Soaked apples

Soaked apples

Wet apples are rarely found on sale in supermarkets, not all housewives harvest them for the winter, whereas before they were one of our compatriots' favorite foods. Soaked apples are served separately, used as a dessert or savory snack, you can put them in a salad, add a meat dish to them. This product is not only tasty, but also useful, because urinating apples does not require their heat treatment, so that fruits retain maximum of nutrients. It is no coincidence that more and more housewives seek to revive traditions and learn how to wet the apples.

Cooking Features

The process of urinating apples is not complicated, but has many nuances, without knowing which you can not get the expected result.

  • Different varieties of apples are suitable for urinating, but only autumn fruits can be wetted for the winter. Early varieties of apples are stored for long in fresh as well as peeled form.
  • You can soak both sour and sweet apples, but experience shows that the appetizer is made from sweet fruits more tasty and better preserved.
  • Only fruits that are intact and not spoiled by diseases and insects, without broken sides, cracks, or traces of rot are suitable for urinating. They must be removed from the branches. Likewise not a good gadget.
  • It is necessary to select medium-sized apples for harvesting in the winter by the method of urinating, since large ones may not soak the brine properly, and small ones may be too sweet or too acidic. However, for harvesting in banks, hostesses more often prefer medium-sized fruits that easily pass through the neck of the jar.
  • They do not hurry the collected fruits in a hurry, they are given to rest for several days. This allows you to reject all the fruits of inadequate quality.
  • You can soak apples in containers made of wood, ceramics, glass, enamelled buckets and pans, plastic containers used for storing food. Aluminum utensils are not suitable, as they emit harmful substances upon contact with acids.
  • The container must be thoroughly washed and must be doused with boiling water. If you plan to soak apples in jars, you can even sterilize this container.
  • Washed and dried apples are laid out in prepared containers and poured with brine, most often cooled to room temperature. Set on top of the oppression. The container is left at room temperature. Best of all, the urinating process takes place at a temperature of about 22-24 degrees. If the room is too hot, harmful bacteria will develop in the brine, due to which the apples will become too acidic and unsafe for the body. In a cold room, the fermentation process will be too slow or will not start at all.
  • The time for urinating apples ranges from two weeks to one and a half months, depending on the recipe used and the room temperature. They are kept warm for a short time until the fermentation process begins. After apples are sent to storage in a cool place. They reach readiness at a temperature of 16-18 degrees for 2-6 weeks.
  • Store them in a colder room. The optimum temperature for this is from 2 to 6 degrees Celsius. Previously, they were placed in a cold underground, today they are most often lowered into the basement, taken out to the loggia or put in the refrigerator. When storage conditions are observed, the wet apples will not spoil until spring.
  • The level of water in the container should be constantly monitored: the top layer of fruit should be completely covered with brine. Apples can absorb a lot of pickle, and then it will have to pour.
  • When urinating apples, you should regularly, at least once a week, wash the oppression installed on them, remove the foam and mold.
  • To give apples a unique taste and aroma, mountain ash or other berries, fruit tree leaves, and herbs are often added to them.

Wet apples can be simple, cooked in brine with a moderate amount of sugar and salt, sweet, for which brine is prepared with a high content of sugar or honey, and acidic, when there is no sugar or very little in the brine. The choice of recipe depends on the purpose for which the food is intended.

Recipe for spiced pickled apples


  • apples - 3 kg;
  • water - 4 l;
  • currant leaves - 6 pcs .;
  • cherry leaves - 6 pcs .;
  • salt - 20 g;
  • sugar - 160 g;
  • cinnamon - 1 stick;
  • Carnation - 6 pcs.

Method of preparation:

  • Sort through the apples, remove the stalks from them. Wash the selected fruits in warm water, let them dry.
  • Wash the leaves of fruit crops, spices. Let them dry out.
  • Prepare a container for urinating apples by washing it with soda and rinsing with boiling water. Well suited wooden tub or enamel pan. You can soak the apples for this recipe and in jars. The number of ingredients is enough for 6 liters.
  • Place three cherry and currant leaves, a cinnamon stick and a clove on the bottom of the prepared containers.
  • Fill the container with apples, place the remaining fruit leaves on top.
  • Boil water, add salt and sugar. Boil the brine for 5 minutes, the crystals of salt and sugar during this time should be completely dissolved.
  • Cool the brine to 35 degrees. Fill them with fruit. He must cover them completely.
  • Cover the apples with a wooden circle, a lid smaller than the pan, of diameter or a large plate. Place a load on top. Most often, housewives use for this jar filled with water.
  • Leave the apples at room temperature for 3-4 days until fermentation begins, then transfer the container with them to a cool room.

