Water got into the multicooker

Water got into the multicooker

In recent years, the multicooker has become an integral and very useful part of kitchen equipment that helps housewives to feed their families with tasty and satisfying food and at the same time save time for themselves. Therefore, the failure of this useful device immediately plunges every woman and most men. One of the most common causes of such trouble is getting into the multicooker fluid, which is not surprising. After all, most recipes involve adding water to the bowl.

What to do if you, by distraction or negligence, poured water not into the saucepan, but directly into the appliance itself? The main danger of such a situation is that the multicooker works on electricity, therefore, there is not only the likelihood of its chips or other parts failing, but also the possibility of electric shock to the owner.

Here is the order of the right actions, in order to survive and not to spoil the device:

  • If the equipment was connected to the power supply, then de-energizing it becomes the priority task. Pay attention to what happened after the liquid got inside. Was there any sparking, an unpleasant smell of burning wiring or a panel failure? If you did not notice anything like this, then there is a possibility that the entire electrical part remains intact. Then it will be safe enough just to pull the plug out of the socket.
  • To disconnect the multicooker, in which a short circuit occurred, accompanied by sparking and burning plastic smell, it is best to turn off all power supply. It is necessary to turn off the switch, removing the voltage from the entire mains of the apartment or, if possible, only from the kitchen. After that it will be possible to disconnect the injured multicooker. Another, more dangerous, option is possible if, for whatever reason, you fail to completely turn off the electricity. It is necessary to protect your hands with rubber gloves and pull the cord out of the electrical outlet.
  • After you have been able to de-energize the “sacrifice” of your awkwardness, it is required to rid it of water. To do this, it is best to partially disassemble the device and carefully inspect, wipe and dry all available places. The most convenient way to do this is a hairdryer If you do not manage to disassemble the slow cooker, you will have to rely on the forces of nature. Just turn the “injured” upside down so that under the influence of gravity the liquid leaves the interior of the device. This method is less reliable and longer. Helps speed up the process of periodic shaking.
  • When you are sure that all the liquid has left the device case, it remains to dry it completely in some warm and dry place, for example, on a battery or heater. If the problem arose in the summer, then the ideal option would be to place the device on a sunny and windy place like a balcony or veranda. During the final drying, it is recommended to shake the device, tilting it in different directions.
  • Never try to turn on the slow cooker if you are not 100% sure that it has dried out properly. When it comes to electrical appliances, it is always better to exercise reasonable precaution.
  • If the device does not show signs of life after switching on to the power grid, then put up with the idea that your multicooker needs serious repair. In this case, you can try to reanimate the device on your own by buying and replacing the necessary details. But if the device is under warranty, then, of course, will have to seek the help of professionals.
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