Salad with beans and ham - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty to cook a salad of beans with ham.

Salad with beans and ham - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty to cook a salad of beans with ham.

In the process of making salads, we try to combine ingredients that are both tasty and beneficial to our body. I would like to say a few words about such a valuable plant product as beans. There is no doubt that the beans occupy a special place, because the minerals and vitamins that it contains are necessary, especially for the developing organism of adolescents and for the older generation.

The main process that must be followed is soaking. Soaking is carried out not only for the purpose that after this its preparation takes a shorter time. During soaking, oligosaccharides dissolve in water, which cause increased gas formation in our body and complicate the process of digestion. That is why it is necessary to soak the beans for 8 hours, then it is necessary to drain this water, and rinse the beans under running water. Only such beans is acceptable for the human body. And only such beans our professional cooks recommend to use in salads and other dishes. And now let's consider some recipes for the preparation of hearty salads, among the ingredients of which there are, you guessed it, beans.

Recipe 1. Salad with beans and ham

Ingredients Required:

- ham - 200 g;

- beans (canned) - 1 can;

- pickled cucumber - 2 pcs .;

- eggs - 3 pcs .;

- crackers; greens, garlic, salt and pepper.


Have you prepared fresh baby beans? It's okay, you just need to soak it first, then drain the water, rinse under the tap and boil until half ready. Drain the cans from the canned beans and it is ready to be added to the salad. Cut ham into slices. Boiled hard-boiled eggs, rub the grater, chop the garlic cloves and greens, and cut the cucumbers into cubes. Stir all the ingredients. Season to taste with spices. Immediately before serving salad, season it with mayonnaise and add croutons. Crackers for this salad can be purchased ready-made, and you can cook them at home on your own, just as when you are preparing the Caesar salad. Take the crumb baguette, cut it into cubes. In a separate plate, mix the olive oil with two garlic cloves rubbed down and put the cubes in there. Stir, so that they are completely bathed in oil, and fry them in a skillet with a thick bottom.

Recipe 2. Bean and Ham Salad

Ingredients Required:

- marinated champignons - 1 jar;

- Ham - 300 g;

- red beans - 1 can;

- fresh cucumber - 2 pcs .;

- green onion stalks - 4-5 pcs .;

- a bunch of parsley and dill;

- French mustard - 1 tbsp.

- natural yoghurt - 200 g.


Drain the water from the cans with champignons and beans. Cut the champignons into thin slices and mix them with the beans. Cut ham and cucumbers into cubes. Mix carefully all ingredients with a spoon, add chopped greens to the salad. Separately, grind the mustard with yogurt and season the salad dressing. Put it on a wide dish with a slide, garnish with a sprig of greenery, and after 10 minutes you can present it to the table.

Recipe 3. Bean and ham salad

Ingredients Required:

- Ham - 300 g;

- beans (canned) - 1 can;

- Canned corn - 1 can;

- champignon mushrooms - 800 g;

- hard cheese - 200 g;

- light mayonnaise - 150 g;

- Greens and spices to taste.


First, prepare the mushrooms for the salad. Let's cut them thin plates. In vegetable oil, fry a garlic clove over medium heat. Remove it from the pan after it has already given its aroma to the butter, and send the chopped champignons to the pan. Salt and pepper them immediately, cover the pan with a lid and begin the frying process. First, the mushrooms will release the liquid and taste al-dente. Do not rush to choose them on a plate - give them a little more time so that they absorb all this liquid back. Only after that the champignons will acquire that delicate and fragrant taste that we need when adding them to the salad. Now you can choose them from the salad on a plate, sprinkle with a small amount of chopped dill - let them cool.

Themselves for that time we rub cheese through a large grater, or it is possible to cut it into cubes. Cut the ham into cubes. Drain the liquid from the bath with beans and corn and pour them into a bowl, add cheese and fried mushrooms to them, season the salad with mayonnaise. We will lay it on a beautiful dish with a hill, garnish with a sprig of fragrant parsley and delight our loved ones with another tasty treat.

Recipe 4. Bean and ham salad

Ingredients Required:

- green beans - 250-300 g;

- hard cheese - 150 g;

- ham - 200 g;

- tomatoes - 2 pcs .;

- bow - 1 head;

- greens - 0.5 bunches;

- mayonnaise - 100 g


Boil bean pods in boiled water, fold them into a colander and cut into small bars. Nicely cut the ham into strips. Tomatoes (preferably meaty variety) cut into cubes, and onions into small cubes. We rub cheese through a large grater. Add all the sliced ​​ingredients in a bowl, mix and season the salad with mayonnaise. Gently lay it on a wide dish.

Chop greens and sprinkle on top of a salad. One tomato cut into 4 slices, which will decorate the bean salad with ham.

Recipe 5. Bean and ham salad

Ingredients Required:

- Lima beans - 280 g;

- cooked smoked ham - 80 g;

- chopped parsley - 1 tbsp. l .;

- red wine vinegar - 2 tbsp. l .;

- olive oil - 1/4 cup;

- Dijon mustard - 1 tsp;

- ground pepper and salt;

- finely chopped mint - to taste.


Defrost the beans first and set them to cook until half cooked. Cut ham into bars, add beans, chopped parsley, mint, olive oil and mustard to it. All carefully with two spoons, mix from the bottom up, season the salad with pepper and salt and serve to the table in a warm form.

This salad is stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

Salad with beans and ham - tips and useful secrets from the best chefs

- For salad, you can use both fresh and frozen beans. It is not necessary to soak the frozen beans before cooking!

- Remember that a salad of beans and ham in the form of heat is a great option for a side dish.

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