Basturma at Home

Basturma at Home

Not everyone can treat themselves to meat delicacies due to their high cost. Today we will tell you how to make basturma at home.

Basturma is dried meat enriched with aromas of spices. The Ottoman Empire, the capital of which was Constantinople (present-day Istanbul), is considered the birthplace of the delicacy. The name comes from the Turkic word “basdirma”, which means “crushed, pressed meat”. Initially, nomads prepared basturma in the following way: they plentifully greased horse meat with salt, wrapped them in canvas bags and hung them from both sides of the saddle, and during the ride these bags were pressed down by the rider's legs. As a result, the meat became flat and withered on the move. Somewhat later, an idea appeared to add other spices to salt, thanks to this experiment, the meat could be stored even longer, and it was in this form that the delicacy reached our days.

Secrets of creating a real basturma

For the preparation of this basturma requires not only a special set of ingredients, but also great willpower. The fact is that not everyone can wait for 2-3 weeks (namely, so much time is required for the ripening of a delicacy) to taste a piece of dried meat soaked in the aroma of spices.

If you decide to surprise your household or guests with a meat delicacy, you need to know the following:

  • Beef and horse meat are best for making basturma, but you can take pork, lamb, and even chicken. It is advisable to buy the meat of young animals, namely cutting, fillet or a wide edge with a layer of fat;
  • Red ground pepper, savory, hops-suneli, garlic, paprika and coriander are considered as suitable spices for basturma;
  • The meat must be cut with long strips or layers several centimeters thick;
  • Meat can be marinated not in ordinary water, but in wine and even brandy, just do not forget that the meat must be completely covered with liquid;
  • Fillets must be kept under pressure, so do not forget to prepare the cargo (a weight, a heavy stone, a jar filled with water or a saucepan).

Beef basturma

You will need:

  • beef - 1 kg,
  • dry red wine - 1 l + 250 ml,
  • garlic - 1-1, 5 heads,
  • fenugreek - to taste,
  • salt - in fact,
  • ground red pepper - in fact,
  • flour - 150 g,
  • cumin - optional,
  • coriander - optional.

Preparation Method

  • The meat fillet is cut into portions up to 30 centimeters long and with a diameter of not more than 15 centimeters.
  • Liberally rub the meat with salt. Fold in glassware. Cover with a lid and put in a fridge or a cool room for 5 hours.
  • After the specified time has elapsed, we dry a little with paper towels and make small holes in the fillet.
  • After thoroughly rub the meat with salt, sprinkle with red pepper, fenugreek and finely chopped garlic.
  • Fold the meat into deep dishes and pour it with dry red wine. Do not forget that myasco should be completely immersed in the liquid, so perhaps the wine will need more than we indicated in the list of ingredients.
  • Put a plate on top and set oppression. Sent to the fridge.
  • A week later, we obtain myasco and remove the remnants of the wine brine with paper napkins.
  • Wrap the meat in a clean cotton cloth, put it on a cutting board and cover the other. Again put the oppression and send the design for two days in the fridge.
  • After all the manipulations go to the main thing. We make a small hole in a piece of meat and pass a thick, strong thread into it. Hang the meat in a warm room for 4 days.
  • Slightly withered meat after a specified amount of time is coated with a mixture, which includes 150 ml of red dry wine, a tablespoon of ground black pepper, the same amount of salt and flour. If desired, you can put a pinch of cumin and a bit of coriander in the mixture.
  • Hang myasco in a well-ventilated cool room and leave for 10 days. After you can take a sample.

Homemade horse meat basturma with brandy

You will need:

  • horse meat - 1, 5 kg,
  • salt - to taste,
  • chaman - to taste,
  • favorite spices - optional,
  • cognac.

Preparation Method

  • My meat. Drain. We make cuts in it.
  • Good rub with salt, do not forget to lubricate and incisions from the inside. We remove in the refrigerator for a couple of days.
  • After a specified time, wrap the meat with gauze. Put in a bowl, and put the load on top. Sent to a cool place for another two days.
  • We hang out well-salted meat in a warm room and leave to fade for a week.
  • After this time, mix your favorite spices with salt and chaman. Add cognac to the mixture (you should get a mixture, the consistency of sour cream).
  • Rub the meat with the mixture. Again, we remove in a cold place for a week.
  • Wound well-marinated horse meat with a clean cotton cloth and hang for a week in a well-ventilated cool room. After a week you can try!

