Chicken drumsticks baked in a slow cooker

Chicken drumsticks baked in a slow cooker

Deliciously cooked chicken legs can be served not only for a family dinner, but also on a festive table. Such a dish will be inexpensive, will be tasty and satisfying. Especially tasty, appetizing and easy to prepare are chicken drumsticks baked in a slow cooker. Cooking such a dish can be done even by an aspiring cook, and the result is more than worthy.

Cooking Features

To chicken leg, baked in a slow cooker, were tender and juicy, it is worth considering a few points.

  • Many housewives say that fresh chicken legs when baked are more succulent than frozen ones. This is due to the fact that during freezing and subsequent thawing the structure of the meat may change. If the meat is immersed in water during thawing, it loses moisture. No less negative effect on him defrosting in the microwave. Experienced chefs advise that meat be allowed to thaw in the fridge without a sharp temperature drop. In this case, it will remain juicy, they argue.
  • When buying chilled chicken drumsticks, pay not only for the shelf life, but also for appearance. If there is a lot of liquid under the film, the product has already been frozen.
  • If you want the meat to be tender, preference should be given to the legs of a young bird. The thin light peel, light shade of fat without pronounced yellowness, small size indicate that the product has the qualities you need.
  • If chicken legs are marinated before baking, they will taste better.
  • To make the legs more juicy, they are covered with a fat sauce based on sour cream or mayonnaise.
  • Make sure that the multicooker bowl is not damaged, the lid fits snugly while the program is running, and the valve for steam release is open.

It is possible to bake chicken drumsticks in a slow cooker with or without foil - this depends on the chosen recipe. Regardless of the recipe, baking is done in Baking mode or the like. Cooking time ranges from 35 to 60 minutes depending on the size of the legs, the number of products placed in the bowl and some other factors, for example, the power of the multicooker.

Chicken drumsticks baked in a slow cooker with cheese


  • chicken drumsticks - 0, 6 kg;
  • sour cream - 180 ml;
  • cheese - 0, 2 kg;
  • garlic - 5 cloves;
  • vegetable oil - 20 ml;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

Method of preparation:

  • Wash and dry chicken legs. Rub them with salt and spices. You can use complex seasoning for chickens.
  • Crush the garlic cloves with a special press, mix the resulting garlic mashed potatoes with sour cream.
  • Brush the chicken drumsticks well with the cream sauce.
  • Lubricate the multicooker bowl with oil, put your shins in it.
  • Fill the legs with the remaining sour cream sauce.
  • Finely rub hard cheese and sprinkle chicken legs thickly on it.
  • Lower the multicooker lid and install the Baking program. Run it for 35-40 minutes (if the minimum time of work in the specified mode at your multicooker exceeds the specified one, set the timer to the minimum value).
  • 10 minutes before the dishes are ready, open the lid so that the cheese will brown. However, before that you should look into the manual - not all multicooker models can work with the lid open.

The dish is tasty and satisfying. Potato side dish is perfect for him.

Chicken drumsticks baked in a slow cooker in foil


  • chicken legs - 0, 6 kg;
  • honey - 80 ml;
  • mustard (sauce) - 80 ml;
  • sour cream - 80 ml;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

Method of preparation:

  • Prepare shins for baking by washing and drying them.
  • Rub the legs with a mixture of salt and spices.
  • In a separate container, mix liquid honey, sour cream and mustard.
  • Dip the chicken legs with the resulting mixture, leave them for an hour in a cool place so that they pickle.
  • At the bottom of the multicooker bowl, lay a large piece of foil. Put your shins on it. Pack them in foil.
  • Bake 40-50 minutes in Baking mode or equivalent. Do not unfold the foil until it cools down slightly.

Chicken legs, baked in foil in honey-mustard sauce, look very appetizing, as they turn out to be covered with a ruddy crust, as if they were fried or baked in the oven.

Chicken drumsticks baked in a slow cooker in a dough


  • chicken drumsticks - 0, 6 kg;
  • puff pastry - 0, 5 kg;
  • hard cheese - 0, 3 kg;
  • mayonnaise - 150 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 20 ml;
  • a mixture of peppers, salt - to taste.

Method of preparation:

  • Wash shins, blot dry with a towel.
  • Finely rub the cheese.
  • When lifting the skin, stuff the legs with cheese so that it forms a thick layer between the skin and the meat.
  • Rub the legs with a mixture of salt and peppers, coat with mayonnaise.
  • Roll out the puff pastry and slice it into long strips approximately 2 cm wide.
  • Wrap the legs of the dough in spirals.
  • Lubricate the capacity of the multicooker with vegetable oil, put chicken drumsticks in it.
  • Lower the lid and start the Baking program, setting the timer to 45-60 minutes.

Chicken drumsticks baked in puff pastry look very unusual. This dish will be appropriate even on the holiday table.

There are other recipes for cooking baked in a multicooker shins. An important role in them is played by seasonings and sauce, used for marinating and roasting meat. Everyone can use for this their favorite marinade for poultry meat.

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