Potato and Chicken Cream Soup

Potato and Chicken Cream Soup

Almost everyone likes cream soups. Gentle and dense, they are a pleasure and well saturated. You can cook them from various vegetables and other products, each time getting a dish unique in its organoleptic qualities. The soup of mashed potatoes and chicken will appeal to those who can’t imagine food without meat, and those who adhere to the principles of healthy eating. The advantages of this first dish also include ease of cooking, availability of ingredients and the presence of a large number of cooking options.

Cooking Features

The process of making mashed potatoes and chicken soup is so simple that the hostess, who has no culinary experience, can handle the task. You just need to know a few moments and follow the recommendations that accompany the specific recipe.

  • To give the soup a creamy consistency, the products in it are ground to a state of mashed potatoes. Usually for this they use tolkushku, sieve or blender. If the soup is prepared from some vegetables, it is quite possible to do without the help of kitchen appliances. However, the meat through the sieve fray difficult, so you can not do without a blender, at least if you cook the soup for the whole family, and not for one person.
  • When preparing a mashed potato and chicken soup, you can get by with a minimum of ingredients, but more often cream or cheese is added to it. This is done in order to give the dish a delicate creamy taste. If you are on a strict diet, you can do without these products by diluting thick mashed potatoes with boiled water, chicken or vegetable broth, if necessary. This option is preferable if the soup is intended for feeding a young child or a sick person who has recently undergone surgery.
  • Often the recipe recommends frying some vegetables before adding to the soup. The taste of it from this becomes more saturated, especially when using butter for roasting. However, this makes the dish more caloric and less useful. If you are on a diet, it is better to refuse roasting.
  • The most dietary will be soup cooked in chicken breast broth, the most fragrant and rich in broth from chicken legs, wings or chicken soup set. You can even cook the soup on the water, adding chicken meat cooked separately, including smoked meat. This will give the dish an unusual savory taste.

It is recommended to serve potato and chicken cream soup with wheat croutons. If it was cooked without adding cream and cheese, it would not hurt to fill it with sour cream. Fresh greens are a good addition to any kind of first courses.

A simple recipe for mashed potato and chicken soup


  • chicken (any part) - 0, 5 kg;
  • potatoes - 0, 7-0, 8 kg;
  • onions - 150 g;
  • butter - 60 g;
  • water - 1, 5 l;
  • turmeric - a pinch;
  • salt, spices, fresh herbs - to taste.

Method of preparation:

  • Peel potatoes, cut them into pieces of medium size of arbitrary shape.
  • Wash the chicken, cover it with water, put it on the stove.
  • Peel the onion, cut into small cubes.
  • Remove the foam from the boiled broth, reduce heat. Add spices to make the broth fragrant, boil for 30-60 minutes, depending on how much chicken is used. The quickest chicken fillet cooked.
  • Melt the butter and fry the onion in it until it is almost completely transparent.
  • Remove the chicken from the broth, strain the broth itself. When cooking it from chicken breast or fillet, you can not filter it.
  • Put potatoes into the broth, return the pan to the fire. Boil the potatoes for 15 minutes after boiling the broth.
  • Separate chicken meat from bones, cut into small pieces.
  • Add chicken and onions to the soup. Boil until the potatoes are completely soft.
  • Move the potatoes, onions and chicken into the bowl of the blender, pour half a liter of broth to them. Turn the contents of the container into a puree, put it in a saucepan.
  • Dissolve the remaining broth to the desired consistency, add salt to taste, add greens and a pinch of turmeric, finely cut with a knife.
  • Bring the soup to a boil and boil, stirring for 2-3 minutes.

You can serve the soup with croutons or without them. It is advisable to make croutons on your own by frying wheat bread in butter or drying it in the oven. When choosing a store product, preference should be given to crackers with the least pronounced flavor.

Cream potato and cream chicken soup


  • potatoes - 1 kg;
  • chicken breast fillet - 0, 4 kg;
  • carrots - 100 g;
  • onions - 100 g;
  • water - 1 l;
  • cream - 0, 5 l;
  • butter or vegetable oil - how much will go;
  • salt - to taste.

Method of preparation:

  • Wash chicken breasts and boil for half an hour in salted water. Remove from the water, cool, cut into small pieces.
  • Return half the chicken meat to the broth, set aside the rest.
  • Free from the husk and chop the onion with a knife.
  • Peel, large, rub the carrots.
  • Peel potatoes, cut into small cubes.
  • Red onions with carrots until golden in the pan. If you are on a diet, skip this manipulation.
  • Boil the broth, dip the potatoes, onions and carrots in it. Boil until the vegetables are soft.
  • Using an immersion blender or in any other way, turn the contents of the pan into a puree. When working with a dip blender, be careful not to burn hot sprays. They fly away in all directions, if you do not turn off the blender during its extraction from the soup.
  • Add salt and cream. Bring to a boil.

Arrange the deferred meat in plates, cover with hot soup and serve. Separately, you can serve croutons.

Cream of mashed potatoes and chicken with hard cheese


  • potatoes - 0, 7 kg;
  • carrots - 0, 2 kg;
  • onions - 0, 2 kg;
  • chicken broth - 1, 5 l;
  • smoked chicken breast - 0.5 kg;
  • hard cheese - 100 g;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

Method of preparation:

  • Peel and cut the potatoes into small pieces.
  • Free the onions from the peel, cut into small pieces.
  • Scrape, wash carrots. Cut into small cubes.
  • Fold the vegetables into a saucepan, cover with broth and cook until ready.
  • Grind to a puree in any way you like.
  • Salt and pepper if needed.
  • Clean smoked chicken from the skin, separate the meat from the bones, cut into small pieces, put in a saucepan with soup.
  • Bring the soup to a boil and, stirring, cook for 5 minutes.
  • Spread the soup in plates, sprinkle it with the cheese, chopped on a fine grater.

The tender creamy consistency of the soup, the piquancy of smoked breast, the noble taste of hard cheese create an unusual, but very harmonious combination.

Potato and chicken soup can also be cooked with melted cheese. It should be finely chopped or grated on a coarse grater, added to the soup after grinding the main ingredients and, heating the dish, to achieve complete dissolution of the cheese in it.

Cream soup of potatoes and chicken can be very different - it all depends on the technology of preparation and the specific composition. Many food options can be included in the diet of children, people with poor health, as well as those who follow a diet.

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