Buckwheat noodles - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook buckwheat noodles at home.

Buckwheat noodles - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook buckwheat noodles at home.

Buckwheat Noodles - General Cooking Principles

The secret of harmony and longevity of the representatives of the Eastern peoples lies in their nutrition. So, as a side dish they prefer rice and noodles, protein is obtained by consuming a lot of fish. Thus, without eating fatty meats and sweets, the Japanese and Chinese live a long time, look great and do not get sick.

One of the favorite dishes in the East is soba or buckwheat noodles. It is more useful than ordinary noodles, and in addition it has a small glycemic index.

The basis of noodles is, as the name implies, ground buckwheat into flour. Also in the cooking process a small amount of wheat flour is added, otherwise the dough will not be kneaded. In some parts of China, green tea or seaweed is added to the noodles during cooking.

Buckwheat noodles - preparing food and dishes

If you decide to cook the noodles yourself, then you will need well-sifted buckwheat flour and about a third of its quantity - wheat flour.

In its pure form, soba is rarely eaten, the dish is much tastier if you add seafood, vegetables, and a delicious dressing to it. Boil buckwheat noodles need not like regular pasta. If after you boil soba, you plan to fry it with other ingredients, then cook the noodles for no more than a minute.

Buckwheat Noodle Recipes:

Recipe 1: Buckwheat Noodles

Buckwheat noodles - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook buckwheat noodles at home.

The technology of cooking buckwheat noodles for this recipe is very simple, but it is best to use a special machine for rolling dough, since it must be made very, very thin.

Ingredients Required:

  • Buckwheat flour - 300 gr.
  • Wheat flour - 100 gr.
  • Water - 180 ml

Preparation Method:

  1. Sift both types of flour onto a clean table or bowl and mix them with your hands.
  2. Begin pouring water in a thin stream into the flour, while at the same time kneading the dough. When it acquires a dense and pliable structure, there is enough water - even if you have not yet poured out all the allotted amount.
  3. Knead the dough with your hands until all the air bubbles have disappeared. The kneading process takes about 15 minutes.
  4. Pinch off the dough piece with the baby cam. Sprinkle the surface with wheat flour and start rolling out the dough with a rolling pin (or use a machine). The layer of dough should be very thin, literally transparent.
  5. Cut the dough into thin noodles (or cut the dough in the “spaghetti” mode on the machine).
  6. Dip the noodles in boiling water and cook for no more than 5 minutes, then tilt the product in a colander, add oil and sprinkle with sauce.

Recipe 2: Buckwheat Noodles with Spicy Sauce

Buckwheat noodles - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook buckwheat noodles at home.

The recipe described in this case can be taken as the basis for culinary experiments for preparing “oriental” dishes. The recipe for a spicy sauce - ginger, fish and soy sauce, honey and lemon juice will also be unusual.

Ingredients Required:

  • Buckwheat noodles - 300 gr.
  • 1 tablespoon of soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon of anchovy sauce (or any other fish sauce)
  • 1 tablespoon liquid honey
  • 15 grams of fresh ginger
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
  • White Sesame

Preparation Method:

  1. Prepare the sauce. To do this, mix all the ingredients and add the grated ginger. Leave the sauce for 15 minutes.
  2. Put the boil soba.
  3. Take ginger out of the sauce.
  4. Mix boiled buckwheat noodles with sauce, mix, sprinkle with sesame.

Recipe 3: Buckwheat Noodles with Shrimps

Buckwheat noodles - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook buckwheat noodles at home.

Eastern cuisine is characterized by the use of a huge amount of seafood. This easily explains the health and longevity of the Japanese and Chinese - seafood does not contain unhealthy fats (in contrast to our usual meat), but it is rich in proteins. From this recipe you will learn how to cook delicious buckwheat noodles with shrimps.

Ingredients Required:

  • Buckwheat noodles - 330 gr.
  • Peeled shrimps - 260 gr.
  • Tomato - 1 piece
  • Soy Sauce - 1 tablespoon
  • Brown sugar - 1/2 tablespoon
  • Rice vinegar - 1 tsp
  • Butter

Preparation Method:

  1. Combine vinegar, soy sauce and sugar, mix.
  2. Place boil water, immerse noodles in it for a minute, then remove and rinse under warm mineral water.
  3. Wash the tomato and slice it.
  4. Shrimps, peeled from the shells, you need to put on a preheated pan with a tomato, oiled. Fry for about 7 minutes, then put the noodles in the pan to the ingredients.
  5. Stir. Make the fire smaller. Cook the noodles under the closed lid for another 5 minutes, then transfer the dish to a deep bowl, pour over the sauce, stir and serve.

