Vinaigrette - tasty, satisfying, economical: only 22 rubles for 4 servings

Vinaigrette - tasty, satisfying, economical: only 22 rubles for 4 servings

A nourishing and nutritious vegetable salad is, of course, a vinaigrette! Since ancient times, he has conquered all the cuisines of the world with his unpretentiousness and simplicity, which borders on the usefulness and satiety of this dish.

The best time to prepare this salad is autumn or winter, because it is on ice days that our body lacks vitamins and minerals, and thanks to the vegetable mix, we can easily make up for such a loss and at the same time treat yourself to a delicious dish.

But the vinaigrette has another positive quality - it is also extremely economical for almost any wallet, since it consists of the most ordinary products. Preparing such a dish during the harvest season, you will spend mere pennies on the purchase of all the ingredients and at the same time easily feed not only your family, but also the guests who came! Let's try to create it together and at the same time calculate how much it will cost 4 servings of this delicious vegetable salad.

Ingredients Required:

- 4-5 boiled potatoes;

- 2 boiled carrots;

- 2 boiled beets;

- 2-3 salted or pickled cucumbers;

- 1 onion;

- 150 g of green canned peas;

- 20 ml of vegetable oil;

- 0.5 tsp. salts;

- greens to taste.

Vinaigrette - tasty, satisfying, economical: only 22 rubles for 4 servings

If you haven’t boiled vegetables yet, then you need to do it first. But only boil the beets separately from the other root vegetables, otherwise it will stain them pink, and for the vinaigrette it is a classic mistake in cooking! And you do not need to boil it for about an hour - only 20-25 minutes is enough and the beets will be ready. To do this, use a little secret - after cooking, immediately immerse it in ice water! It is she who will destroy the strong fiber of the vegetable and the beets will become soft and juicy. And do not forget to add sugar to the water when cooking beets - it will add extra sweetness to the root crop.

Boil all the vegetables, make them cut. All ingredients, except green peas, cut into cubes. Chop the beets first and immediately place them in a bowl, watering with vegetable oil.

Vinaigrette - tasty, satisfying, economical: only 22 rubles for 4 servings

Then chop the carrot and add it to the bowl too.

Vinaigrette - tasty, satisfying, economical: only 22 rubles for 4 servings

The next layer is boiled potatoes. So that it does not crumble when cutting, moisten the knife in cold water.

Vinaigrette - tasty, satisfying, economical: only 22 rubles for 4 servings

Behind him chop onions. Optionally, onions can be pickled before cooking in vinegar with salt and sugar. Just do not forget to press it then when added to the salad.

Vinaigrette - tasty, satisfying, economical: only 22 rubles for 4 servings

Then chop salted or pickled cucumbers - any suitable for this vegetable dish.

Vinaigrette - tasty, satisfying, economical: only 22 rubles for 4 servings

The last layer is green peas. Add it to the bowl for the rest of the vegetables.

Vinaigrette - tasty, satisfying, economical: only 22 rubles for 4 servings

Lightly salt the salad and mix.

Vinaigrette - tasty, satisfying, economical: only 22 rubles for 4 servings

Be sure to taste and, if necessary, add a little more salt. Pour in vegetable oil and mix gently again. Spit vinaigrette in bowls or salad bowls and decorate with fresh herbs. By the way, if you wish, you can dilute this classic version of salad preparation with any suitable ingredients: beans, green onions, pieces of herring, and dressing with mayonnaise or olive oil instead of vegetable oil - this only benefits him!

Vinaigrette - tasty, satisfying, economical: only 22 rubles for 4 servings

Enjoy your meal!

Well, now let's analyze the price list for the products for this vegetable dish and our costs for its preparation.

Cost calculation:

- 4-5 potatoes - 7 rubles;

- 2 carrots - 2 rubles .;

- 2 beets - 3 rub .;

- 2-3 pickled cucumbers - 3 rubles;

- 1 onion - 2 rubles .;

- 150 g of green canned peas - 3 rubles;

- 20 ml of vegetable oil - 2 rubles.

Total: 22 rubles

So, 4 servings of a hearty vinaigrette will cost us 22 rubles. Believe me, this is just a great price for a healthy and nutritious salad that you prepare from the products that are constantly present in stores and supermarkets! Cook with us!

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