Soups. Soup recipes: soup, borscht, cheese soup, onion soup, pumpkin soup, kharcho soup, mushroom soup ...

Soups. Soup recipes: soup, borscht, cheese soup, onion soup, pumpkin soup, kharcho soup, mushroom soup ...

A delicious fragrant soup will cheer up anyone, add strength and energy, warm up in cold weather and refresh in the exhausting heat. Beef, lamb, pork, chicken, fish and vegetable soups, milk, fruit and berry broths, and even bread kvass - for any life situation there are original recipes worthy of attention.

Cheese soup can be called a real winter meal: high-calorie, thick, slowly cooling. For cheese soup, you need to take two pieces of white stale bread, cut it into cubes and fry in butter. Add a liter of beef broth and put on a small fire so that the soup boils for 10 minutes. Add one glass from a mixture of cream and milk, remove from heat, stirring continuously, add 8-10 tbsp. l grated any hard cheese, two tbsp. l Dill greens, salt and pepper to taste.

Many try to bring their physical condition back to normal by dropping those extra pounds. Here is one of the recipes for tasty, nourishing and non-high-calorie pumpkin soup. To prepare it you will need: one glass of grated pumpkin, one liter of water, one glass of cranberries, 5-6 tbsp. l sugar, 1 tbsp. l potato starch, a pinch of cinnamon, cloves and vanilla. Squeeze out the juice of cranberries, pour the remaining pulp and skins with water, boil and strain. In the resulting broth add grated pumpkin, spices and cook until ready pumpkin. Add to the soup diluted in cold water starch. Pour cranberry juice, put sugar, warm. This original soup is especially good with whipped cream.

Despite the fact that onion soup was originally considered a French dish, it has a lot of fans around the world. In a skillet, melt 50g of butter, add 600-700g of onion sliced ​​into thin rings, salt to taste, cover with a lid. While stirring, simmer for about 40 minutes, until the onions become pliable and soft. Stir in a tablespoon of flour in the onions, put out for 1-2 minutes and pour in one liter of boiling broth, put the pepper and bay leaf. Cook on low heat for about 15 minutes. Fry the slices of loaf on both sides. Pour the soup into heat-resistant portion bowls, put slices of bread on top, sprinkle with grated cheese (50-60g per serving). In a preheated oven to put the bowls of soup. As soon as the cheese starts to bubble - the soup is ready! Beef brisket, rice, onions, garlic, fresh tomatoes, plums, walnuts, seasonings - it is from these ingredients that kharcho soup can be made. Fresh beef brisket (600-700g) chopped into small pieces and cook until half cooked over low heat. Fresh tomatoes (2-3 pieces or 3 tablespoons of tomato paste) pass on removed fat from the broth. Finely chopped onions (2 pcs.) Are passaged in the same way. Then add 1 cup of pre-soaked rice and onions to boiling broth and continue cooking. Approximately in the middle of cooking, add pounded walnuts, about half a glass. Then add tomatoes, sour plums, peppers, greens, salt, crushed garlic and cook until ready. Neutral taste of rice and delicate taste of broth, sour plums and astringent aroma of crushed walnuts give the traditional Kharcho soup a unique taste.

The basis of milk soups are traditionally pasta and various types of cereals. But you can retreat from the traditions and cook a very original soup with milk. Chop a few cloves of garlic very finely and fry. Boil one liter of milk, add a stir fry. Remove from heat and fill with two well-whipped whites, salt and pepper.

There are not so many dishes that are more satisfying and more appetizing than steaming plates of fragrant soup. It is easy and pleasant to prepare, just pick and cut the ingredients. Hot and cold, light and very nourishing, thick and transparent, cream and liquid soups - there is plenty to choose from and cook every day!

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