Recipe for fried champignons. How to fry champignons: with or without onions - proper preparation, processing and cooking

Recipe for fried champignons. How to fry champignons: with or without onions - proper preparation, processing and cooking

Champignons are practically the most common mushrooms, very nourishing and tasty.

Their low price, benefits, quality and ease of preparation make these mushrooms in demand in all cuisines of the world.

Champignons can serve both as an independent dish, and as an addition to other dishes.

Champignons are unmatched in hot dishes, as well as in cold appetizers and salads. Mushrooms can be cooked, pickled, baked, eaten raw and, of course, fried.

Champignon roasting using butter is the most popular way to make these mushrooms. For their successful preparation you need to be based on recipes, skillfully apply existing knowledge, skills and imagination.

How to fry champignons. General principles of cooking fried champignons

• Mushrooms just before frying do not need to boil.

• The calorie content of cooked and roasted champignons will directly depend on the amount of oil used.

• Mushrooms must be washed and thoroughly wiped. And best of all, the mushrooms just get wet wet matter, while limiting their contact with some water, as this depends on the cooking time of mushrooms.

• If the leg of the fungus is contaminated, then it must be cut with a knife, cleaned of various damages and cut into plates.

• Fry mushrooms better in parts - the champignons laid out in a single layer on the pan with oil are prepared very quickly and efficiently.

• With proper processing, champignons cooked on low heat do not get fried and do not lose in volume.

• Salt and pepper seasoned mushrooms are recommended at the end of roasting.

• Frozen champignons should be boiled beforehand in lightly salted water, then dried and only then fried.

Recipe 1. Champignons, fried with onions in sour cream

Ingredients: • Fresh mushrooms - 0.5 kg.

• Onions - 2 pcs.

• Sour cream.

• Pepper, salt - on the fan.

• Oil (vegetable) - 120 ml.

• Greens - any at will.

Cooking Method:

Fresh mushrooms need to be cleaned and thoroughly washed under water and discarded on a napkin to dry.

After the champignons need to cut into plates.

Then the onions must be peeled and cut into small cubes.

Then in the heated oil in the pan you need to put onions and fry it, often stirring for 3-4 minutes.

After the onions need to add mushrooms and fry them on low heat for 15-20 minutes before browning. In the process of cooking mushrooms need salt and pepper.

Further (optional), you can add sour cream to the mushrooms with onions and simmer all the available ingredients for another 5-10 minutes.

Mushrooms fried with onions need to be decorated with greens and served to the table.

Recipe 2. Fried champignons in oil with the addition of white wine


• Mushrooms - 0.5 kg.

• Garlic - 4 teeth.

• Wine - 100/200 ml.

• Olive oil).

• Parsley.

• Salt, pepper - on the fan.

Cooking Method:

Mushrooms must be cleaned from the ground and cut into plates. In a heated olive oil in a skillet, brown garlic, peeled and chopped.

Then add the mushrooms to the garlic and start the roasting process.

After the end of the frying process, add the wine to the mushrooms, add pepper and salt. Next you need to continue to extinguish the product until the wine is completely evaporated.

At the end of the cooking mushrooms need to decorate with greens and submit them to the table.

Recipe 3. How to fry mushrooms over coals


• Champignon.

• Lemon juice.

• Butter (vegetable) or mayonnaise (sour cream).

• Pepper.

• Salt.

Cooking Method:

In order for the mushrooms to turn out appetizing and tasty, they need to be marinated.

Peeled and washed mushrooms should be marinated in squeezed lemon juice with spices and vegetable oil.

If desired, pickle mushrooms, you can take mayonnaise or sour cream instead of vegetable oil. And the mushrooms need to fry whole or in halves, after they pickle. Marinated mushrooms should be 40-50 minutes.

Then pickled mushrooms should be put on skewers or put on a grid.

Thus, champignons should be fried for 15-20 minutes from all sides, but not for long, so that they do not lose their elasticity and volume.

Recipe 4. Champignons fried with onions and greens


• Champignons 8-10 pcs.

• Butter (butter) - 30 gr.

• Lemon juice - 30 ml.

• Salt, pepper.

• Greens (dill, parsley).

Cooking Method:

First you need to wash the mushrooms thoroughly and scald them with boiling water.

Caps mushrooms must be cleaned from the films. If the caps are large, then they need to be cut into several pieces. The legs of the mushrooms must also be cut.

You also need to prepare onions - peel it and chop it.

Next on the butter, fry the onions to a transparent state. Then add the champignons to the onions and fry the ingredients together before browning the mushrooms.

After the onions with mushrooms, salt and pepper. Then they need to add chopped greens and cook another 10-12 minutes.

When the mushrooms are soft, you need to add cream, lemon juice and boil the whole mixture again.

Mushrooms prepared in this way can be served for lunch or dinner as a side dish.

Recipe 5. Roasted champignons with cracklings


• Mushrooms 0.5 kg.

• Salo - 50 gr.

• Onions - 2 pcs.

• Salt, pepper.

• Dill, coriander.

Cooking Method:

Mushrooms need to be poured over with salty water, and after a while to drain the liquid, dry the mushrooms and cut into strips.

Onions need to be cleaned and chopped into small cubes.

