Butter biscuit - fragrant homemade cakes! Options butter biscuit with carrots, sour cream and cocoa

Butter biscuit - fragrant homemade cakes! Options butter biscuit with carrots, sour cream and cocoa

Butter biscuit is an airy, but at the same time dense cake that can be served as a separate dish for tea, or used as a basis for other baking.

Biscuits with butter are so tender and juicy that they do not even need to be soaked. From butter biscuits you can make a hearty and delicious cake, air cakes, sweet cake pops. As well as the usual empty butter biscuit, stuffed with candied fruit, fruit or dried fruit, buttered biscuit roll, tinted with food coloring or cocoa and many, many other pastries.

Cooking biscuits with butter or margarine is much easier than regular protein biscuits. The whole process of making dough consists only of mixing the ingredients. And, it remains only to pour the dough into the form and bake. Such a biscuit is simply impossible to spoil!

Butter biscuit - general principles of preparation

Biscuit is necessarily prepared from three main ingredients - these are eggs, flour and sugar. To make the biscuit butter, you need to add softened butter to it.

Butter biscuit must always buy fresh, proven brands. Flour for baking should be of the highest grade and preferably 2 times passed through a sieve.

The oil should be removed from the refrigerator in advance and left to soften at room temperature for 2-3 hours. After it must be whipped to a white smooth with sugar.

To make the dough rise well and not sticky, separate the whites from the yolks and beat them separately. The yolks - with an oily mixture, and proteins - separately to a white thick foam.

After both mixtures, you need to gently mix with each other, adding the required amount of flour. It is necessary to stir either with a spoon or with your hands. Spread the dough immediately, before it is lowered, in a greased form. If desired, you can simply lay the form with foil or baking paper. You can bake a biscuit in a slow cooker or in the oven, which you first need to warm up well. So that the butter biscuit does not burn and does not dry up, you need to cook no longer than the time that is written in the recipe.

Dried fruits, poppy seeds, cocoa, fresh or frozen berries, coconut, chocolate or food coloring can be added to the sponge cake.

Butter biscuit - a classic recipe


• 4 raw chicken eggs;

• 170 g butter;

• 1 cup sugar;

• 10 g of baking powder (one bag);

• 1.5 cups of premium wheat flour.

Cooking process:

1. Put sugar and soft butter in a bowl. Knead with a fork or whisk, the main thing is to achieve a homogeneous consistency.

2. Wash eggs, chop and separate the whites from the yolks. Squirrels in a separate container, beat until fluffy foam.

3. Add the yolks to the butter with the sugar. Beat until smooth.

4. Baking powder to the flour and sift through a sieve. When cooking sponge dough, be sure to take wheat flour of the highest grade.

5. Transfer the whipped proteins to the oil mixture and gently mix.

6. Now pour the flour in portions and at the same time knead the dough neatly.

7. Cover the baking dish with baking paper or tracing paper, pour dough on it.

8. In an oven heated to 180-200 ° C, put the mold in for 35-45 minutes. If you doubt the readiness of the cake, pierce it with a toothpick or a thin knife, it will be dry.

9. After the sponge cake is baked, let it cool slightly and take it out of the mold.

Butter sponge cake with carrots


• half a cup of powdered sugar (ordinary sand can be used);

• 3 raw chicken eggs;

• 2-3 Art. l butter;

• 1-2 fresh carrots;

• 2 cups of wheat flour;

• a pinch of salt;

• pinch of ground cinnamon;

• baking powder bag for biscuits.

Cooking process:

1. Peel and wash carrots. Then rub on a grater with an average cell size. It should make a glass of carrot. It is better to take fresh carrots so that it gives enough juice. If the carrot is dry, the cake will be harsh. 2. Mix eggs with powder, add butter. Mix.

3. Add carrots, cinnamon and salt to the eggs and mix well.

4. Sift the flour with baking powder and, kneading the dough, add to the container to the remaining ingredients.

5. Put the finished dough in a baking sheet and bake at standard temperature (180-200 ° C) for a little less than an hour.

Butter sponge cake with sour cream


• 90-100 g margarine;

• one glass of granulated sugar;

• 1 cup sour cream of any fat content (or yoghurt without additives);

• 2 eggs;

• soda incomplete spoon;

• 1 cup of wheat flour;

• 1 tbsp. l semolina;

• 10 ml of sunflower oil.

