Paste "Nutella" at home - always a little! Recipes homemade pasta "Nutella": with chocolate, condensed milk, nuts


Nutella's home-made pasta is not so pathetic to smear a thick layer on a sandwich as it is expensive to buy.

And also it can decorate cakes, add to ice cream, cook desserts with fruit, cookies ...

Mmm, so cute!

And in general, with Nutella you can cook a lot of delicious things, so a jar of delicacy will never be superfluous in the fridge.

But how to make Nutella at home?

Homemade “Nutella” pasta - general principles of preparation

Chocolate is the basis of Nutella. But it is not necessary to put it. There are many recipes with cocoa or its mixture with chocolate. The second constant component of pasta are dairy products.

Based on what you can cook Nutella:

• regular milk;

• cream;

• sour cream;

• powdered milk;

• baby food;

• condensed milk.

As you can see, there are lots of options and you can always find at least one of the suitable products in the kitchen. For shine and fat content, oil is added to the paste. It may be of plant or animal origin, but without odors and salt. Most often, one product is easily replaced by another.

Nuts are another important ingredient in real Nutella. Ideally, roasted hazelnuts are used. But you can put and peanuts, walnuts. And in many recipes Nutella pasta at home nuts and do not use. The matter of taste and the presence of the ingredient.

Recipe “Nutella” at home with hazelnuts

A simple recipe for Nutella at home, which is based on milk chocolate. If you want to get a more saturated and pronounced taste, then you can take the bitter tiles.


• 300 grams of milk chocolate;

• 4 tablespoons of powder;

• 200 grams of hazelnuts;

• 3 spoons of vegetable oil;

• 2 spoons of cocoa;

• 1 bag of vanilla.

Cooking 1. Fry hazelnuts. Nuts need to brown and then dry well. But watch that they are not burned. Cooling down.

2. Now they need to shake hands and peel. Then grind. You can powder or leave small pieces.

3. Break the chocolate into cubes, send it to the water bath.

4. Mix the butter with powdered sugar and add cocoa, rub the mixture. For the flavor add vanilla.

5. Enter the mass of cocoa in the melted chocolate, stir and combine with chopped nuts.

6. While Nutella is not frozen, you need to put it in a container or a jar with a lid. Keep in the fridge.

Recipe for Custard “Nutella” at Home “Economy”

The beauty of this recipe Nutella at home is cost. From cheap and simple products that are in any kitchen, you can make a huge portion of chocolate paste. Let's start?


• 400 ml of milk;

• 300 grams of sugar;

• 2 spoons of plum oil .;

• 0.5 glasses of any nuts;

• 4 tablespoons flour;

• 3 spoons of cocoa;

• vanilla.


1. Beat eggs with sugar, cocoa, vanilla. Not to the pomp, just to give the mass uniformity.

2. Gradually add a third of the milk, then flour. Do not allow the formation of lumps.

3. Pour in milk residues, put the butter. It can not melt in advance.

4. Now you need to boil the mass. Ideally, this is done in a water bath. But you can put in a saucepan and make it just on fire. In this case, constantly stirring and do not move away for a minute.

5. As soon as the paste becomes thicker and “splash”, immediately remove from the heat.

6. Fry the nuts, grind and combine with the already cooled pasta. We shift in storage tank and send in the refrigerator.

Recipe “Nutella” in the home of cream

Another recipe based on milk chocolate. This paste is very similar to the original. And to make it need low-fat cream. 10-12% is enough. Ingredients

• 150 grams of roasted hazelnuts;

• 130 ml of cream;

• 130 grams of condensed milk;

• 200 grams of chocolate;

• 100 grams of powder.


1. Put the hazelnuts in the combine (you can in a blender) and grind. Since the nuts are quite fat, you get a mass resembling a paste. That is, not crumbly.

2. We melt chocolate in the bath. Add condensed milk.

3. In another bowl, whip the cream with powder. You can make and lush pasta, which is well suited for decorating cakes. To do this, use a fatty cream and whip actively to the pomp and weight gain.

4. Now combine the creamy mass with chocolate paste, add hazelnuts, stir and ready! We lay out in the jar and remove.

Home-made “Nutella” recipe from dry milk “5 minutes”

This recipe of Nutella at home will help out if you urgently want something tasty. Instead of powdered milk, you can similarly use infant milk formula, with it it turns out even tastier.


• 100 grams of milk powder (milk formula);

• 2 spoons of cocoa;

• 1 spoon of butter;

• some milk or cream.


1. Put cocoa and dried milk in a bowl, rub with a spoon lump.

2. Add soft butter. If it is frozen, then you can melt it. You can also add and vegetable oil, but only odorless. Tasty with peanut butter. In general, we put any fatty product to reduce viscosity.

