Quickly salads

Quickly salads

No matter how tasty the products themselves, when combined into a harmonious bouquet and seasoned with sauce, they acquire a new taste, richer and more interesting. Salads are made all over the world. They can refresh a family dinner or even turn it into a feast. It is difficult to imagine a festive meal without this snack. Not always the hostess has a lot of time to cook it according to a complex recipe, and not all ingredients can be on hand. This will not be a problem if she knows which quick salads can be collected from simple foods that you can buy on your way home at almost any grocery store or find yourself in the fridge among the remnants of yesterday's food.

Cooking Features

Prepare a salad quickly without loss of quality and appearance of snacks can not all. Tips experienced culinary help to solve this problem.

  • Most likely, a salad can be prepared from fresh vegetables, canned vegetables and fish, pickled mushrooms, sausages and other products that do not require heat treatment. If you do not know what to make a quick snack, analyze the contents of the refrigerator and pantry: the likelihood that you will pick up several ingredients that can form a harmonious union is very high.
  • For the preparation of salads in a hurry, you can use the products left over from yesterday's dinner. This may be boiled rice, pasta, potatoes, eggs. If boiled meat remains from the soup, then you are very lucky - it can become the basis of delicious and satisfying salads, which will not take much time and effort to prepare.
  • If the hostess in the morning knows that in the evening she has to meet guests, and literally half an hour will have to chop the salad, nothing will prevent her from boiling potatoes, carrots, eggs in advance while she is going to work. By her arrival, they are already cool. For cooking vegetables, you can use the slow cooker, setting the timer at the right time and choosing the appropriate program. The same unit will cook for you in advance meat or offal.
  • Do not give up on recipes that involve the use of boiled chicken breast, eggs - these products are prepared quickly. If you put them to boil immediately, then by the time you cut the remaining ingredients, they will be ready.
  • Give preference to recipes that provide large-scale cutting of products, grinding them on a grater - this will save time. The fewer ingredients you have to chop, the better if the main task is to make a snack quickly. Low-component salads can also be delicious.
  • Refill salads just before serving.
  • When using products that require heat treatment, add them to the salad only after they have cooled. Otherwise, the appetizer will quickly spoil.
  • If there is no mayonnaise in the refrigerator, and the recipe requires its use, you can replace it with sour cream or yogurt. If you mix them with a small amount of mustard and lemon juice, the taste of the finished dish will be no worse than with mayonnaise sauce.

Knowing these subtleties, you will certainly be able to cook a tasty and delicious salad in a hurry. Expensive and exotic products for this is not required.

Salad of pickled mushrooms


  • marinated mushrooms - 0, 3 kg;
  • onions - 50 g;
  • tomatoes - 0, 3 kg;
  • fresh dill - 50 g;
  • sweet pepper - 0, 2 kg;
  • pickle from under the mushrooms - 20 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 40 ml.

Method of preparation:

  • Pepper wash, cut the stem from it and remove it together with the seeds.
  • Cut the flesh of the pepper into quarters of rings that are not too narrow.
  • For tomatoes, cut off the seal near the stem. Cut tomato pulp into slices.
  • Peel the onion, cut it into thin half-rings.
  • Finely chop the dill with a knife.
  • Remove the mushrooms from the jar. If you have mushrooms or other small mushrooms, leave them whole. Large specimens should be cut into 4 parts.
  • Put all the ingredients in a bowl.
  • Mix a spoonful of brine with oil. Season the mixture with the salad.

The fresh taste and aroma of lettuce made from pickled mushrooms is unlikely to leave your guests and household indifferent. It is suitable as a snack to alcoholic beverages, will be a perfect addition to potatoes. It is delicious in itself. Cook for this snack does not need anything, it will take no more than 10-15 minutes to prepare it.

Salad with mushrooms and beans


  • fresh champignons - 0, 4 kg;
  • onions - 0, 2 kg;
  • canned beans - 0, 2 kg;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • mayonnaise - 100 ml;
  • vegetable oil - how much will leave;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.
Quickly salads

Method of preparation:

  • Wash champignons, dry with a napkin, cut into plates.
  • Onion, freeing from the husk, cut into thin halves of the rings.
  • Put the mushrooms and onions in the pan with the heated butter. Fry until the liquid released from the mushrooms evaporates.
  • Mix the mushrooms with canned beans.
  • Skip garlic through a press, mix with mayonnaise. Season the salad.

