Duck meat: benefit and harm

Duck meat: benefit and harm

Speaking of the most dangerous predators on earth, many remember the white shark, cobras and other creatures, but it would be fair to give this title to man. Homo Sapiens does not disdain practically any kind of meat; some ducklings are on the list of favorite foods. Today we will talk about the benefits and dangers of duck meat.

Currently in nature there are more than a hundred species of ducks. White Peking, Aylesbury, Musky, Rouen, Buff, Cayuga, and Swedish are considered beef breeds. The meat of duck is dark in color, it is very tender, fat and healthy.

Duck meat: calorie content and composition

Duck meat is considered the most valuable source of protein (about 16 g of protein per 100 g of the product), as well as such vitamins as A (according to this indicator, duck meat is recognized as a record holder), B1, B3, B6, B12, riboflavin, folic acid. In the list of the most valuable elements contained in duck meat, you can see selenium, phosphorus, copper, potassium, iron, manganese, sodium and many others that are necessary for the full activity of the substance.

Above it was said that duck meat is very fat (about 100 g of fat per 100 g of product). Duck fat is an amazing product, it is considered an excellent prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system, malignant tumors, improves brain function. A high percentage of fat content explains the high energy value of meat. Caloric content of duck meat - 250 kcal / 100 g.

Useful properties of duck meat

The valuable composition of the duck does not leave a drop of doubt that it is very useful. However, listing the components of the meat without listing its properties is just words. It is proved that duck meat:

  • has a beneficial effect on brain activity,
  • strengthens the nervous system,
  • helps overcome stress,
  • normalizes metabolism,
  • increases male power.

In addition to the above, it is necessary to include duck in the diet to people whose work activity is associated with large expenditures of energy and nerves. Useful meat with anemia. Pyridoxine, which is part of duck meat, accelerates the breakdown and synthesis of amino acids, while thiamine, also listed among the components, converts carbohydrates into energy.

Duck meat: harm and contraindications

Undoubtedly, duck meat must be in the diet of a person who wants to get everything from life. However, sometimes such a delicacy should be abandoned. Due to the fact that the concentration of cholesterol in the product is quite high, they are not recommended to abuse with obesity and diabetes. Restrict the use of dishes, in the list of ingredients which are listed duck, have for diseases of the stomach, liver and pancreatitis, because duck contains refractory fats and is poorly digested.

How to choose a duck

Duck meat has a specific taste, which many do not have to like. However, if you know some of the secrets of cooking and choose the right duck carcass, then the culinary masterpiece will surely be appreciated by even the greatest fussy. If you decide to pamper your household or guests with a dish of duck, then go shopping not to the supermarket, but to the market, even better - to the farm. The ideal age for slaughtering ducks is considered six months. The carcass should be shiny, yellowish in appearance, with thick skin and a noticeable fat layer. Remember: the duckier is more fat, the dinner will be tastier, but at the same time the carcass should not be too fat, because it will give the dish an unpleasant taste, and the valuable substances that make up the meat will be worse absorbed by the body.

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