Ready-to-eat apples made according to the above recipe will be in a month and a half. The recipe is considered simple, cooked on it, the dish has a moderately sweet taste. This is a versatile dish that can be used as a dessert or snack, added to fruit and vegetable salads, served with meat.

Sweet roasted apples in honey brine


  • apples - 3 kg;
  • water - 4 l;
  • honey - 0, 2 l;
  • salt - 50 g;
  • rye flour - 50 g;
  • currant leaves - 10-12;
  • Cherry leaves - 10-12 pcs.

Method of preparation:

  • Pick, wash, and dry the apples.
  • Prepare currant leaves by washing and waiting for them to dry.
  • Wash the container for urinating apples, pour boiling water over it, or sterilize it if you prepare apples in jars.
  • When the container is dry, place its currant leaves on the bottom, put a layer of apples on them, cover them with cherry leaves. Continue to spread the fruit, shifting them with fruit leaves. The top should be a layer of leaves.
  • After boiling water, dissolve salt and honey in it. Add flour, mix well.
  • Wait until the brine has cooled to room temperature, pour fruit on it, set the pressure from above.
  • Leave the apples for a day at room temperature, then put them in a room where the temperature is about 18 degrees. After a month you can take a sample.

A month later, wet apples are recommended to be stored for storage in a cool room - at temperatures up to 6 degrees they will not deteriorate for several months.

Sour roasted apples with cabbage


  • apples (the Antonovka variety is best suited) - 1, 5 kg;
  • white cabbage - 2 kg;
  • carrots - 150 g;
  • sugar - 20-30 g;
  • salt - 30-45 g;
  • water (if needed) - 0, 5 l.

Method of preparation:

  • Wash the apples, let them dry. If you have large fruits, they can be cut into slices, but not thin.
  • Wash the cabbage, remove the top leaves from the head. Chop the cabbage as small as possible.
  • Carrots, having washed and peeled, coarsely grate, mix with cabbage.
  • Add a tablespoon of sugar and one and a half tablespoons of salt to carrots and cabbage. Stir well remember hands.
  • Put pressure on top and leave for a couple of hours.
  • Estimate the amount of cabbage juice produced. If it seems to you that it is not enough of it, from 0, 5 l of water, 10 g of sugar and 15 g of salt, prepare a brine, cool it.
  • Put a layer of cabbage into the prepared container, put apples on it, cover them with cabbage. Continue to lay out the fruit and cabbage, alternating. The top should be the cabbage layer.
  • Fill the products with cabbage juice, top up the brine if necessary. Cover with a plate, put a jar of water on top or something else that has an appropriate weight.
  • Leave in a warm room until fermentation begins. Move to a cool place.

An appetizer with this recipe will be ready in a month. If you keep her in the cold after that, she will not spoil for 2-3 months.

Apples, soaked for the winter in banks

Composition (6 liters):

  • apples - 3, 4-3, 8 kg;
  • water - as needed;
  • salt - 10-15 g;
  • sugar - 120 g;
  • leaves of fruit trees, cloves, cinnamon - to taste.

Method of preparation:

  • Prepare the apples by washing and drying them.
  • Wash with soda and sterilize the jars.
  • Spread the leaves of fruit trees, pieces of cinnamon sticks, umbrellas of cloves on the banks.
  • Fill the jars with apples.
  • Boil the water, pour boiling water over the fruit, cover and let it sit for 15 minutes.
  • Drain water in a saucepan, add sugar and salt to it, boil for 2-3 minutes.
  • Fill the apples with hot pickle, roll up with boiled lids.
  • Turn the jars upside down, cover with a warm blanket and leave to cool.

When the jars with the billet have cooled, they need to be stored in a cool place for storage. The technology of preparing apples in cans according to the indicated recipe is not identical to the classical one, but they do not differ much in taste from fruits soaked in the traditional way. But such canned food is stored at a temperature slightly below room temperature.

Video: apples, simple and tasty recipe

Result after a month and a half!

Soaked apples - a traditional dish of Russian cuisine. They can be sour, sweet, sour-sweet. They are tasty by themselves, but can be used as an ingredient for other dishes. Soak apples for the winter can be according to different recipes, everyone will be able to choose the option to taste.

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