Recipe 4: Buckwheat Noodles with Zucchini and Carrots

Buckwheat noodles - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook buckwheat noodles at home.

Buckwheat noodles are equally tasty “sounds” with both meat products and vegetables. From this recipe you will learn how to make soba with zucchini and carrots. The secret to serving beautiful dishes is to grate Chinese carrot grated vegetables, making them in the form of noodles.

Ingredients Required:

  • Buckwheat noodles - 360 gr.
  • 1 carrot
  • 1/2 zucchini
  • Soy sauce - 1 tbsp. l
  • Sugar - 1 tsp.
  • Vinegar - 1 hour. L.
  • Ground ginger - 1/3 tsp.

Preparation Method:

  1. Zucchini and carrots need to be peeled, then rub them on a grater.
  2. Mix the soy sauce, vinegar, ginger and sugar sauce.
  3. Dip the noodles into boiling water for a minute, then remove it and rinse in running water.
  4. Spread the vegetables in a small amount of oil, simmer them under a closed lid on medium heat for about 5 minutes.
  5. Add the noodles and sauce to the vegetables, stir, re-close the pan and simmer on low heat for another 5 minutes.

Recipe 5: Buckwheat Noodle with Chicken

Soba is perfectly combined not only with seafood, but also with chicken. By the way, today's chicken fillet is often used in Japanese cuisine, as it does not contain harmful animal fats, but it is rich in protein. This recipe describes how to cook buckwheat noodles with chicken in the eastern style. Ingredients Required:

  • Soba - 370 g.
  • Chicken fillet - 200 gr.
  • Soy sauce for frying - 1.5 st. l
  • Butter - 1 piece
  • Black Sesame

Preparation Method:

  1. Wash the chicken and cut it into small pieces.
  2. Heat the pan, melt the butter and fry the chicken. After 5 minutes, add the soy sauce to the chicken, mix well and reduce the heat.
  3. Boil soba for one minute. Wash and add to the chicken.
  4. Simmer the ingredients under the lid for 5 minutes, then sprinkle with sesame and stir.

Recipe 6: Buckwheat noodles in sour cream with tofu cheese

If you stick to vegetarian food, you will like this recipe. Tofu cheese is made from soy, and therefore is useful both in pure form and as part of dishes.

Ingredients Required:

  • Soba - 290 g.
  • Tofu cheese - 160 gr.
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Butter - 1 piece
  • Sour cream - 220 gr.
  • Soy Sauce - 1 tbsp. l

Preparation Method:

  1. Shred the onion finely.
  2. Cut the cheese into small cubes.
  3. Boil the buckwheat noodles in boiling water for a minute, then rinse.
  4. In a hot skillet, melt butter, fry onion, add soy sauce to it. Put the soba in the pan, fry, stirring with a spatula, for 5 minutes, then add the sour cream and turn off the fire.
  5. Serve the buckwheat noodles in portions, sprinkle with chopped cheese.

Buckwheat noodles - secrets and useful tips from the best chefs

  1. Soba, cooked at home, can be stored in a dry container, sprinkled with wheat flour, not more than a week.
  2. If you make buckwheat noodles yourself, then instead of wheat, you can also add rice or soy flour. These two types of flour are not used in China, but then you will get noodles guaranteed and it can be stored for 3-4 weeks.
  3. If you plan to serve soba with poultry, meat or vegetables, you can boil noodles in meat or chicken broth. So noodles will turn out much more fragrant and tastier.
  4. Add to dishes made from buckwheat noodles, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, black and white sesame, flax seeds.
  5. If you buy buckwheat noodles, and do not make them yourself, then cook them as indicated on the packaging. The fact is that cornstarch or algae can be added to soba, which is produced in a factory manner, which alters the cooking time for noodles.
  6. To make buckwheat noodles crispy, it can be fried in oil. Thus, cooked soba can be used as a side dish, or as a snack for beer. Fry buckwheat noodles so that it turned out delicious, easy. You will need several teeth of garlic and one tablespoon of oil. First boil noodles for a minute. Heat the pan and pour the oil. Peel the garlic, finely chop it. Put the garlic in hot oil, fry for 2 minutes, then remove the garlic and put noodles in the same oil. Fry the soba for 5 minutes, then sprinkle with soy sauce.
  7. What vegetables can buckwheat noodles serve with? Soba will be delicious with fresh cucumber and radish, roasted tomatoes, carrots and onions.
  8. Soba can be added to soups as a regular vermicelli. Put it in the broth for a couple of minutes before you turn off the fire under the pan, otherwise the noodles "boil soft" and take a mushy look.
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