How to make potato starch

How to make potato starch

Potato starch is a very necessary thing in the household. Without it, it is almost impossible to cook jelly. It is added to the filling of dumplings, pies and pies, so that it becomes more viscous and does not soak the dough. It is placed in the dough itself, so that it comes out more tender and crumbly. It can also be useful for starching collars and underwear, and even for carrying out amusing experiments with the child (in contact with iodine, this product turns blue). It is difficult to call it a scarce product: it can be purchased in the grocery department of almost any store, and it will be inexpensive. However, if you have lost potatoes or you often make pancakes and dumplings stuffed with raw potatoes, then you should learn how to make potato starch at home. Potatoes of any variety and quality, including frost-bitten or rotting, which you will not eat, will be suitable for its preparation.

Cooking Features

Even a beginning hostess can cook potato starch. This process is long, but not complicated. The cook will not have to work very actively for a long time, just 30-40 minutes, if he makes starch from 2 kg of potatoes. All the rest of the time, the starch will be prepared without its participation. Knowledge of the main technological features will save you from mistakes and will allow you to get a quality product, which certainly can be used.

  • As already mentioned, potatoes of any quality will be suitable for starch, but if you use rotten or spoiled potatoes, you will need not only to peel it, but also to cut off damaged areas from tubers, to remove the eyes. A quality even potato is enough to wash and peel it off with a peeler.
  • On average, about 40 grams of starch is obtained from 1 kg of potato, the exact figure depends on the age and variety of potatoes. Young tubers do not have time to stock up with a large amount of this substance, therefore, to obtain starch it is more profitable to use mature potatoes.
  • To make starch, potatoes need to be chopped. If you plan to cook pancakes from it, it is advisable to grind it with a grater with small or medium holes. If you use cake for mashed potatoes or throw it away, then it makes sense to simplify your task of chopping potatoes using a meat grinder. If you need to get quite a bit of starch, you can chop the potatoes with a blender, pre-cut it into small cubes and lay in the jug of the unit in small portions.
  • The crushed potatoes are washed several times to remove as much starch as possible, then squeeze. However, if you intend to use potatoes for cooking pancakes, this method will not work, since at least part of the starch should be left to the potato itself. Then the chopped potatoes are put on a sieve, squeezed, and the starch itself is washed, which is put in a bowl together with squeezed potato juice.
  • They wash the starch by filling it with water, waiting for the sediment to fall out, pouring out the water and filling it with a new portion of water. But often with this method it is difficult to drain all excess liquid. Then it can be filtered through a sieve, bedding on the bottom of a thin cloth.
  • The dry residue obtained after washing the potatoes and filtering the liquid drained from it is starch. For business purposes, it can be used immediately, but for long-term storage and use in confectionery, the product will have to be dried. To do this, spread it on foil or plywood, leave for several hours in a dry room. When it seems that the starch has become dry, you need to crumble it with your hands and leave for another 2-3 days until completely dry.
  • You can also dry the starch in the stove, but this method is suitable only if you can set the temperature in the oven to 30-40 degrees. Most plates do not support such a low temperature, and at higher temperatures starch turns into a paste.
  • After the starch is completely dry, it is necessary to roll the rolling pin or crush it with a crush to break the lumps and make the product more free-flowing. Before using homemade starch for the preparation of confectionery products it does not hurt to grind with a coffee grinder.

Starch should be stored in an airtight container in a dry and dark place.

The finished starch has a white or slightly yellowish color. Both are normal.

An economical recipe for homemade starch


  • potatoes - 2 kg;
  • water - how much will leave.

Method of preparation:

  • Wash and peel good quality potatoes.
  • Grind it on a grater - on the roughest side on which you usually rub potatoes for pancakes.
  • Place a sieve over a bowl or small saucepan, tilt the chopped potatoes on it along with the juice that has come out of it.
  • Allow the potatoes to lie on a strainer for 20 minutes in order to drain off all the excess liquid from the glass, squeeze it slightly.
  • Put the potatoes in a clean bowl. By adding eggs, salt, pepper and flour to it, you will turn it into a pancake dough.
  • From the bowl into which the liquid drained from the potatoes, carefully drain the top layer of water. At the bottom you will see a sediment, the color of which is still far from white.
  • Fill this sediment with clean water. Wait 15-20 minutes for the starch to fall to the bottom again.
  • Again, drain the water from the starch, and pour in clean water. Repeat the manipulation until the precipitate turns white.
  • Strain liquid with starch through a thin cloth or coffee filter.
  • Transfer the starch onto a sheet of foil. Wait 8-12 hours, then mash the dried up starch with your fingers so that it turns into small lumps.
  • Leave the starch to dry for 2-3 days.
  • Mash starch with tolkushka, pour into bulk storage container and put into kitchen cabinet.

This recipe is economical because the starch is prepared by the way, from the liquid drained from the potato when cooking pancakes. Many housewives simply pour this liquid instead of extracting sediment from it and turning it into powdered starch.

Potato starch using a meat grinder


  • potatoes - 2 kg;
  • water - how much will leave.

Method of preparation:

  • Wash, peel potatoes. Remove eyes and damaged areas. Cut into small pieces and roll through the meat grinder.
  • Pour chopped potatoes with water in the amount of 1 l. After 20 minutes, strain it in portions through a sieve, substituting a pan for it.
  • Refill the potatoes with water, let it stand, strain into the same saucepan.
  • Wait half an hour. From the pan, into which the water flowed from the potatoes, pour the liquid into another pan, passing it through the fabric.
  • If necessary, wash the remaining sediment by filling it with a glass of water and again filtering it with a cloth or coffee filter.
  • Put the residue on the plywood and dry it for 3 days.
  • Break the starch into pieces and grind with a coffee grinder.

Ready-made starch can be immediately used for its intended purpose or stored for storage in a container.

A quick way to make potato starch


  • potatoes - 2 kg;
  • water - how much will leave.

Method of preparation:

  • Wash the potatoes well, do not peel them, cut them into pieces, turn them through a meat grinder.
  • Pour the potatoes with two liters of water and pass it through a sieve into a bowl. Squeeze. Discard the cake, it is not suitable for further use.
  • Wait about 20 minutes for the starch to settle to the bottom. Drain the water from it, fill it with clean water. Pass through the fabric.
  • Lay parchment on a baking sheet, put starch on it.
  • Send to the oven by setting the minimum temperature (not higher than 40 degrees). Dry for several hours.

This method can be called economical in time, but not in price. It is suitable only for those in whose house there is a suitable kitchen appliances.

Even an inexperienced hostess can cook potato starch with her own hands. This skill is useful to those who seek to save the family budget. The ability to make potato starch may be necessary for those who live far from the city, but loves jelly and other foods that cannot be cooked without this inexpensive product.

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