Lamb Basturma

You will need:

  • lamb - 1 kg,
  • water - 0, 5 l,
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs.,
  • allspice - 5 peas,
  • paprika - 3 tbsp. l.,
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.,
  • ground black pepper - 1 tbsp. l.,
  • fenugreek - 0, 5 tbsp. l.,
  • zira - 1 tsp.,
  • garlic - 2 heads,
  • salt.

Preparation Method

  • Cut the prepared piece of lamb into pieces of thickness 2 and a width of 4 centimeters.
  • Put the meat in an enameled bowl and sprinkle it with salt. From above we put oppression. Sent for three days in the fridge, every day you need to turn the pieces of meat.
  • Salted myasko immersed in cold (preferably running) water for a quarter of an hour.
  • We make one hole in the meat pieces, skip a strong thread into it.
  • We grease meat with the sauce prepared the day before. To prepare it, add laurel leaves and allspice to the specified amount of hot water, bring to a boil. Mix in a separate container ground fenugreek, sugar, a teaspoon of salt, black pepper, paprika, zira and garlic passed through a press, enter a slightly cooled marinade, from which you must first remove the leaves of laurel and pea until the mixture reaches sour cream consistency.
  • Hang myasko in a dark, cool, but well-ventilated area. You can begin to take a sample in a week, but it is better to wait at least 10 days!

Pork basturma

If you want to try your own cooked delicacy as soon as possible, then you need to cook it from pork.

You will need:

  • pork - 1 kg,
  • garlic - 2 heads,
  • chaman - to taste,
  • ground black pepper - to taste,
  • ground red pepper - to taste,
  • salt - to taste.

Preparation Method

  • Wash a suitable piece of meat. Drain napkins.
  • Rub the meat with a mixture of peppers, passed through a press with garlic and chaman.
  • Fold the myasco into a deep bowl. Sprinkle with salt.
  • We remove myasco for 5 days in the fridge to fade.
  • Salty myasko is transferred to a clean bowl and filled with cold water. We put under the press. Leave for two days.
  • Soak my dry meat. Again, rub with salt, a mixture of peppers, do not forget about garlic (it must be passed through a press) and the chaman. We leave the meat at room temperature, it is advisable to hang it in a well-ventilated area. After 4 days, you can invite friends to visit and treat them to delicious basturma.

Chicken basturma

The quickest way to cook a basturma is from chicken fillet, because poultry meat is cooked many times faster when compared with beef and pork.

You will need:

  • chicken fillet - 1 kg,
  • salt - to taste,
  • ground black pepper - to taste,
  • ground red pepper - optional,
  • fenugreek - to taste,
  • garlic - 1 head.

Preparation Method

  • Chicken fillet my. Drain.
  • Rub the spices. Fold in a deep bowl. Sent for a couple of hours in the fridge.
  • Drain the released liquid. Wash the fillet under running cold water. Drain with paper towels.
  • Again, rub myasco with spices and garlic passed through the press.
  • Wrap each fillet piece in cheesecloth. Fold in deep dishes. We put under the press.
  • After a day in each piece we make holes and hang the fillets in a warm and well ventilated place for a couple of days. Done!

Basturma from duck breasts

Many will say that cooking a duck breast basturma is a crime against a dish. However, try to prepare a delicacy for the proposed recipe, we are sure you will like it.

You will need:

  • duck breasts without fat and veins - 500 g,
  • ground cumin - 3 tbsp. l.,
  • garlic - 2 heads,
  • hot red pepper - to taste,
  • ground black pepper - to taste,
  • salt - to taste,
  • water.

Preparation Method

  • My duck breasts. Drain. We put in a bowl, too thick pieces need to be cut. Sprinkle with salt. We remove in the refrigerator.
  • After three days, we get salted meat and wash it thoroughly. To basturma did not get too salty, you need to soak the duck breasts in cold water for 2 hours, not forgetting to change the water at least once.
  • While the breasts are soaked, prepare the paste.
  • Garlic clean, skip through the press.
  • Mix with cumin, red and black peppers. Add to the mixture a little water, the consistency of the mass should be like liquid sour cream.
  • With the prepared sauce, pour the meat soaked and dried with paper towels, make sure that each piece is richly lubricated with the mixture. Cover or wrap with cling film and put in the fridge for a day.
  • After the meat you need to wrap with gauze or cotton cloth and send under the press for another day.
  • We post well-marinated myasco in a cool and well-ventilated room for a couple of weeks (if the pieces of meat were small, then it will take less time). After this time, the duck breast basturma is ready to eat. Enjoy your meal!
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