3. Stir vigorously and add regular milk (cream, condensed milk) dropwise.

4. Bringing milk to the desired consistency and ready! If you have nuts, sesame, seed seeds, you can add to taste.

Recipe “Nutella” at home from plums

It turns out that Nutella chocolate paste can be made very useful. One has only to prepare it from fruit. In this case, plums are used. What just come up with practical hostess! They say that the taste of plums is almost not felt, but it turns out a huge portion of fragrant spread. Ingredients

• 2 kg of ripe plums;

• 100 grams of cocoa;

• 1 kg sugar;

• 250 grams of butter.


1. We wash plums, we dry and we remove stones. Take an immersion blender and grind well. You can use a meat grinder, but in this case you have to twist it twice.

2. Add sugar, put on the stove and cook for 3 minutes after boiling.

3. Pour the cocoa, put the butter, cut into pieces. Cooking an aromatic mass for another five minutes.

4. Fold in clean and dry jars, close with regular lids (kapron or screwed) and wait for complete cooling.

5. Put in the fridge and take out as needed. This Nutella less calorie than the real, but eaten much faster, probably because of the ease.

Recipe “Nutella” at home from the drain №2 (for the winter)

Another variant of Nutella recipe with plums at home. It is slightly different from the previous one, prepared with dark chocolate. Suitable for seaming for the winter.


• 2 kg of plums;

• 750 grams of sugar;

• 1 bag of vanilla;

• 1 tile (100 grams) of chocolate;

• 3 spoons of dark cocoa;

• 1 tsp. cinnamon;

• 100 grams of any nuts.


1. Purim plums. If there is no combine, you can add some water to the peeled slices, extinguish under the lid, cool and rub through a sieve with medium cells.

2. Add ground mashed nuts in mashed potatoes, it is better to use hazelnuts. You can pre-fry to make the bole paste fragrant.

3. Put on the stove. Add sugar, chocolate cubes, vanilla, cinnamon and cook for 12 minutes.

4. Spread the paste in sterile jars and roll up the lids with boiling water.

5. Turning upside down, insulating and leaving for a day. Next, remove the storage in the basement.

6. But you can simply decompose the paste into containers and use it right now. In this case, the cooking time can be reduced to several minutes.

Recipe for lean “Nutella” at home from chickpeas

A wonderful version of chocolate paste for the post. And if instead of sugar we put a low-calorie substitute, then with such Nutella it will also be very tasty to lose weight. In addition to chickpeas you need to buy dark chocolate without milk fat.


• 100 grams of sugar, better than brown;

• 200 grams of dark chocolate;

• 120 grams of chickpea;

• vanilla.


1. Fill chickpeas with water overnight. The peas will swell well and will look like peeled hazelnuts in the morning.

2. This water must be drained, add clean. Moreover, one part of the pea is not less than three parts of the liquid. We put on the stove and cook until soft. It takes about 45 minutes.

3. Drain the excess liquid, chill the chilli and cool it in any convenient way. It should be quite thick mass.

4. Add sugar, stir.

5. Melt the chocolate pieces. To make the paste shiny, you can add a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil.

6. Combine the melted chocolate with the previously cooked mashed potatoes, put the vanilla and mix.

7. We taste and bring the mass to the desired state. You can add more sugar, put seeds, nuts. If the paste is thick, then diluted with broth from chickpeas, you can pour coconut or soy milk.

Recipe “Nutella” at home “Minute” with vegetable oil

For this chocolate paste, you need an immersion blender, as well as unscented sunflower oil, that is, refined.


• 350 grams of vegetable oil;

• 3 scoops of cocoa powder;

• 3 spoons of powdered milk;

• 120 grams of powder;

• 100 grams of nuts;

• 1 bag of vanilla;

• 150 grams of milk normal.


1. Combine warm milk with powdered sugar, vanilla. Immediately put everything in the container for whipping, you can in your own glass for a blender, if its volume allows.

2. Pour in vegetable oil and whip at the highest power for 2 minutes. The mass should quickly thicken, will look like sour cream. 3. Put cocoa with powdered milk, beat for a few seconds.

4. Now it is necessary to pour nuts, but it is possible without them. Whip chocolate paste last time and that's it! The paste turns out very thick, rich, and is prepared much faster than this recipe is written.

“Nutella” at home - tips and tricks

• Chocolate paste will be much more fragrant if you pre-fry the nuts in a frying pan. And if you want Nutella to be with pieces, then you need to grind them only after complete cooling.

• If homemade pasta is prepared for adults, you can add a spoonful of rum, brandy or any liqueur to the mass. And the taste of matchless chocolates provided.

• To quickly peel a hazelnut, you can fry it, then immediately immerse it in ice water. After that, the skin is easy to slazit, and the kernel can be dried in a frying pan again. Or just put well-roasted nuts in a towel, cover with a free edge and rub. Then blow in the air.

• Milk powder, powdered sugar and cocoa before laying in the total mass, it is desirable to sift. The lumps in the mass that starts to thicken will no longer disperse, and will only spoil the product.

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