Cooking process:

1. Put soda in sour cream and leave to swell for 15 minutes.

2. Pour sour cream with soda into a cup for kneading dough. Add the softened margarine and mash with a fork.

3. Add sugar and eggs. Mix and beat with a whisk or blender. The consistency of the mixture should be no lumps.

4. Sift and fill the semolina and, mixing the future dough, leave for a few minutes to swell the grains.

5. Now pour the sifted flour and knead the dough well.

6. Grease a baking sheet and pour the dough into it.

7. Put in a preheated oven for about half an hour.

8. It’s best to leave the finished cake to cool slightly before cutting.

Oil sponge cake with food coloring


• 180-200 g of fatty butter;

• 200 g of wheat flour;

• 3 chicken eggs;

• 150 g of granulated sugar;

• on the tip of a food coloring dye (any color);

• half a bag of vanilla sugar;

• baking powder bag (10 g).

Cooking process:

1. Soften butter and grind with sugar.

2. Add eggs, vanilla sugar and whisk.

3. Sift flour with baking powder.

4. Gradually introduce the flour and baking powder into the cup with other products.

5. Knead the dough.

6. Add dye at the tip of the knife. If you want to make a brightly colored biscuit, add a little more. Can be used as a dye and spices, such as saffron or turmeric. 7. Beat dough until uniform color and consistency.

8. Pour the prepared dough into the form and bake (the temperature of the oven is 180-200 ° C) until cooked (approximately 40 minutes).

Oiled biscuit roll


• 1.5 cups of wheat flour;

• 4 raw chicken eggs;

• almost a glass of granulated sugar;

• 10 g of baking powder (bag);

• 280 g butter;

• 10 ml of sunflower oil;

• 100 ml of condensed milk (or boiled condensed milk).

Cooking process:

1. Mix butter (180 g) with sugar and eggs in a cup. Whisk everything with a whisk.

2. Sift the flour through a sieve.

3. Pour the flour and baking powder into the cup and knead the dough.

4. Prepare a long low baking dish. Brush it with sunflower oil and pour the dough into it. Spread evenly.

5. Put in a preheated oven bake. It will take about 10-15 minutes.

6. At this time, prepare the cream. The remaining slightly soft butter mixed with condensed milk and whisk the whisk of a blender.

7. When the dough is reddened, pull it out of the oven and let it cool slightly.

8. Now lubricate the entire surface of the biscuit with a cream, smooth it with a thin layer.

9. Fold the biscuit roll and let it cool.

10. Cut the roll into portions and serve.

Cocoa Butter Sponge


• 1 cup of wheat flour;

• 30-40 g butter;

• 8 chicken raw eggs;

• 180 g of powdered sugar or sand;

• 50 grams of almond;

• 1 tsp. cocoa (or ground coffee);

• 5 g vanillin.

Cooking process:

1. Wash eggs and chop, pour into a cup.

2. Melt butter, but not to boil.

3. Mix the flour with baking powder and sift through a fine sieve.

4. Scald almonds with boiling water and peel the skin, it has a bitter taste. Peeled nuts a little dry and grind into a crumb. Instead of whole nuts, you can use almond petals, then they only need to grind to crumb.

5. Add sugar to the eggs and add butter. Whisk everything with a whisk. 6. Now add vanilla, cocoa and almonds. Beat again to mix everything up.

7. Flour the flour in a cup with the rest of the ingredients and knead the dough.

8. Cover the baking dish with baking paper and pour the dough into it. Smooth with a spatula.

9. Put the form in a hot oven for baking. The dough will rise and redden, then it will be possible to understand that the cake was baked. You can pierce it with a toothpick, if it is dry, everything is ready. If the toothpick is a dough, then the cake is raw. Then put it back in the oven for 5-10 minutes.

Butter biscuit - tricks and tips

• To shorten the cooking time, you can not separate the whites from the yolks, but be aware that the dough will rise a little worse.

• To make it easier for the whites to whip, they need to be cooled first

• Add flour to the dough, you need to mix it very carefully and only until the flour lumps disappear.

• For a more delicate flavor, vanillin can be added to the dough.

• For airiness, you can leave a small amount of whipped proteins and mix them into the dough at the very end.

• To make the sponge cake even better in size, you can add baking powder and soda slaked with ordinary vinegar.

• If you sprinkle the bottom of a baking dish with flour or breadcrumbs, it will be easier to get baking out of it.

• It is better not to open the oven during baking the biscuit, otherwise the baking may be blown away.

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