Recipes of burek (burek). Specificity of production and a variety of components required for baking burek

Recipes of burek (burek). Specificity of production and a variety of components required for baking burek

Today in Turkey it is considered a real tradition to prepare delicate and tasty national dishes called burek (burek).

This dish can be considered the “conqueror and conqueror” of many nations, as well as the Ottoman Empire, the national attribute of which was originally a burek (burek).

General principles of cooking an oriental dish called Burek (burek)

The general principles of cooking this dish are as follows:

• For more juiciness of the dish, the dough must be rolled very thinly.

• Also, the dough must be cooked to give it some hardness.

• In addition to minced meat or coarsely chopped meat between layers of burek (burek), you can put cheese (cheese made from cottage cheese, not a hard variety) or vegetables.

• In general, traditionally to the burek (burek) greens should be added to the filling, and sprinkle the dough over with sesame, which will betray the special piquancy of the food.

• In general, the most delicious burek (burek) is a freshly prepared product that has not yet been dried.

Recipe 1. Turkish Burek (burek)


Ingredients for “Filo” dough without adding eggs:

Water (warm) - 600 ml.

Flour (premium) - 1 kg.

Salt (without top) - 1 tbsp. spoon.

Oil (olive) - 360 ml.

Soda - 1 tsp.

Fresh lamb stuffing

Adjika (dry).

Onions (garden or bulb).

Eggs (chicken) - 1 pc.

Stuffing (lamb) 1 kg 200 gr.

Salt - 2 pinches.


Fresh dough called “Filo” is prepared, as follows:

Salt must be dissolved in slightly warmed water. Further, in this water you need to pour sifted flour, pour in the oil and add a little soda.

Then you need to knead the dough, bringing it to a homogeneous mass, and form into a ball. The dough in the form of a ball should be beaten on the table at least 50-60 times. As a result of these actions, in the future it will be possible to feel to the touch, acquired by the dough some kind of softness and tenderness.

Then the dough is divided into 12 parts and small balls roll out of it. Then the balls of dough are laid out in a clean cup, covered with film and sent to the refrigerator for 1 hour and 10 minutes.

After the dough has stood in the fridge, each ball is rolled using a rolling pin (while hands, the table and the rolling pin must be sprinkled with flour).

The dough is stretched across the table and thrown onto the clenched fists. The layer of dough should be thin almost transparent.

And yet, for a uniform distribution of the dough on the table, it must be sprinkled with flour. Distributed dough on the table will hang around the edges, which will allow the cook to draw it out before packing in parchment paper.

If a cook or a cook is not going to immediately use dough in cooking, then it should be rolled up, together with parchment and sent to the refrigerator.

Now we proceed to the direct preparation of the burek (burek):

The dough for making burek (burek), in this case, take fresh not cooled.

In the meat twisted in a meat grinder, you need to add adjika and chopped onions, and knead it to a smooth consistency.

Next, already on the prepared leaf of “Filo” dough, you need to lay out the meat, and form a long sausage stuffed with minced meat, twisting it with a spiral in the form of a snail. Next, the following sausage stuffed with minced meat and so on joins the first snail.

Then the egg is broken into a clean cup and with the help of a special brush it is smeared on the surface of the burek (burek) and sprinkled with sesame.

Baked burek (burek) in the oven at a temperature of 200 - 220 degrees for an hour.

After the burek (burek) is removed from the oven, it must be sprayed with some water and covered with a towel.

Recipe 2. Albanian burek (burek)


Beef meat - 0.5 kg.

Onion - 2 pcs.

Oil (vegetable) - 50 ml.

Dough (puff) - 0.5 kg.

Ground pepper, salt, spices - an amateur.

Mixture for lubrication Burek (burek):

Oil - 1 tbsp.

Eggs - 3 pcs.

Kefir or sour milk - 200 gr.

Mineral water - 150 ml.


The onion is cut into small cubes. Then, in a heated oil in a pan, the onion is sauté until golden brown appears. Let the onions cool.

Fried onion, meat, spices and salt with pepper mix and mince. Brush the bottom of the round mold (for baking) with oil and place three layers of dough on it.

Sprinkle the top layer of dough with oil and place a layer of meat on it. Also lay out the remaining layers of dough and stuffing on. The last layer of dough covers the entire burek (burek), smeared with oil. Prepared in this way, the product is pre-cut into portions, and poured with a mixture to lubricate the burek (burek).

Bake burek (burek) in the oven is necessary at a temperature of 200 degrees for 40-50 minutes.

Recipe 3. Meat burek (with added cheese)


Beef pulp - 0.3 kg.

Puff pastry (not yeast) - 0.4 kg.

Cheese (hard varieties) - 80 gr.

Onion - 1 pc.

Carrot - 1 pc.

Egg - 1 pc.

Water (mineral) - 50 ml.

Kefir - 0.5 tbsp.

Vegetable oil.

Salt, pepper - on the fan.


Chop onions and carrots into cubes and fry in hot vegetable oil.

