White bread in bread maker

White bread in bread maker

The user's manual for any bread maker contains recipes for each baking mode. But this does not mean that your possibilities in baking bread are limited to the oven model - you can safely try other recipes or “deduce the formula” of the new bread.

When preparing for a new recipe, you need to make sure that the amount of ingredients is measured in the same measuring capacity as you, and, if necessary, recalculate the volume for your measuring glass.

If the recipe does not indicate the absolute volume or weight of the products, you can still use it, strictly observing the specified ratios. At the same time be sure to monitor the correctness of their actions by the type of dough during kneading. For a standard white bread at the end of the first batch should get a smooth, elastic bun. For bread from coarse flour allowed slight spreading bun.

If the bread settles during baking, it means that the dough was too thin. If it rises badly - on the contrary, it is too cool


  • cold water - 1, 5 stacks;
  • wheat flour - 4 stacks;
  • salt - 2 tsp;
  • active dry yeast - 2 tsp;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l


White bread in bread maker

1. For baking homemade soft white bread in a bread maker, we will prepare all the ingredients we need. Pour water on the bottom of the bread machine.

White bread in bread maker

2. Measure out the right amount of flour in a container, sift it and add to the water without mixing.

White bread in bread maker

3. Pour 2 teaspoons of salt on top of the flour (do not interfere).

White bread in bread maker

4. Top of salt sprinkle 3 tablespoons of sugar and yeast (still not interfere).

White bread in bread maker

5. Close the bread maker, turn it on and set the “wheat bread” mode. During baking, we do not check the readiness of the dough. Ready bread should have a characteristic ruddy crust and keep the shape, and the crumb is soft and tender.

White bread in bread maker

6. We take out the finished white bread from the bread maker, cool it. Now you can serve. Wheat white bread must be stored in a dark, dry place, packed in a plastic bag.

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