Dried apricots - description, properties, use in cooking. Recipes with dried apricots.

Dried apricots - description, properties, use in cooking. Recipes with dried apricots.

Dried apricots - description

Dried apricots are the dried fruits of apricot. As a rule, the fruits of large varieties free from seeds before drying. Fruits of small varieties of apricots are dried with pits, such dried apricots are called apricot. Dried apricot without a bone, but not divided into halves, is called kaisa.

The Chinese have been growing apricot trees for more than 5 thousand years; Apricot came to Southern Europe about 2 thousand years ago, thanks to the Armenian merchants, therefore in antiquity it was called there - the Armenian apple. Today, apricot trees are grown in countries with a warm temperate climate, and in Russia the places of its distribution are the Caucasus and the southern regions of the European part.

More than 20 varieties of apricots are known. The Central Asian varieties with a small size of the fruit, called apricot, are thermophilic, so in our conditions they freeze out. The North Caucasus and Moldova are the habitats of wild apricot (poles), which is characterized by increased cold resistance. Mature fruits are freely separated from the stone. Dahurian apricot grows in Eastern Siberia, the fruits of which are also edible.

Dried apricots, which we see on our shelves, are supplied to us by Turkey and Tajikistan. For the production of dried apricots, the breeders do a great job of breeding special varieties of apricots, which are able to maintain their useful properties and taste during drying.

It takes about six to eight days to get dried apricots from apricots. To get one kilogram of dried apricots, dried from 3 to 4 kilograms of fresh apricots.

Dried apricots - useful properties

The main value of dried apricots is its ability to retain trace elements and nutrients during drying. Dried apricots have few vitamins, but it is rich in minerals - potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron and phosphorus, which is much more in it than fresh apricots. Also, dried apricots contain vitamin B5, organic acids and pectins, which effectively release the human body from heavy metals and radionuclides. The sweetness of dried apricots is explained by the high content of glucose, sucrose and fructose, the total amount of which can reach 80 percent.

Indications for the use of dried apricots are anemia, impaired vision and heart disease. Also, dried apricots is an excellent tonic, it can eliminate vascular blockages, increase hemoglobin, soften solid tumors, reduce pressure, rejuvenate the skin and strengthen hair. Thanks to the vegetable fibers contained in dried apricots, the intestines are cleaned. Potassium salts in dried apricots predominate over sodium salts, which causes its dietary properties. However, only those who are not allergic to this product can evaluate the beneficial properties of dried apricots. You also need to remember that excessive consumption of dried apricots can cause indigestion. Diabetics and overweight people should also use dried apricots with caution.

Dried apricots - caloric content

Calorie Dried apricots is 275 kcal.

Dried apricots - use in cooking

Dried apricots have long been an integral part of the cuisines of different nations. It is most widely used for the preparation of desserts and confectionery (buns, pies, cakes, sweets, etc.). Chopped dried apricots often also acts as a seasoning, giving the dishes a sweet-sour taste and a pleasant aroma. It is used in the preparation of pilaf, various cereals, soups, sauces.

Also dried apricots are used in the preparation of compotes and other beverages.

Recipe Examples with Dried Apricots

Recipe 1: Cottage Cheese Casserole with Dried Apricots

This casserole turns out very tender and moderately sweet. It will conquer you with the rich aroma of apricots and citrus, and the presence of dried apricots in the dish, almonds, coconut and honey not only improves its taste, but also makes it very useful.


400 gr. cottage cheese;

200 gr. dried apricots;

2 eggs;

50 gr. semolina;

25 gr. starch;

100 gr. white semi-sweet wine;

150 gr. milk;

zest of 1 lemon;

1 tbsp. l almond chips;

50 gr. honey;

80 gr. Sahara.


1. Well washed apricots, fill it with hot water for 10 minutes. Then, drain the water, add honey with wine, juice and lemon zest and bring to a boil. After putting everything on low heat for about 7 minutes, cool and pour the liquid into a separate container.