Add to the roasted vegetables cut into small pieces of meat and skip it all through a meat grinder.

Add salt, pepper and spices to the finished texture to your own taste. The resulting stuffing mix thoroughly.

From the dough cut a glass cup. And put them on an oiled baking sheet. On top of the circles of the dough lay a little stuffing. Then the remaining circles and stuffing and spread on each other. A layer of dough to close the future dish - burek (burek). And send it to bake in the oven for 40 minutes. Next, you need to mix kefir, mineral water, egg and salt all the ingredients. The resulting mixture is abundantly to coat the top layer of puff pastry, sprinkle it with grated cheese and send to bake in the oven for a while, until complete readiness.

Recipe 4. Burek (burek) meat with greens and garlic


Minced beef - 300 gr.

Minced chicken breast - 200 gr.


Puff pastry (not yeast).

Salt, pepper, spices.



Mix for coating the top layer of burek (burek):

Kefir 200 gr.

Eggs (chicken) - 1 pc.

Mineral water - 150 gr.

Vegetable oil - 0.5 cups.

Salt - a teaspoon (without top).


Frozen not yeast dough needs to be thawed. Onions must be cut into small cubes and then sauté in hot oil until golden brown.

In the mince, made from beef meat and chicken breast, add ready onions, spices, salt, herbs (dry) and garlic.

To get a delicious mix, you need:

Beat the egg with added salt, kefir, oil and mineral water.

Thawed dough must be rolled out thinly, and the resulting layer divided in half. Next you need to grease a baking sheet and put on it the first layer of dough, which is covered with minced meat on top. Then put the next layer of dough, and minced meat and so on. The last layer of Burek (burek) should be a layer of dough.

Thus prepared layers of burek (burek), you need to pour the mixture made in advance and sprinkle over the sesame. Then send in preheated to 200 degrees oven for 50 minutes.

After the allotted time - burek ready.

Recipe 5. Vegetable burek (burek)


Squash 0.75 kg.

Sheep cheese - 1 tbsp.

Egg - 4 pcs.


Flour and a mixture of crackers.


Squash need to cut into circles, and then fry in butter.

Grate or chop a glass of cheese, drive three eggs into it and chop finely greens (parsley). All components mix. The resulting mixture to lay on the circles of roasted vegetables and close them with other zucchini. The resulting rounds of bureks roll in breadcrumbs with flour and coat with egg. To fry such delicious roundere called bureks should be in hot fat.

Recipe 6. Turkish burek (burek) - cottage cheese


Yufta (thin layer of dough) - 6 sheets.

Cottage cheese - 0.25 kg.

Feta - 0.25 kg.


Salt, pepper, spices.

Fill weight:

Eggs - 3 pcs.

Milk - 200 ml.

Oil (vegetable) - a quarter cup.

Butter (melted) - 3 tbsp. spoons.

Baking powder - 2 tsp.

Salt, pepper - on the fan.


Cottage cheese should be mixed with chopped parsley and feta, and a little salt and pepper these components.

For filling - it is necessary to beat the eggs with milk, add vegetable oil and melted butter, as well as baking powder.

Next, in a special mold you need to lay out the oil-soaked parchment paper on the bottom, and put a sheet of yufki on it. And the dough in some places you need to slightly raise to the top, to get, thus, some folds.

On yufku pour ladle prepared fill. And again, put a sheet of yufka on top and pour it over with a milky egg filling. Then put again, already the third sheet of yufki, but do it without folds and fills. Instead, it is necessary to distribute the cottage cheese with feta and greens evenly over the layer of dough and cover it with yufka like the previous layers.

Then again, you need to pour a layer of dough with a mixture based on milk and eggs, and then 5 sheets of yufki, cover with pouring. Having formed the folds on the dough and having laid the sixth and last layer of yufka, over our semi-finished product it is necessary to fill it with the remaining mixture.

On top of the last layer of dough and pouring, the product is sprinkled with sesame and sent to the oven warmed to 200 degrees until Burek (burek) is fully cooked and a golden brown appears.

Recipe 7. Cheese burek (burek) with greens


Cheese (soft varieties) or fetax - 200 gr.

Cheese (hard) - 150 gr.

Onions (green, lamb).


Puff pastry (not yeast).



Chicken Yolk


Cheese must be grated, add fetax, chopped greens, garlic and spices - all mash each other, but without salt.

The dough must be divided into four layers, and from one cut one part and put aside, for further need.

Each layer should be thinly rolled out and put the stuffing. All layers individually must be rolled up in the form of rolls, and laid on the bottom of the molds with a cochlea or spiral, and then sent to the oven, heated to 200 degrees for baking.

Tips and useful tips on cooking burek (burek)

• In order for the burek to be tasty and appetizing, it is better to use olive oil in its preparation.

• In order for the burek, when baking, to get a ruddy crust in the mix, you need to use high-fat dairy products for pouring.

• It is recommended to put a piece of butter in the meat stuffing for more juicy burek.

In general, having prepared a burek (burek) at home - you feed your family deliciously, satisfyingly and appetizingly!

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