Baked Potatoes with Cheese

Baked Potatoes with Cheese

Potatoes rescued the hostess more than once when it was necessary to prepare a tasty, nutritious dish.

It can be cooked peeled and “in uniform”, fried, mashed, but the most appetizing potatoes look like baked. Especially if you show imagination by adding meat, other vegetables, various spices, sprinkle the finished dish with cheese.

Cheese not only refines the potatoes, but also holds together the products that were used for baking, and makes the dish more expressive, appetizing.

The subtleties of cooking potatoes baked in the oven with cheese

  • The taste of the cooked dish depends largely on the correctly chosen ingredients. Potatoes that you decide to use should be strong, with thin skin, without eyes. Good potatoes do not darken quickly when sliced, and also retains a light color after heat treatment.
  • Potatoes for each individual dish must be of the same grade, of the same size, otherwise it may be prepared unevenly: some slices will be digested, while others will remain half-baked.
  • For roasting, it is better to take a well-boiled down potato. If you have a “long-playing”, then before baking, boil it until half ready.
  • When baking potatoes with other vegetables, consider their compatibility and preparation time.
  • Do not use tomato paste or ketchup in a “bare” form for pouring raw potatoes - dilute them with sour cream or mayonnaise, as the tomato slows down the preparation of potatoes, worsens its appearance. Cream, sour cream, milk, mayonnaise are well suited for pouring potatoes.
  • To add flavor, add spices such as dill, cumin, coriander, garlic, pepper, basil, bay leaves, thyme, parsley and hops-suneli.
  • To keep the potatoes dark, clean them before cooking. It is not necessary to fill it with water for a long time. From this, he loses most of the nutrients.
  • If boiled potatoes are needed for roasting, boil it over moderate heat with constant boiling. With a strong fire, the potatoes are boiled soft, and the inside often remains half-baked.

Potatoes baked in the oven with cheese: in the fill of milk and eggs


  • potatoes - 750 g;
  • butter - 15 g;
  • vegetable oil - 55 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs .;
  • milk - 115 ml;
  • cheese - 130 g;
  • ground crackers - 15 g;
  • salt.

Method of preparation

  • Cut raw potatoes into thin slices.
  • In a few steps, fry it in hot vegetable oil.
  • Put on a baking sheet, greased with butter and sprinkled with breadcrumbs.
  • In a deep bowl, beat the eggs with salt. Pour the milk and mix.
  • Pour the mixture with this mixture.
  • Cover the potato grated with cheese. Sprinkle with melted butter.
  • Place an oven preheated to 200 ° C. Bake until the cheese is melted and covered with a golden crust.

Baked potatoes in oven with cheese: Romanian


  • potatoes - 750 g;
  • butter - 25 g;
  • cheese - 175 g;
  • medium-thick sour cream - 225 g;
  • eggs - 4 pcs .;
  • salt.

Method of preparation

  • Boil the potatoes “in uniform”, peel, cut into slices.
  • Rub the cheese on a medium grater.
  • Boil hard boiled eggs. Cut them into circles.
  • Lubricate a small-diameter mold with oil, lay out a row of potatoes. Sprinkle with a thin layer of cheese. Put the eggs on top of the cheese. Sprinkle with melted butter.
  • In the same sequence, lay another 1-2 rows of potatoes, cheese, and eggs.
  • Put pepper and salt in sour cream, mix well. Fill it with potatoes. Sprinkle with the remaining cheese.
  • Preheat the oven to 190 ° C, place in it a form with potatoes. Bake 30 minutes until golden brown.

Potatoes baked in the oven with cheese: with pickled cucumbers


  • potatoes - 650 g;
  • pickles - 300 g;
  • onions - 110 g;
  • ghee - 45 g;
  • cheese - 90 g;
  • tomato paste - 30 g;
  • ground crackers - 20 g;
  • salt;
  • pinch sugar;
  • black pepper.

Method of preparation

  • Boil the potatoes until half cooked, cool slightly, cut into circles.
  • Grease the baking sheet, sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Put the potatoes in one row.
  • Put cucumbers cut into thin circles on it, which should be covered with onion rings.
  • Put the following three rows in the same sequence.
  • Heat the oil in a pan, put the tomato paste, salt, sugar and pepper. Fry slightly. Dilute with hot water to make a watery sauce.
  • Pour over this sauce.
  • Pour the potatoes with grated cheese, sprinkle with melted butter.
  • Bake in an oven at 190 ° C for about 30 minutes.

