Simple cake on kefir: baking recipes for every taste. Home technology about cooking simple cakes on kefir

Simple cake on kefir: baking recipes for every taste. Home technology about cooking simple cakes on kefir

Kefir is not only a healthy and dietary fermented milk product, but also an excuse to cook some simple homemade cake.

On kefir, especially in those cases when the term of its use, as a drink, has come to an end, it turns out great homemade pastries.

Therefore, do not throw away the “spoiled” kefir: it is still useful.

Simple cake on kefir - basic technological principles

Magnificent muffin, pies or other pastries - the dream of every hostess. Yeast dough, we decided to cook for pies, pie, pies and other types of classic pastries

Dough based on kefir can also be used for the listed products. But it, in any variations - kefir, yogurt or sour cream - is most often used to make a variety of homemade cakes.

Lactic acid bacteria improve dough and make finished products fluffy and light, along with other components of cakes that provide a porous structure. Their action is similar to the work of yeasts that fall into a favorable nutrient medium, which for acidophilia, lacto-and bifidobacteria are the same sugar and flour.

True, dairy microorganisms work more slowly than their “colleagues in the workshop”, but their activity for obtaining soft and porous cake layers is quite sufficient for cakes. Moreover, the dough for cakes includes other components that also contribute to obtaining the necessary texture. For example, whipped eggs and butter additionally saturate the dough with air bubbles. The duration and intensity of beating in the listed products is different, which must also be considered when combining the ingredients of the test. In such cases, the mechanical processing of the dough must be done separately, and only after connecting the components of the test with different properties. Knowledge of the elementary laws of biochemistry in this case will not be superfluous. So, kefir does not require prolonged beating, for this ingredient, or rather, dairy bacteria, food (sugar and flour), a warm and moist environment, and sufficient time for the dough to become saturated with air bubbles as a result of their work is necessary. The alkaline environment in which gas exchange occurs much more intensively accelerates the rate of this reaction. Therefore, soda and other disintegrating agents are often added to kefir-based dough. Soda is also included in other types of unleavened dough without kefir, but in the obligatory “accompanying” it with vinegar or lemon juice. For the test on kefir, the use of additional acidic components is necessary only if it is necessary to adjust the ratio of acidic and alkaline medium.

Recipe 1. A simple cake on “Creole” yogurt


350 g spread or oil

Kefir (1%) 150 ml

Food Soda 30 g

Flour 500-550 g

Cocoa powder 40 g

Fine salt

For custard cream:

Raw yolks 4 pcs.

Milk, whole 0.5 l

Whole eggs 2 pcs.

Chocolate, milk (chips) 250 g

Sugar 350 g

Alcoholized Cherry (pitted) 400 g

Flour 100 g

Cocoa (100%) 20 g

Essence Vanilla

Oil (82.5%) 0.5 kg

Cooking Procedure:

On the work surface, sift flour. Mix it with salt, soda and cocoa. Rub frozen margarine on a large grater over flour mixture. Quickly mix the flour with margarine, collect the mass of a slide and make a well. In the center pour kefir and knead the dough. Keep the dough cool. To cool periodically soak it in the fridge.

When flourishing the surface, roll out the dough very thinly, fold it in an envelope and roll it out again. Repeat this operation preferably at least 16-20 times. Divide the dough into 8 parts, and, laying on a plate, covered with foil, keep in the refrigerator, taking out one piece. Roll each part alternately, giving the shape of a circle (28-30 cm), very thin. Bake at 180C. Leave the cakes to cool and proceed to the preparation of the cream.

Boil the milk by adding sugar mixed with flour, cocoa and vanilla. When the mass thickens, switch the fire on the stove to the minimum and, without stopping the intensive stirring with a whisk, pour the beaten eggs and yolks into the hot mass. Remove the cream from the heat and leave to cool.

Oil, keeping at room temperature, cut into cubes. Combine cooled choux with butter and whip cream.

Collect the cake: grease each of the cakes with cream, sprinkle with coconut and chocolate chips. Top thickly chocolate and decorate with cherries.

Recipe 2. A simple cake on kefir “Panda”

Foods for cake layers:

Natural kefir 250 ml

Vanilla, crystalline powder 4 g

Sugar 200 g

Flour 0.4 kg

Soda 15 g

Eggs 3 pcs.

Cocoa 80g


Cottage cheese from whole milk 0.5 kg

Milk, homemade 200 ml

Butter, sweet cream 150 g


Rum (or rum extract)

Agar 15g

Sugar 250 g

Cooking Method:

Mix dry ingredients for cake layers. Beat the kefir with the eggs and gradually add the flour mixture, gently stirring the dough with a spoon.

Baked dough in the oven in two forms, larger or smaller diameter (15 and 28 cm). Cool the cake layers at room temperature.

