What can be cooked from tomatoes quickly? We offer great snacks, first and second dishes in a hurry of tomatoes

What can be cooked from tomatoes quickly? We offer great snacks, first and second dishes in a hurry of tomatoes

Tomatoes rightly occupy a special place in the vegetable basket due to its wonderful taste, bright color and a whole lot of vitamins.

They are among the most popular products that are used in all cuisines of the world for the preparation of various dishes.

What can be cooked from tomatoes quickly: the advantages and useful properties of tomatoes

It is known that tomatoes can be eaten absolutely in any form - raw, fried, stewed or salted. Tomatoes are made into all-loved tomato juice. There is a huge number of different snacks and salads, first and second courses, the presence of tomatoes in their composition adds a unique taste and color. Tomatoes can serve as zazharki and be used to make tomato paste. It is important that the product is dietary, so the dishes, which contain tomatoes, are suitable for both healthy people and those who are obese, diabetic and other diseases.

Tomatoes are rich in vitamin A, lutein, iron, carotene, and contain important folic and ascorbic acid and dietary fiber for the human body.

There are many recipes for tasty and fast dishes with the addition of tomatoes, which have long been a success.

Recipe number 1. What can be cooked from tomatoes quickly:

light snack of tomatoes with curd filling.


· Tomatoes - 2 kg;

· Sour cream / mayonnaise -20/30 g;

· Cottage cheese - 300 g;

· One onion;

· greenery;

Garlic clove;

· Seasonings, pepper, salt.


1. To create a dish it is necessary to choose hard tomatoes, as a strong base is important. Cut off the tops of them and gently remove the pulp and seeds. To avoid deformation of the vegetables, lay them out and let them dry.

2. This time should be used to prepare the filling of cottage cheese, garlic and greens. Use a spoon and turn the curd into a homogeneous mass. Crush garlic and herbs, mix with cottage cheese. 3. Pour the mixture with mayonnaise, add salt and pepper to taste.

4. At the end fill them with tomatoes, then serve them on the table, beautifully laid them out on a wide dish. An excellent snack will be appreciated.

Recipe №2: “Cheese” tomatoes in a hurry.


· Hard cheese -150 g;

· Tomatoes - half a kilo;

· Mayonnaise - 20-30 g;

· olives;

Garlic clove.


1. For cooking, you must have a grater on hand to help chop garlic and cheese.

2. Add mayonnaise and mix thoroughly. Leave the sauce for a while and proceed to the tomatoes.

3. Wash, peel and slice the tomatoes into medium thick rings, then lay them on a plate.

4. Thoroughly coat the tomatoes with the sauce, and sprinkle the remaining cheese chips on top.

5. To make the meal complete, be sure to decorate the tomatoes with olives, which should be laid out on top. A light and aromatic snack will brighten up the waiting for the main dishes.

Recipe number 3. What can be cooked from tomatoes quickly


· Tomatoes - half a kilo;

· Tuna (canned);

· Lettuce leaves - 50 g;

· One Bulgarian pepper;

· Olives - 6 pcs .;

· Corn (canned) - 150-200 g;

· sunflower oil;

· Salt, ground pepper.


1. To begin the process of making salad is to cut tuna into small pieces.

2. Then proceed to cleaning the tomatoes, which should be removed from the pulp to obtain a hollow form.

3. Next, prepare the filling for the dish - finely chop the Bulgarian pepper and salad sheets, adding corn and olives.

4. Add flavor to the filling with a pinch of pepper and salt, as well as a few drops of olive oil.

5. Thoroughly mix the resulting composition, fill them with tomatoes. Spread in bulk dish mixed with tuna slices, and top with salad leaves. The unforgettable aroma and brightness of the colors of the Spanish salad will add a festive mood.

Recipe №4. What can be cooked from tomatoes quickly: Hungarian soup


· Tomatoes -1 kg;

· Broth (meat) -2 l; · Boiled beef (pork) -300-400 g;

· Carrots - 2-3 pcs .;

· Onion - 2 heads;

· Sour cream -300 g;

· greenery;

· salt and pepper.


1. Thoroughly wash and cut the tomatoes in half, removing the skin. Use a grater to turn tomatoes into mush.

2. Heat the frying pan and place the obtained tomato flesh on it, stew them for about 15 minutes. Then use a strainer to remove the bone from the pulp.

3. In the process of cooking broth pour in a saucepan finely chopped onions and carrots. Also add grated celery and parsley root.

4. Add sour cream to the broth, season with salt and pepper.

5. Cut the cooked meat into pieces and pour the dish into plates. Fast, tasty and nutritious - the verdict of those who tried the Hungarian soup.

