Rice casserole - the best recipes. How to properly and cook rice casserole.

Rice casserole - the best recipes. How to properly and cook rice casserole.

Rice casserole - general principles and methods of cooking

Rice is the bread culture of the East. It is difficult to imagine that whole nations use it in nutrition in the same way as we use bread. Some Japanese eat 4 kg of rice per day in the hot summer. At the most honorable place in each house is a hill of rice cakes, as well as ordinary boiled rice - a symbol of prosperity and good luck. However, rice is appreciated not only in the countries of the East. Practically all over the world, this popular cereal crop is used to prepare first and second courses, confectionery, jelly and other goodies.

Rice casserole is suitable for any meal. You can feed as many people as you can with a hearty meal, no matter what ingredients are included there except rice. The rice itself provides the nutritional and usefulness of the dish. Indeed, in this balanced product there is everything - potassium and sodium, vitamins of group B, a large number of useful components. The most useful to use unpolished unpolished grains. No other cereal can boast that much starch.

Rice Casserole - Food Preparation

In order to cook the casserole, rice must be boiled. Let us tell you a big secret - despite the fact that the stores have a huge range of this useful cereal, absolutely any variety is suitable for cooking casseroles. Expensive rice varieties, of course, are of better quality, they are easier to boil, and they remain whole. But from the simplest rice you can make a wonderful casserole.

How to cook rice? Measure rice by volume, not weight, to make it easier to calculate the amount of water. On 1 volume of rice should be two volumes of liquid. For rice casseroles with meat, you can boil rice in broth (preferably natural, and not from bouillon cubes). You can cook it in a pan with a lid, cauldron or thick-walled saucepan. Pour some vegetable oil on the bottom, then lay out the rice and pour water. Butter will make boiled rice crumbly, white cooks 15 minutes, brown - 40 minutes. If you are in doubt about readiness, taste the grain. Another way to test readiness is to tilt the pan to determine the presence of water. If there is still water, leave it on the fire for a few more minutes. Then turn off the heat and dig up the pan or pan with a towel, leave for some time. So get dry crumbly rice, which is used as a side dish or a component of various dishes.

Recipe 1: Rice casserole with minced chicken

For any dish of their rice can be harvested in advance. Cooked rice in the refrigerator can be stored for several days. Mince can be taken any - chicken, beef, or mixed.

Ingredients: rice (1 cup, 230 grams), minced meat (chicken, 40 grams), onions (1-2 pieces), eggs (2 pieces), salt, vegetable oil, spices.

Method of preparation

Boil rice. Finely chopped onion fry in vegetable oil with minced meat. Salt and pepper. We mix raw eggs into rice, prepare the oven - heat it up to 190 degrees. In the greased form lay out half of the rice, then the stuffing, on top of rice again. We put in the oven for 30 minutes. In the dish with meat, you can add vegetables - carrots, sweet peppers and tomatoes. In this case, it is better to fry them with minced meat.

Recipe 2: Rice and cottage cheese casserole with oranges

Rice is perfect for cooking sweet dishes. Recall, for example, dried fruit pilaf. Casserole with oranges is just a fabulously tasty dish. Especially love his children, so that there is no secret, and many men have a sweet tooth. Treat your loved ones, because it is completely easy.

Ingredients: rice (150 grams), cottage cheese (400 grams), raisins, egg (3 pcs.), Sugar (half a cup), flour (1 cup, orange (1 large).

Method of preparation Boil the rice until half cooked, wash the raisins and put the curd mass in a large plate. Add cottage cheese rice, raisins, 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 3 eggs, then a glass of flour and mix thoroughly. On low heat, melt in the form of 30 grams of butter and 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar. Cut the orange into rings and spread on the melted butter. Then lay out the dough, send in the oven for 30-40 minutes. Cool the baked casserole, cover with a plate and turn the shape over. Orange rings are now at the top. It is not only tasty but beautiful.

Recipe 3: Rice casserole with mushrooms and cod

Ingredients: rice (200 grams), cheese (450 grams), champignons (500 grams), flour (2-3 tablespoons), flour (2-3 tablespoons), egg (1 pc.) , garlic (1-2 slices), tomatoes (2-3 pieces), salt, pepper, oil for form lubrication, canned cod.

Method of preparation

Boil the rice is not until the end, rub the cheese on a coarse grater. Approximately 1/23 of the cheese mixed with rice and add the raw egg, flour. It turns out a kind of strong dough. Fry the mushrooms with onion and garlic, salt and pepper to taste. Add flour, in a minute or two we pour in milk and sour cream to make gravy. The first layer in the oiled form is rice, then the mushrooms and on top are laid out canned cod. Top sliced ​​tomato rings, cover all the remaining layer of cheese. In the oven in 30-40 minutes, a delicious ruddy crust is formed. Slightly cool the dish and serve. The casserole keeps in shape, it is easy to cut it into neat pieces.

Rice Casserole - useful tips from experienced chefs

Rice is a very democratic product, the casserole can be cooked with various ingredients, for example, with fresh fruit. Imagine how tasty a casserole can be made with apples, pears, or other fruits. Peel them from the skin and seeds, cut into small pieces. Extinguish in a little water. Add to the rice fruit, cinnamon powder, scrambled eggs, a little butter and bake. Enjoy your meal.

Legend about the origin of rice

From the island of Kalimantan came to us a legend about rice. In ancient times, when the heavens were still closer to the earth, the righteous and the gods sometimes changed places. The gods descended to earth, the righteous ascended to heaven. One day, a young man who came to heaven, saw the seeds of rice and asked what it was. God graciously treated the young man with boiled rice. The spirits guarding the rice were not allowed to take with them to the ground, explaining to the young man that this was the food of the Gods.

When the young man came to heaven the next time, he hid a few grains of rice in cracks on his heels, returned to the ground and presented it to people. So rice got to Earth. The deity of rice is in Japan today, on the steps in front of the sacrificial altar are bowls of rice and cups of salt and water. To ask the Deity for rice help, you need to go around the stone 100 times and repeat your most cherished desire. Then it will come true. That is why newlyweds bring rice cakes to the wedding day.

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