Stuffed Bagels

Stuffed Bagels

If you had been told earlier that you would be happy to eat stuffed bagels, then you would probably just laugh at his face - well, what kind of food is this ?!

However, with the onset of the crisis state, many hostesses begin to look for recipes for inexpensive and mouth-watering dishes that can be easily fed to a large family and still be left “at home”!

Pasta and potatoes are already fed up and you want something tasty and economical, so you don’t need to be so categorical about bagels, and maybe you will like them - just try them once according to the recipe described below.

So, take the following ingredients for 4 servings:

- 1 bunch of big bagels;

- 400 g minced meat;

- 50 g of cheese;

- 1 chicken egg;

- 2 pinches of salt;

- 10 ml of vegetable oil to lubricate the form;

- 100 ml of water or milk.

Stuffed Bagels

It is best to choose large lean bagels - they do not taste very sweet and soak well in milk or water. They are sold almost everywhere, but not in packages or by weight, but already in a bundle. But if you don’t find bagels in a store or a supermarket, then small dryers are also well savored along with roasted minced meat!

In order to bagels are not even harder, jammed in the oven, they must first soak. To do this, identify them in a bowl with water or milk - according to your taste, and leave to soak for about 10-15 minutes, making sure that their shell remains slightly firm.

Stuffed Bagels

At this time, break ground chicken meat and salt it. All mix until smooth. Choose pork or pork beef, because it contains more fat, which bagels absorb and become more juicy and tasty. If you decide to make mince at home, you can use any meat, even chicken or turkey meat, but be sure to add a piece of lard to it - for fat. Those who like spicy taste in meat dishes, it is recommended to add a few cloves of garlic, passed through a press into mincemeat - mincemeat will benefit from this ingredient in taste! Also, do not be limited to these seasonings - you can add a little spicy herbs or fragrant spices in the stuffing.

Stuffed Bagels

Spread soaked bagels on a baking sheet or greased parchment paper and fill them with minced meat to the top. Be sure to grease the baking sheet, as soaked bagels can stick to the baking sheet if you forget to grease! Place the baking sheet in a preheated oven at 180 ° C and bake for about 20 minutes, until the mince is completely baked.

Stuffed Bagels

While bagels are baked, grate the cheese on a large grater. For such a dish, it is better to choose hard cheeses, as they keep their shape perfectly and melt perfectly when baking. Remove the bagel pan and sprinkle with grated cheese on top, trying not to go beyond the edges. Roast them in the oven for another 3-5 minutes until the cheese melts and reach for the baking sheet.

Stuffed Bagels

This dish will certainly serve hot, so that the soft creamy taste of cheese resonates with the juiciness of the meat and lean dough. Any side dish can be cooked for it - with such hot meat everything is eaten up to be “excellent”, or you can simply serve with greens!

Stuffed Bagels

Calculation of dish cost:

- 1 bundle of bagels - 30 rubles;

- 400 g of minced meat - 100 rubles;

- 1 egg - 5 rub .;

- 50 g of cheese - 15 rubles .;

- salt and oil - 5 rubles.

Total: 155 rubles.

At the same time you get a full-fledged meat dish, which is much more expensive in restaurants and it’s not a fact that it will be cooked much tastier than you are in your kitchen! Good appetite!

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