Smoothies with kefir and cucumber

Smoothies with kefir and cucumber

To start your day with a good mood and recharge your batteries, you can make a green smoothie with kefir and cucumber. This is a useful and refreshing fermented milk drink, which is prepared quite simply. In addition to kefir and cucumber, the composition of the smoothie includes fresh spinach, parsley, dill, and mint, which is why it turns out such a bright, appetizing, emerald color.

List of ingredients:

  • 5-6 leaves of spinach,
  • 2-3 sprigs of parsley,
  • 2-3 sprigs of dill,
  • 7-8 mint leaves,
  • 1 cucumber,
  • 500 ml of kefir of any fat content,
  • flax seeds, sesame - at will.


1. Choose spinach leaves for a smoothie, stems can be torn off. Wash greens and dry with a towel. The leaves should be young and tender.

Smoothies with kefir and cucumber

2. Wash and dry parsley and dill.

Smoothies with kefir and cucumber

3. Also included in the smoothie is fresh mint - this will make the drink more refreshing and healthy. Choose young, tender mint leaves, wash and dry.

Smoothies with kefir and cucumber

4. Take a cucumber without damage and stains on the peel, wash it and cut off the tips, be sure to check for bitterness, otherwise the taste of the drink may disappoint.

Smoothies with kefir and cucumber

5. Transfer the cucumbers and greens to the blender bowl, pour all kefir with any fat content. If kefir is 1% fat or fat-free, then the smoothie will be slightly more liquid. Also at this stage you can add flax seeds, sesame seeds.

Smoothies with kefir and cucumber

6. Grind all the ingredients in a blender for a couple of minutes at medium speed - during this time the mass should become thick but homogeneous.

Smoothies with kefir and cucumber

7. Pour smoothie into glasses and serve. It turns out two "adults" or three "children's" portions. But, it should be noted that for children this drink will have to be sweetened. In hot weather, such a smoothie will have to be very handy, you can even dilute it a little with water or low-fat kefir so that you can drink through a straw.

Smoothies with kefir and cucumber
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