Add sugar, vanillin and agar to milk, bring to a boil. Pour the cooled milk syrup into the bowl with the curd and beat, adding the oil in small pieces.

Divide the large and small cake crust into three identical layers.

Assemble the cake: for this purpose it is advisable to use a round detachable shape with a flat bottom and suitable hemisphere-shaped dishes (a sieve or bowl of a similar shape will fit) and another cup or bowl of smaller diameter to form a panda's head cream. It is important that the dishes be light and not destroy the cake with its own weight. Ideal for this purpose plastic disposable tableware. For those who have the skills of a professional pastry chef, it will be more convenient to use a pastry bag. Lay the bottom layer of the big cake in a detachable form, generously grease with cream, cover with a second large layer. Put the cream in a bowl or sieve, turn it over onto the second layer and transfer the assembled parts to the refrigerator to set.

Cut off the third layer of a large cake so that its diameter coincides with the small cake. From the third part, cut the “front paws”, “ears”, “nose” and “eyes” of the bear. Use a prefab stencil (cut out of cardboard).

Get the frozen semi-finished product. Remove the split mold and sieve. In parallel, on both sides of a creamy white mass, attach “paws”. Next, lay the cakes of smaller diameter, lubricating them and sticking them together with cream. On the laid small cake put a cup filled with cream, turning it upside down. Let the cream harden again, carefully remove the dishes and attach the ears, eyes and nose to the bear.

Maybe someone will have their own ideas for decorating the cake, but the cream and cakes - well, very tasty!

Recipe 3. A simple cake on kefir “Strawberry basket”


Strawberry 0.5 kg

Agar 20g

Sugar 500 g

Cream (pastry) 100 ml

Mint leaves, fresh (for decor)

Dough Products:

Oil 100 g

Flour 400 g

Sugar 100 g

Vanillin 5g

Eggs 3 pcs.

Soda 30g

Kefir 70 ml

Cooking Procedure:

Wash strawberries, sort out. Leave some fresh berries with stems to decorate the cake. Pour the rest of the berries with sugar. Boil them for no more than ten minutes. In the separated juice pour the agar dissolved in 100 ml of hot water. Let the berries boil and set aside until cool.

Mix flour, soda, vanilla. Beat the cooled eggs with sugar and add the kefir. Combine dry and liquid ingredients, knead the stiff dough and then divide it into 3 parts: cut circles (28 cm) from two small pieces, roll out the rest of the dough into a thin layer (0.7-0.8 cm), cut into strips of 1 , 5 cm. From strips on a sheet of foil, fold a square braid of 30x30 cm. Lay a sheet of dough on a round cake mold, turned upside down. Bake the cut circles and basket at 180 ° C. Put the cooled basket of dough on the cake plate. Put the third part of cooked strawberries on the bottom. Cover it with a layer of whipped cream. Put the cake on top. Again - strawberries and cream, cake. The top layer is strawberry. Garnish with fresh berries, mint leaves, cream. Let the cake stand for at least 7-8 hours.

Recipe 4. A simple cake on red velvet kefir


Sugar 250 g

Oil 120 g

Soda 15 g

Eggs 3 pcs.

Cocoa 30g

Natural kefir 100 ml

White flour 300 g

Cherry extract (or liqueur) 5/50 ml

Cherry (or other red berry) 120 g


Lemon Juice 25ml

“Mascarpone” 400 g

Oil (82.5%) 250 g

Vanilla extract 3 ml

Powdered sugar 300 g

For decor: coconut or white chocolate

Cooking Method:

Mix fresh or frozen berries with kefir and blender into a homogeneous mass. To create a richer shade of red biscuit, add 3 teaspoons of fresh beet juice. Add lemon juice and flavors to the slurry. Cool eggs and beat with sugar, adding to them gradually the butter, aged at room temperature. Combine this mass with kefir. In sifted flour, add soda and salt, cocoa. Stir and gradually add to the liquid portion of the dough. Trying not to precipitate the lush dough, pour it into the prepared mold, immediately bake in the preheated oven, at 180 ° C, for about 40 minutes.

Cream butter, powder and vanilla combine in a bowl of the combine. Beat the mass until you get the cream.

The biscuit cooled down and kept in the cold for 7-8 hours is divided into 3 layers in layers.

Collect the cake, missed each layer of cooked cream. Sprinkle with coconut or chocolate chips.

Recipe 5. A simple cake on “Vesuvius” kefir

Components for the test:

Margarine 250g

Sugar 200 g

Eggs 3 pcs.

