Microwave damage

Microwave damage

In many families, the microwave oven has long replaced the usual stove, and is used not only to heat food, but also to cook a wide variety of dishes. Today, no self-respecting catering establishment can do without the notorious microwave, because hot sandwiches, cakes and buns are always in demand among buyers. Nevertheless, from time to time, scientists still appeal to the mind of consumers, saying that the microwave oven is not as safe to use as it might seem at first glance. Of course, it has its advantages, but there are also a lot of disadvantages.

The principle of operation of the microwave

In order to believe in it, you need to understand the principle of operation of such a device, in which the process of heating food is carried out using microwaves. They affect food at the molecular level and, in the first place, have a huge impact on water molecules, forcing them to rotate at an incredible speed. It is thanks to the strong friction that occurs during rotation, and the food is heated. But is it the same as it was before using the microwave? The answer is simple: no. Water molecules as a result of intensive rotation are often deformed and broken, which leads to disruption of chemical bonds and processes. Naturally, the taste of a sandwich or a baked chicken leg will remain exactly the same, but the information that our body receives along with such food will change significantly, as will its composition at the molecular level.

Microwave damage

For many years, such facts did not attach much importance, but at the end of the 20th century, Swiss scientists were able to prove that food from the microwave has a very detrimental effect on the human body. After all, along with it, we get a huge amount of so-called isomers - chemical compounds that are simply not found in wildlife. Their presence in the body contributes to the development of various blood diseases, adversely affect the function of the brain, liver, pancreas and even the heart muscle. In addition, under the influence of microwaves, many vitamins are destroyed, which a person simply does not receive. Separately, it is worth noting that the heating of the products produces the so-called molecular rot, i.e., they disintegrate at the microscopic level. This can be observed in the case of food processing radiation. Therefore, there is every reason to believe that the use of microwave ovens contributes to the development of oncological diseases, although the manufacturers of these household appliances strongly disagree with these conclusions of scientists, and try to refute them at any opportunity.

Recent scientific studies have shown that the effects of short waves on foods that undergo defrosting result in the formation of carcinogens and alkaloids in them. It is not difficult to guess what harm the body can cause such food, even if it is not consumed daily, but on a case by case basis. In addition, a separate scientific experiment was carried out for young children, for which they fed micronutrients and breast milk in microwaves. The results of research in the literal sense of the word stunned scientists who found that under the influence of microwave radiation in the milk areomers are formed, which have a negative effect on the kidneys of the baby and his nervous system. It is also worth noting that it is not necessary to eat food from the microwave in order to feel its negative impact. It is quite sufficient periodically to be near this household appliance at the moment when it is operating. As a result, irreversible processes occur in the human body, among which are changes in nerve impulses that occur in the cerebral cortex, death of nerve endings and cells, thinning and disintegration of the membrane of the cell membrane, destructive changes in the composition of blood and lymph. All these violations can cause serious diseases, against which modern medicine has not yet invented a decent weapon. Indeed, in this situation, the destruction of the body goes on a cellular level and proceeds completely unnoticed until any organs completely fail. But even if in such a situation it is possible to save a person’s life, there is no guarantee for the full restoration of health, because his body can be compared to a piece of old cloth that creeps to pieces at the slightest touch. For these reasons, before you buy a microwave oven, you should carefully weigh all the pros and cons, honestly answering the question: is the charge for such a purchase too high?

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