2. Dried apricots cut into small pieces. Grind cottage cheese thoroughly with milk in a blender to make the mass as homogeneous as possible. Then we add to the curd mass the liquid in which we cooked dried apricots, mix everything thoroughly.

3. Beat eggs with sugar into lush foam, add them to the curd mass together with semolina, starch, almond chips, and mix everything well.

4. Heat the oven well. We cover the form with parchment paper, grease it with oil and put dried apricots on the bottom. Pour curd mass from above and bake for about half an hour. We determine the readiness of the casserole by gently touching its middle: if it hardens and becomes elastic, then the dish is ready. Letting the casserole stand in shape for about 15 minutes, turn it over on a plate and serve on the table.

Recipe 2: Salad with Chicken, Marinated Mushrooms and Dried Apricots

This salad is not only tasty, but also very original, thanks to an unexpected combination of dried apricots and pickled mushrooms.


250 gr. pickled mushrooms;

3 eggs;

300 gr. chicken fillet;

150 gr. hard cheese;

100 gr. dried apricots;

1 onion;

50 gr. lemon juice;

1 small bunch of dill;

3 tbsp. l mayonnaise.


1. Boil the eggs, rub the whites and yolks separately on a grater. Dill finely cut. Well washed apricots, fill it with hot water and incubate for about 15 minutes. Then we merge water and cut dried apricots into strips. Boil chicken fillet and cut into strips. Cut onions into thin rings and marinate in lemon juice for about half an hour. Cheese rubbed on a coarse grater. Mushrooms cut halves lengthwise.

2. Take a flat dish and spread mushrooms on it, sprinkle them with dill and spread egg yolk on top. Cover with mayonnaise. Then we spread the pickled onions, on top - grated protein, and again everything is covered with mayonnaise.

3. Lay out a layer of chicken fillet on the protein, lay dried apricots on top, fill with mayonnaise. Top lay out the cheese, which will be the last layer of our salad. Letting the dish stand in the refrigerator for at least an hour, serve on the table.

Recipe 3: Chicken roll with dried apricots

Very tasty and hearty dish. Chicken meat goes well with cheese, and dried apricots give it a delicious sourness and flavor.


2 chicken fillets;

100 gr. hard cheese;

100 gr. dried apricots;

40 gr. pistachios;

to taste salt and pepper.


1. Carefully removing the skin from two chicken breasts, lay it overlapping. Chicken fillet cut and beat, salt and pepper. Put it on the skin.

2. Rub cheese on a coarse grater, sprinkle them with fillets. Pre-washed and steamed dried apricots cut into strips, pour it on the cheese, along with peeled pistachios. Carefully fold everything together with the skin of the roll and tie up with threads to keep it in shape. We coat rolls with mayonnaise.

3. Having greased a form with vegetable oil, we put roll in it. Pour some water into the form, put it in a well-heated oven and bake for about 40 minutes. Let cool, cut into pieces.

Dried apricots - useful tips from experienced chefs

Talk about the benefits of dried apricots can only be when you manage to buy a quality product. Today, it is not uncommon for an industrial method of harvesting dried apricots, in which a toxic inorganic compound sulfur dioxide and other preservatives are used, which make it possible to preserve the attractive appearance of fruits and their juicy orange color. Unfortunately, dried apricots, presented today in our market, are mostly made that way. Long-term use of this product leads to the accumulation of sulfur dioxide in the body, which over time can cause lung damage, bronchus, allergies and asthma. However, in our stores you can find natural dried apricots (“organic”). It is characterized by a dark color, a sweeter taste and, of course, a higher price.

To restore the organic properties of the purchased dried fruits, they are soaked in hot water for half an hour and then dried with a paper towel. It is possible for these purposes to leave them overnight in apple juice.

Today, many are trying to dry apricots at home. Of course, it is better to have for this purpose a special industrial dryer, which ensures the preservation of all the vitamins, enzymes, micro and macro elements, as well as the taste qualities of apricots. But you can quite successfully dry apricots without it - either outdoors in a specially designated place, or in an oven at about 65 degrees for 6-8 hours.

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