Kefir 50 ml

Vanilla sugar 20 g

Cocoa 80g

Soda 50 g

Salt 15 g

Flour 500 g

Nuts 150 g

Prunes 200 g Red currant juice 250 ml

Agar 10g

Condensed milk 400 g

Butter, cream 250 g

Cooking Procedure:

Pound creamy margarine with sugar and eggs, pour in kefir and smash. Divide the mass into two parts. Mix sifted flour with soda, salt and vanilla sugar. Add half of the flour mixture to one oil-egg mixture. In the second part of the flour mixture, add cocoa, mix and add to another mixture of eggs, sugar and margarine. After that, spread the dough with a teaspoon on a baking sheet and bake cookies for 7-10 minutes at medium temperature.

Take any nuts or a mixture of them, lightly dry the kernels in a pre-heated pan and chop.

Wash the prunes, pour in boiling water, drain the water and cut it into cubes or straws.

Beat the condensed milk with butter and add vanilla or other flavors to the oil cream, to taste.

Lay out the cooled biscuits on the cake plate, alternating layers of white and chocolate. Grease each layer with cooked cream and sprinkle with dried fruits and nuts. Putting the biscuit into a slide, make a “crater of the volcano” at the top, in the center, of the depression.

Heat the currant juice to a boil, add the agar. Boil until dissolved. Allow the juice to cool and pour the slightly frozen jelly mass into the well. Make from the same juice flowing down to the base of the trickle on the diameter of the cake, simulating red-hot lava. Soak the cake for at least 12 hours in the fridge, letting the liver soak in the cream.

Recipe 6. Simple cake on “Baked Milk” yogurt


Flour 900 g

Kefir 400 ml

Sugar 200 g

Fine salt 15-20 g

Eggs 3 pcs.

Vanillin 5g

Soda 50 g

Juice, lemon 75 ml

For cream:

250 g oil

Baked milk 0.45 L

Sugar 300 g

Flour 90 g


Beat sugar and eggs together, add kefir to this mass. Gradually add sifted flour, vanilla, salt to the liquid mass. Pour soda with lemon juice and pour into the dough. Its texture should be similar to the pancake dough. Cakes for cake can be baked in a pan. In order not to oil the hot pan with oil after each baked cake, pour into the dough an additional 100 ml of refined oil and mix thoroughly. Bake cakes like regular pancakes, pouring a 0.5 cm layer of dough and baking it from both sides.

If the cakes will be baked in the oven, then pour the dough into a mold by dividing it at least 5-6 cakes and baking one at a time, 5-7 minutes. After baking, the cooled cake layers should be cut into 2 layers so that they are thin and the cream is well absorbed.

Prepare the cream: put the sugar in the milk, warm it to dissolve the sugar. Stirring the milk with a whisk, add the flour and cook until the boil begins. Cool and whip a thick mass, gradually adding a soft oil.

Collect the cake, greasing the cooled cake layers with cream. If desired, add chopped nuts or chocolate chips. After infusion, the cake will acquire a moderately moist texture and will taste better.

Recipe 7. A simple cake on kefir curd and fruit with chocolate icing


Oil 150 g

Kiwi 2 pcs.

Whole milk 3 l

Kefir 0.5 L

Orange 1 pc.

Strawberry 200 g

Agar 20g

Sugar 250 g

Milk chocolate (melted) 200 g

Cooking Procedure:

Heat fresh homemade milk to 40-50C. Pour kefir into it; do not remove the pan from the heat, continue stirring until the whey separates. Turn off the stove. Collect a milky clot with a skimmer and transfer it to a colander lined with gauze or a linen napkin. Let the whey drain, but the resulting cottage cheese should have a soft, not overdried consistency.

Add sugar and agar to the hot milk, bring to a boil to dissolve. Pour cooled milk into curd and beat until creamy. Add to the cottage cheese butter. Add vanilla, liqueur or rum if desired.

Lubricate the detachable form with oil and put cottage cheese cream with a spoon, adding slices of fresh fruit to it. Top with a thin layer of melted chocolate. When the cake hardens, put it out of shape on the dish. To this light dessert you can come up with many variations of your own, but the main thing is fresh and tender cottage cheese made from homemade milk.

Simple cake on kefir - tricks and useful tips

  • When preparing the dough, make sure that there are no mistakes: try the dough. Some defects can be corrected before the product gets on the table. For example, if a lot of soda is accidentally added and it tastes good, add a few drops of vinegar to neutralize the unpleasant taste and save the baking from settling in the oven.
  • Try to add soda at the last moment in the dough on kefir, so that the baking is lush. After thorough mixing, tightly cover the container with the dough so that gas does not escape from it. Dough on kefir with the addition of soda should be allowed to separate, as well as yeast dough. If dough includes eggs or proteins, then you should not do this - immediately send the dough to a preheated oven, as is the case with cooking biscuits.
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