Lard also needs to be cut into cubes and put on a griddle, and then fry it until golden brown.

After the cracklings need to add mushrooms, onions and fry everything. Then, when the water from the mushrooms is evaporated, add salt to them and continue cooking under a covered lid for another 10 minutes. After cooking mushrooms need to decorate them with greens.

Recipe 6. Fried champignons with cabbage


• Mushrooms - 250 gr.

• Onions - 200 gr.

• Cabbage - 450 gr.

• Carrot - 180 gr.

• Oil (vegetable) - 180 ml.

• Salt, pepper.

Cooking Method:

Cabbage need to chop thin straws. Pepper (sweet) cut into rings. Carrot is better to grate.

Then prepared in this way, the vegetables must be mixed together in a deep salad bowl, salt and pepper.

After that, put onions and pre-washed, peeled and sliced ​​champignons in a heated butter pan in a frying pan.

Mushrooms need to fry until the onion is soft.

Next you need to add to the mushrooms cabbage, pepper, carrot and continue to fry all the ingredients on a small fire, regularly stirring for some time.

After an appetizing dish you can eat, putting it in a salad bowl and garnished with greens.

Recipe 7. How to fry mushrooms with cheese


• Mushrooms - 0.5 kg.

• Sour cream - 90 ml.

• Onion.

• Greenery.

• Salt, pepper.

• Olive oil).

• Cheese (processed).

Cooking Method:

The oil must be thoroughly heated. Peel the onions and chop into small cubes.

Next onions need to put on the pan and fry with constant stirring until they acquire a golden color and softness.

Then, the mushrooms, chopped with small plates, must be added to the onion and fry for half an hour until the liquid is completely evaporated from the champignons.

You also need to add sour cream, salt, pepper - mix everything thoroughly and fry for a few more minutes on a small light.

Then finely chop the greens and add them along with the melted cheese to the available ingredients. To stew the food should be about another 15-20 minutes.

Serve such a savory snack can be both cold and hot.

Recipe 8. Roasted champignons with pine nuts

Ingredients: • Mushrooms - 0.5 kg.

• Garlic - 4 teeth.

• Butter (butter) 30 gr.

• Wine - 60 ml.

• Lemon.

• Sprigs of greens.

• Pine nuts - 60 gr.

• Salt, pepper - on request.

Cooking Method:

Mushrooms should be thoroughly washed and fold to dry on a paper towel. Then the mushrooms need to be cut into small slices.

Garlic must be peeled, chopped and mixed with vegetable oil.

Then you need to put the mushrooms in a preheated pan, fry slightly until the liquid is completely evaporated. And then add the garlic butter and fry for some time until the mushrooms are fully cooked.

Next, you need to survive the juice of lemon, and fry the nuts in a dry non-oil pan. Cooked mushrooms must be put in a salad bowl and add nuts, chopped greens, grated zest, lemon juice to them. Then all the ingredients are recommended to mix well and serve to the table.

Recipe 9. Fried champignons in honey and peanut butter


• Mushrooms - 350 gr.

• Peanut butter - 40 ml.

• Sesame oil - 20 ml.

• Soy sauce - 40 ml.

• Honey - 40 ml.

Cooking Method:

Mushrooms need to cut the legs. Mushrooms should be thoroughly washed and set aside on a napkin for further drying.

Then you need to take a deep frying pan and set it on fire. After pouring peanut butter into it. As soon as the oil warms up, it is necessary to put mushrooms in it and begin the process of frying on medium heat for a few minutes.

Next to the fried mushrooms, you need to report honey and soy sauce. After you need to mix all the components together, turn down the heat and cover with a lid.

After some time, the lid must be removed and the cooking of the mushrooms should continue, regularly stirring them until the syrup finally thickens.

Now you can put all the ingredients in a salad bowl, sprinkle with sesame oil products and serve to the table.

How to fry champignons - tips and little tricks for cooking these mushrooms

• Before proceeding with the process of roasting mushrooms, they should be boiled to preserve the appearance and volume.

• You can not fry champignons - they absorb excessive amounts of oil, become fat and also lose volume.

• With meat, mushrooms should be cooked as follows. First, the meat is fried with spices and salt, and only then mushrooms are added.

• The technology of cooking mushrooms with onions is as follows. Onions are fried to a transparent state and only then, when it is cooked, add sliced ​​mushrooms.

• In order for frozen mushrooms not to be boiled, they need to be cooked a little longer, but make sure that they do not burn.

• You can evaporate excess moisture from the mushrooms by laying them out for a while in a hot, frying pan without oil.

• All portions of champignons go to food, these are legs and caps in connection with which you can show imagination and cut mushrooms in different ways, for the beauty and personality of the future dish.

• In order for champignons to have a toasted appetizing appearance while cooking, you can add a little flour to them in a ratio: a tablespoon of flour per kilogram of mushrooms.

• It will be very tasty if you add a piece of butter to cooked fried champignons and stew the dish for 5 minutes.

• To give the champignons some frustration after roasting, you can add cream, sour cream or tomato juice to them.

• Fried champignons can be used as a separate dish, or as a filling, dressing, as well as a side dish for meat and other dishes.

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