

In every kitchen in the world there will definitely be a dish in which dough and meat are the main ingredients. So, in Russia - these are dumplings, in Italy - lasagna, in Kazakhstan - besbarmak, and in Kyrgyzstan - kulchetai. To taste the latter, you do not need to go to an oriental restaurant or fly to sunny Kyrgyzstan, because today you will learn how to cook this tasty and satisfying dish yourself at home.

To prepare you will need:

  • chicken fillet - 300 g,
  • noodles for kultchety - 300 g,
  • onion - 2 pcs.,
  • tomato paste - 1 tbsp. l.,
  • salt - to taste,
  • black pepper - to taste,
  • Red pepper - at will.

Cooking recipe with photo

1. Prepare all the ingredients you need to create an oriental dish.


2. Chicken fillet (although it is necessary to recognize that for cooking kulchey it is better to take a home chicken) boil in plenty of salted water until ready (this is about 20-25 minutes after boiling). Remove from broth.


3. Finely chop the onion.


4. Remove the top layer of broth, about a glass. Fill them with chopped onions. We salt, we pepper.


5. Put the tomato paste. Stir. We set on fire and boil for 10-15 minutes, until the onions are soft.


6. Cook the noodles for the cultured until ready in the remaining boiling broth.

Attention: we bought ready-made noodles in the same department where they sell pasta. However, if you can not find it in the store, it is not difficult to prepare it yourself. Knead the dough as for ravioli, roll it into a thin layer, sprinkle it with flour, and cut it into rectangles measuring approximately 2.5x4 centimeters.


7. While the noodles are boiling, we will cut meat. Divide fillet into fibers.


8. We mix up the cooked boiled noodles with meat.


9. Fill the onion and tomato gravy. Mix well.


10. Kulchetay ready! You can take a sample!


Our recipe cannot be called a classic, as Kirghiz usually cook a beef or horse meat culture and serve it along with the broth, which is poured in a cake. However, despite everything, the dish prepared by the proposed method turns out to be very tasty and unusual. Try it, you and your family will love it!

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