Recipe №5: Tomato cream soup with egg


· Tomatoes - half a kilo;

· Broth (vegetable) - 200 ml;

· Egg yolk - 1 pc yolk;

· Flour - 1 glass;

· Parmesan -15g;

· a glass of milk;

· butter;

· Various spices.


1. Prepare the vegetable broth, then peel the tomatoes, cut into small pieces and pour into the saucepan with the broth. Leave to boil for about 10 minutes.

2. Remove the broth from the heat and use a blender - chop the contents of the pan.

3. At the same time, heat the pan on which you put the butter, pour the flour and pour the milk. It is necessary to bring the ingredients to the appearance of a golden hue.

4. Pour the contents of the pan into the pan, then reuse the blender.

5. Beat the egg yolk in a bowl, rub the cheese into it.

6. Re-put the broth on the fire, add a mixture of yolk and grated cheese.

7. Once ready, be sure to add herbs, which will decorate the dish by adding colors.

Recipe №6. What can be cooked from tomatoes quickly: chanahi


· A piece of meat - 250-300 g;

· 3 potatoes;

· Green peas - 300 g;

· Some garlic cloves;

· Onion, tomato, carrot - 1 pc .;

· Tomato paste;

· Seasonings;

· Spices.


1. For a start, it is worth chopping onions and carrots in pots, then pour chopped garlic in the same direction. 2. Spread slices of sliced ​​meat with tomato paste and spread as follows.

3. Place the chopped tomato on top, salt and pepper the contents of the pot.

4. Create the top layer of the dish from chopped potatoes and canned peas.

5. Heat the oven to 180 degrees and put the pots inside for about forty minutes.

6. Enjoy the great dish.

Recipe number 7. What can be cooked from tomatoes quickly:


· Breast - 250 - 300 g;

· One tomato;

· One eggplant;

· Mayonnaise - 20 g;

· Cheese - 70 g;

· Garlic - 1 clove;

· butter;

· greenery.


1. To create a dish, you must have a roomy saucepan suitable for stewing.

2. Crush the available vegetables - cut parsley and garlic finely, eggplant and tomato into larger pieces.

3. Heat the frying pan, on which fry the eggplant for 2-3 minutes on each side.

4. Carefully beat off the chicken breast with a kitchen hammer.

5. Rub the bottom of the pan with butter and place a portion of the eggplant. Create the next layer of chicken breast, eggplant residues and tomato slices. Top with sliced ​​parsley and garlic.

6. Use the grater to grind the cheese that should be the last to go into the pan.

7. Leave the food to stew for about 30-40 minutes. Waiting will be fully justified - the breast will be tender, tasty and fragrant.

Recipe number 8. What can be cooked from tomatoes quickly:


· Some tomatoes;

· Three chicken eggs;

· One onion;

· Some garlic cloves;

· Crisp bread;

· Tomato paste;

· Pepper;

· Salt,

· Seasonings.


1. Cut and lay apart tomatoes, herbs, garlic and onions.

2. Bring the frying pan to its maximum, then pour the chopped garlic and onions onto its surface. Bring to the surface on their golden color.

3. Next, add the composition of tomatoes, as well as tomato paste and herbs. Do not forget to add a little salt and pepper in the resulting dish.

4. Leave the stew for a few minutes, then free up some egg space in the pan. 5. Break the eggshell and fill the gaps that appeared in the pan with them. After a couple of minutes you can get a wonderful scrambled eggs, which you must bring to the table with crispy bread.

Recipe # 9. Pasta with tomatoes


· Tomatoes - 3 pcs .;

· A few cloves of garlic;

· One onion;

· Pasta - packaging;

· Pepper and salt to taste;

· Parmesan - 30 g;

· olive oil;

· Seasonings.


1. First of all, it is important to prepare the dishes in which you place the tomatoes.

2. Boil the water, then pour it over the tomatoes. Remove them after 5 minutes in a soaked state.

3. Divide the tomatoes into two parts — cut the first into cubes, chop the other into a blender.

4. Bake the pasta.

5. Prepare a frying pan, on which, after incandescence, fry chopped garlic and onions. After a few minutes, pour them into the pulp of tomatoes chopped in a blender and wait until the contents of the pan begin to boil. This means that it is time to add cooked spices — ornate and rosemary.

6. Stew for no more than 2-3 minutes, after which pour the cooked pasta into the pan. This simple and satisfying dish will please the guests and will quickly help to satisfy their hunger.

What Can Be Cooked From Tomato Quickly - Tricks and Tips

· If you first boil the tomato with boiling water, then it is much easier to peel it off

· To get only the flesh in which the main vitamins are in the dish, cut the tomato into two equal parts. Then gently use the grater so that at the end only the skin of the tomato remains in the hand.

· To give the dish a spicy flavor, you can add to it dried or pickled tomatoes instead of fresh ones.

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