Snacks for this recipe are nourishing and tasty. It takes about 20-25 minutes to prepare.

Crab Sticks Salad with Corn


  • chicken egg - 4 pcs .;
  • crab sticks - 0, 4 kg;
  • canned corn - 0, 2 kg;
  • onions - 75 g;
  • mayonnaise - how much will go.

Method of preparation:

  • Wash, cover with water and boil eggs.
  • Remove the crab sticks from cellophane, cut into not too small cubes.
  • Place the eggs under the tap with cold water to cool them as quickly as possible.
  • Peel the onions, chop finely. You can pour boiling water to remove bitterness, or pickle for 5 minutes in apple cider vinegar.
  • Peel the eggs, cut them into cubes, combine with crab sticks. Add onions.
  • From the jar of corn drain the brine, put the corn to the rest of the ingredients.
  • Stir with mayonnaise.

Crab stick salad has several cooking options. If you want to give it a fresh taste, you can add the recipe with cucumber or white cabbage, replace the onions with green. Adding boiled rice to the appetizer will make it more satisfying. Having included in the composition of the salad oranges, you change its taste beyond recognition.

Raw carrot salad


  • carrots - 0, 3 kg;
  • cheese - 100 g;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • mayonnaise or sour cream - 100 ml.

Method of preparation:

  • Peel raw carrots, coarsely rub. You can use a regular grater or grater for cooking Korean snacks.
  • Grind grated cheese. Mix with carrots.
  • Crush garlic with a press, combine with mayonnaise or sour cream, mix.
  • Season the salad with the resulting sauce.

Such an appetizer will be a good addition to the second dish. It's hard to find a recipe easier. Essential products are in almost every home. A similar salad can be made from raw beets, but it will have a specific flavor that not everyone will like. Juiciness salad will help give cucumber. It can be added to the appetizer, cut into strips.

Seasonal Vegetable Salad


  • chicken egg - 2 pcs .;
  • radishes - 100 g;
  • cucumbers - 0, 3 kg;
  • tomatoes - 0, 2 kg;
  • fresh greens - 100 g;
  • sour cream - 50 ml.

Method of preparation:

  • Boil eggs, cool, cut into large slices.
  • Wash and dry the vegetables. Cut off the tips.
  • Cut into halves of circles or even whole circles if the vegetables are small.
  • Finely chop the greens with a knife.
  • Combine ingredients, season with sour cream.

The ratio of vegetables in a salad can be changed based on your taste. This salad is good to do in the summer. In the spring, when seasonal vegetables are still rare, he will be able to decorate even a festive table.

Ham salad with pasta


  • boiled macaroni - 0, 2 kg;
  • ham - 100 g;
  • radishes - 100 g;
  • greens - 100 g;
  • cottage cheese - 50 g;
  • sour cream - 60 ml.

Method of preparation:

  • Cook the macaroni or use the rest from yesterday.
  • Radishes, washed and dried, cut into semicircles.
  • Cut ham into strips.
  • Chop the greens.
  • Combine boiled pasta with ham, greens and radish in a bowl.
  • Mix cottage cheese with sour cream and season the salad.

A simpler dressing can be used for this salad: from vegetable oil mixed with a small amount of vinegar or lemon juice. The recipe will allow you not only to whip up a tasty and satisfying salad, but also to save the pasta, if you did not have time to eat them in time.

Canned vegetable salad


  • canned beans - 0, 2 kg;
  • canned green peas - 0, 2 kg;
  • canned corn - 0, 2 kg;
  • boiled potatoes - 0, 3 kg;
  • fresh or pickled cucumbers - 0, 3 kg;
  • mayonnaise or sour cream - to taste.

Method of preparation:

  • Open the cans of canned goods, drain the liquid from them.
  • Corn, peas and beans sprinkle in one bowl.
  • Cut the potatoes into small cubes.
  • Cut cucumbers in the same way.
  • Combine the vegetables, seasoning them with sour cream or mayonnaise.

It is difficult to find a snack that is prepared as quickly and simply. The recipe is suitable if you have already boiled potatoes. Otherwise, the preparation of salad may take longer than you plan.

