How to clean champignons: for boiling, frying, marinating. Do champignons clean before cooking and why?

How to clean champignons: for boiling, frying, marinating. Do champignons clean before cooking and why?

A unique composition that includes a whole range of vitamins and microelements makes champignons not only tasty, but also a useful product.

The basic rule is to choose fresh mushrooms and process them correctly.

The latter includes not only the preparation, but also the preparation of champignons for eating.

How to clean champignons and whether champignons clean at all is a question that sooner or later rises before every housewife.

How to clean champignons: basic rules

To the question: “Do champignons clean?” There is an unequivocal answer: “Yes”. Mushrooms need some processing and cleaning.

In order to clean the mushrooms, you need to know some of the nuances. The cleaning technique largely depends on the size and degree of freshness of the mushrooms:

• mushrooms of a small size, sufficiently dense and fresh enough to process with a stiff brush and cut off the base of the leg by a few millimeters; then rinse the mushroom under running water and leave to dry on a paper towel;

• Fresh mushrooms of larger sizes are also cleaned with a brush, but they pay special attention to the tainted dark areas, they should be cut out with a sharp knife; then rinse the mushroom and leave on a paper towel to dry.

In this way, particles of earth and grass, as well as mechanical dirt and dust trapped during transportation of the product, are removed from the mushroom.

Peeling: This procedure should be carried out only if champignons are stale and require additional processing during preparation. Peel off with a knife. Grab the edge at the base of the cap and move upwards toward the other edge. The degree of "inestimable" fungus is determined exactly this way: the skin from stale mushrooms is removed much faster. Then the leg is cut, and the fungus is rinsed under running water, after which it is also dried on a paper towel.

How to clean champignons: for boiling, frying, marinating. Do champignons clean before cooking and why?

How to clean champignons with different cooking methods

The usual method of cooking mushrooms is frying or cooking the product.

Marinating champignons is less common.

Rarely, mushrooms are eaten raw. Of course, the amount of vitamins and minerals in this case is saved more. However, eating fresh champignons is justified only if the mushrooms are fresh and their appearance does not arouse suspicion.

If fresh mushrooms are planned to be consumed fresh, then the mushrooms should be thoroughly cleaned with a brush and rinsed in water. It is better to completely cut off the leg and remove excess moisture. Then send the mushrooms in the dish (most often salads).

If it is necessary to heat treat, first of all, you should examine each mushroom for the presence of spoiled areas and remove them.

How to clean champignons: for boiling, frying, marinating. Do champignons clean before cooking and why?

If the mushroom cap is large enough (more than 4 cm in diameter), then the skin should be removed. Smaller mushrooms can be simply rubbed against each other. Be sure to cut off the leg and wash the mushrooms under running water. Before hot champignons should be well dried. If boiling mushrooms is supposed, then additional drying is not required.

What else you need to know: how to clean champignons quickly and “with taste”

As with the preparation of any dish, the question of how to clean the mushrooms and preserve the taste of the culinary masterpiece, worries every hostess. It is worth noting several subtleties when working with these mushrooms:

1. Mushrooms should be cleaned before cooking. Peeled and sliced ​​mushrooms lose their beneficial and taste properties in a matter of hours.

2. Often in champignons one can observe so-called “skirts”. They do not carry any danger and can be cut only for aesthetic purposes.

3. Excess water takes away the taste and aroma from champignons. For this reason, the mushrooms are quickly washed under running water and dried with a paper towel.

4. Mushrooms are cut not only in order to use the finished dish more convenient. In this way, it is possible to achieve complete disclosure of taste. Therefore, when pickling, also choose small mushrooms, so that they are more quickly soaked with spices and pouring.

Small tricks of working with champignons

If it is necessary to store already cleaned mushrooms in the refrigerator, the storage time should not exceed 24 hours. In this case, the leg will need to be cut before cooking a few more millimeters.

Lemon juice will help to prolong the freshness of peeled mushrooms. It is enough to sprinkle the product with a few drops of lemon juice and cover with cling film.

Peel gives dishes with champignons a special aroma and taste, so it should be cut only on large, stale mushrooms.

Shop mushrooms are clean enough. They are easy to clean with a brush and rinse with water. If we are talking about forest champignons, then it will not be so easy to cope with stuck foliage, sand and twigs. In this case, it is necessary to soak the mushrooms in hot water. It is worth remembering that water takes the aroma and taste of the product, so the soaking process should not exceed 10-15 minutes. After this procedure, contamination will be much easier to remove. Need a knife and brush. With forest mushrooms, you must still remove the skin and cut the leg as much as possible. It is not recommended to use them in raw form and for marinating. Only purchased mushrooms are suitable for this purpose.

Modern rhythm of life dictates the rules of proper nutrition. Today, champignons can be seen on the table of vegetarians, vegans, raw food eaters and, of course, people with a traditional type of food. This product is common, and is found all year round on store shelves.

Champignons - the leaders among the mushrooms in the kitchen. They are easy to cook. They are tasty and safe for health. To prepare champignon dishes, you need to take fresh whole mushrooms. They must be properly processed and cleaned. And then dishes with mushrooms will give a delightful aroma and unforgettable taste.

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