Potatoes baked in the oven with cheese: with cauliflower in milk sauce


  • potatoes - 750 g;
  • cauliflower - 300 g;
  • butter - 45 g;
  • ground crackers - 20 g;
  • chopped dill - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • cheese - 75 g;
  • milk - 230 ml;
  • flour - 25 g;
  • salt.

Method of preparation

  • Boil the potatoes in their skins until half cooked, peel. Cut into thick circles.
  • Divide the cauliflower into florets, boil in salted water for two minutes. Water drain. Gently mix the cabbage with potatoes.
  • Preheat oven to 190 ° C.
  • Grease the form. Put the vegetables.
  • Prepare the sauce. Melt 20 g butter in a frying pan, save the flour on it. Dilute with warm milk. Boil for 1-2 minutes while stirring. Strain.
  • Pour the sauce over the vegetables.
  • Sprinkle with grated cheese and breadcrumbs. Sprinkle with oil.
  • Bake in the oven for 20-30 minutes.
  • Sprinkle with greens.

Potato baked in the oven with cheese: with mushrooms in sour cream


  • potatoes - 750 g;
  • ghee - 40 g;
  • champignons - 200 g;
  • cheese - 90 g;
  • sour cream - 180 g;
  • salt;
  • pepper.

Method of preparation

  • Cut raw potatoes into not very thin slices. Fry in butter. Put in a form with high sides.
  • On the remaining butter, fry the mushrooms cut into plates. Put them on the potatoes.
  • Salt the sour cream, add the pepper, mix well. Pour it with potatoes and mushrooms.
  • Sprinkle with grated cheese.
  • Heat the oven to 190 ° C. Put the form in it with potatoes. Bake for 30 minutes. Sprinkle with chopped dill.

Baked potatoes in the oven with cheese: with apples, tomatoes and mushrooms


  • potatoes - 650 g;
  • cherry tomatoes - 150 g;
  • apples 100 g;
  • fresh mushrooms - 150 g;
  • butter - 45 g;
  • onions - 70 g;
  • cheese - 120 g;
  • sour cream - 160 g;
  • salt.

Method of preparation

  • Cut potatoes into slices, fry in butter until golden brown.
  • Cut apples into quarters, remove seed pods. Cut into slices. Stir in potatoes. Put in a greased form.
  • Fry the champignons in the remaining oil. Cover them with potatoes.
  • Cut the tomatoes in half. Put on top of the mushrooms.
  • On the oil, save the finely chopped onion. Add sour cream, spices, mix. Boil for 1 minute on low heat. Pour the vegetables with this sauce.
  • Pour with grated cheese.
  • Put in the oven. Bake 25-30 minutes until golden brown.

Potatoes baked in the oven with cheese: in cream in Swiss


  • potatoes - 750 g;
  • butter - 60 g;
  • eggs - 4 pcs .;
  • cream - 320 g;
  • grated cheese - 100 g;
  • ground white crackers - 30 g;
  • salt.

Method of preparation

  • Raw potatoes cut into thin slices, fry in butter.
  • Prepare refueling. In a deep bowl, place the eggs, beat them with salt until light foam. Add cream and 2/3 grated cheese. Stir.
  • Put a layer of potatoes in a greased form, pour it over with sauce.
  • Put the remaining potatoes, which also pour the dressing.
  • Sprinkle with ground breadcrumbs that you prepare yourself beforehand. Cover with all the remaining cheese. Sprinkle with melted butter.
  • Place in a well-heated oven, bake until golden brown.

Mistress to note

If you are baking potatoes with cheese, then it should not be small and it should be well felt.

Try to choose a cheese that melts well, it becomes viscous. Other cheese during baking softens slightly, and with a long stay in the oven becomes harsh, dry and tasteless.

In the dressing hard cheese can be replaced with melted cheese like “Amber”. The taste of the dish will not suffer much from this.

If you have a powerful oven, and the cheese burns, cover the dish with them around the middle of the cooking.

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