Tomato and green salad


  • fresh tomatoes - 1 kg;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • fresh greens - 100 g;
  • lemon juice - 10 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 40 ml;
  • red pepper - a pinch;
  • salt - to taste.
Quickly salads

Method of preparation:

  • Finely chop the garlic, cover with lemon juice and butter, add a pinch of pepper.
  • Wash the tomatoes. Cut them into slices, cut off the areas adjacent to the stem - the flesh in these places is often too dense.
  • Put the slices of tomatoes in a salad bowl.
  • Add to them chopped greens, season.

It’s hard to find a salad recipe that is cooked faster and easier than this. Snack has a fresh and savory taste. Suitable as a complement to the side dish and as a snack for alcoholic beverages. It goes well with grilled meat, kebabs.

Canned Pineapple Salad


  • Canned pineapples - 0, 3 kg;
  • hard cheese - 0, 2 kg;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • sour cream or unsweetened yogurt - 100 ml.

Method of preparation:

  • Remove the pineapples from the syrup, cut into small cubes.
  • Chop cheese on a coarse grater.
  • Pass the garlic through the press. Mix it up.
  • Season with sour cream or unsweetened yogurt.

It is best to serve cheese and pineapple salad in glasses or wine glasses. It can be made to the holiday table. This exquisite snack is well suited to wine, including champagne. You can put it in glasses in layers. Then fill the sour cream with cheese and pineapple will have to be separately, and garlic is distributed between them.

Salad of salted cucumbers


  • lightly-salted cucumbers - 0, 2 kg;
  • canned green peas - 0, 4 kg;
  • rye crackers - 100 g;
  • sour cream - 0, 25 l.

Method of preparation:

  • Cut the cucumbers into cubes.
  • Add green peas. Stir.
  • Pour the croutons. The best fit with the aroma of cucumbers, dill.
  • Fill with sour cream and serve immediately to the table, until the croutons are soaked.

If you have salted cucumbers in the refrigerator, then you can cope with the preparation of this salad in 5-10 minutes. Having a great time, you can cut and add fresh greens to the salad, with it the snack will be even tastier and more aromatic.

Cabbage salad with fresh cucumbers


  • white cabbage - 0, 3 kg;
  • fresh cucumbers - 0, 3 kg;
  • fresh greens - 100 g;
  • lemon juice - 20 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 40 ml;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.
Quickly salads

Method of preparation:

  • Chop the cabbage. Salt it and remember a little bit to make it juice.
  • Cut cucumbers into halves, mix with cabbage.
  • Add finely chopped greens to the vegetables.
  • Season with a mixture of butter and lemon juice.

A light and fresh cabbage and cucumber salad can be a supplement to the side dish or replace it. This appetizer goes well with fried meat. It can be served with steak, kebabs.

Green Pea Salad


  • chicken egg - 2 pcs .;
  • canned green peas - 0, 2 kg;
  • onions - 75 g;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - 20 ml.

Method of preparation:

  • Cut the onion into thin half-rings.
  • Boil, peel the egg, cut into large cubes.
  • Open a jar of peas, drain the water. Put the peas in the bowl with the eggs, then send the onions too.
  • Salt, pepper, pour in oil, mix.

If the eggs are cooked in advance, it is unlikely that it will take more than 5 minutes to prepare the salad according to this recipe.

Salad “Gentle”


  • boiled chicken breast - 0, 5 kg;
  • chicken eggs - 7 pcs .;
  • onions - 150 g;
  • apple cider vinegar (6%) - 20 ml;
  • water - 20 ml;
  • mayonnaise - 0, 2 l.

Method of preparation:

  • Place boiled eggs and chicken breast. While they are cooking, you can do other things. Cool the finished products.
  • Peel the onion, cut it into small pieces. Fill it with a mixture of vinegar and water. Leave for 5-10 minutes.
  • While the onion is marinating, peel and cut the eggs into small cubes.
  • Separate chicken breast meat from skin and bone, cut into cubes.
  • Connect the chicken with the egg, add the pickled onions. Season with mayonnaise sauce.

Salad has a delicate flavor, it turns out satisfying. Able to replace one of the main meals. It can be supplemented with crushed grated apple, it will give the snack a unique fresh notes, make it more juicy and tender. You can use smoked breast instead of boiled breast, this will speed up the cooking process, make the salad taste more piquant.

Salad from cheese and smoked sausage


  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs .;
  • fresh cucumbers - 0, 3 kg;
  • smoked sausage - 0, 2 kg;
  • green peas - 0, 2 kg;
  • hard cheese - 50 g;
  • mayonnaise - to taste.

