5%. But at the same time, this cereal contains about 12 g of dietary fiber per 100 g of product, which contribute to the digestive process and regulate intestinal peristalsis. With regard to nutritional value, in this respect, buckwheat is unique, as it is rich not only in vitamins B, E and PP, but also in magnesium, iron, calcium, sulfur, phosphorus, potassium, copper, cobalt, zinc, manganese and sodium. It is due to its composition that dishes with buckwheat help to reduce blood sugar levels, cleanse the body of toxins, and vessels - from cholesterol. It is buckwheat, enriched with organic acids, has a beneficial effect on the stomach and is an indispensable product for ulcers and gastritis. Plus, its microelements contribute to strengthening the heart muscle and bone system, stimulate the body's regeneration processes and have a very beneficial effect on the nervous system. It is also worth noting that buckwheat is one of the few products of plant origin, 100 g of which contains almost 5 mg of iron and 150 mg of magnesium. It is for this reason that buckwheat porridge should be the main dish in the diet of future mothers, if they suffer from low levels of hemoglobin or uterus hypertonus, which can lead to premature birth.

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