Method of preparation:

  • Put the boiled eggs.
  • Wash the cucumbers, cut off the tips. Cut into small cubes.
  • Cut the sausage into strips.
  • Cheese finely grate.
  • In a bowl, mix cucumbers, sausage and green peas.
  • Cool the eggs under cold running water. Peel them and cut into thin long slices. Combine with sausage, peas and cucumbers.
  • Add mayonnaise, mix.
  • Sprinkle with grated cheese before serving.

Despite the simple composition and availability of its ingredients, the salad for this recipe turns out very tasty. It can be supplemented with crackers. If you put this snack in a salad bowl, at the bottom of which put a few lettuce leaves, it will take on a festive look.

Caesar Salad


  • boiled chicken fillet - 0, 2 kg;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • hard cheese - 50 g;
  • sour cream - 80 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 20 ml;
  • soy sauce - 20 ml;
  • French mustard - 30 ml;
  • leaf lettuce or arugula - 100 g;
  • wheat bread - 100 g.

Method of preparation:

  • Boiled chicken breast cut into small cubes or disassemble into fibers.
  • Cut the garlic in half, fry in oil, remove from it.
  • Cut bread into cubes, fry in garlic oil.
  • Lay a few lettuce leaves in a dish, tear the rest into middle pieces.
  • Mix sour cream, mustard and soy sauce.
  • Mix tattered lettuce leaves with chicken, put on whole leaves, pour over the sauce.
  • Coarsely rub cheese, sprinkle chicken on them. Pour over the remaining sauce.
  • Before serving, sprinkle it with croutons.

Caesar Salad is one of the most popular Mediterranean appetizers in our country. It is prepared so simply and quickly that it can be made for a family dinner on weekdays, but it looks so appetizing and bright that it can decorate a festive table.

Sprat Salad


  • canned beans - 100 g;
  • sprats in oil - 0, 25 kg;
  • canned corn - 100 g;
  • pitted olives - 50 g;
  • cheese - 100 g;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • fresh greens - to taste;
  • rye crackers - 100 g;
  • mayonnaise - 100 ml.

Method of preparation:

  • Fill the crackers with oil from under the sprat.
  • Coarsely grated cheese.
  • Sprats mash with a fork, but not to a state of mashed potatoes, and to the formation of not too large pieces of arbitrary shape.
  • Add cheese, beans and corn to sprats.
  • In mayonnaise add garlic passed through the press, mix.
  • Mix the main ingredients with mayonnaise. Add crackers, mix again.
  • Decorate the salad with sprigs of fresh herbs and olives.

The appetizer is unusual but tasty. Even a child can handle it. An experienced housewife will make such a salad in 5 minutes.

Radish Salad


  • radish - 0, 2 kg;
  • carrots - 100 g;
  • apple - 0, 2 kg;
  • vegetable oil - 20 ml;
  • lemon juice - 5 ml;
  • salt, fresh greens - to taste.

Method of preparation:

  • Peel the radish, chop it on a grater.
  • Remove the core from the apple. Remove the skin from the fruit. Coarse grate the pulp.
  • Scrape carrots. Crush it in the same way as the other ingredients.
  • Mix vegetables. Pickle. Add chopped greens.
  • Mix butter with lemon juice, pour vegetables over it.

Salad according to this recipe is juicy. Good complement fish and meat dishes. It goes well with rice, potatoes. It can act as a self-contained snack.

Orchid salad with ham and Korean carrots


  • ham - 0, 2 kg;
  • Korean carrot - 100 g;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs .;
  • cheese - 150 g;
  • mayonnaise - 100 ml;
  • potato chips - 40 g.

Method of preparation:

  • Ham cut into strips.
  • Mix with Korean carrots.
  • Mix half of the mayonnaise, put in a salad bowl.
  • Clean and rub boiled eggs.
  • Rub the cheese.
  • Mix the cheese with the eggs, cover the sausage with the ham with them.
  • Smear the remaining mayonnaise.
  • Decorate with chips.

This tasty and nourishing salad looks appetizing, it is not a shame to put it on the festive table. No one would guess that you have prepared it in haste.

An experienced hostess is trying to learn more recipes for salads, which can be prepared in a hurry from simple products. They help her out in a variety of situations, they are in demand on weekdays and holidays.

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