Delicious snacks of pita - a worthy treat! Recipes rolls, chips, cigars and other tasty snacks from pita

Delicious snacks of pita - a worthy treat! Recipes rolls, chips, cigars and other tasty snacks from pita

Pita bread makes a wonderful shawarma, you can make delicious cakes out of it, but it is especially famous for its snacks. Thin pellet can change any product beyond recognition and surprise the result. Here is a selection of the best recipes for snacks that can be made from pita bread. Most done very quickly, which is their undoubted advantage.

Lavash Snacks - General Cooking Principles

Thin pita breads are usually sold as large oval lozenges. But their size may vary. Therefore, for dishes it is better to purchase a product with a margin. Before twisting rolls, cigars and other similar products, it is recommended to cut off the rounded edges, that is, turn the layer into a rectangle. This way you get neat edges, and the filling after folding will not fall out.

What is the combination of pita:

• crab sticks and other fish products;

• vegetables, including salted, canned, Korean salads;

• cheese and eggs;

• all types of sausages, meat and poultry;

• mushrooms.

Lavash before cooking is often smeared with mayonnaise, sour cream and various sauces. Sometimes melted soft cheese is used for this purpose. Snacks can simply be rolled up and served to the table or fry, bake in the oven.

Roll with crab sticks - a tasty snack of pita

Lavash rolls are very popular now, they are being actively prepared for holidays, for picnics and just for breakfast. Here is one of the most popular filling options for a tasty pita snack.


• pita bread;

• pack of chopsticks;

• 160 g of mayonnaise;

• 120 grams of cheese;

• 4 eggs;

• 2 cucumbers;

• a large bunch of dill;

• A slice of garlic.


1. You can lay the filling layers, but it is better to make a salad, then grease the pita. Otherwise, loose layers are difficult to coat, not all products are impregnated. Chop sticks. Pour into a bowl.

2. Peel the boiled eggs, chop finely. Transfer to crab sticks. 3. Grate the cheese, shift to the total mass.

4. Cucumbers need to be cut very finely, as they are quite tough. Shifts.

5. Fill the filling with mayonnaise, garlic, pepper and salt. Stir.

6. Put the crab mass on the pita bread, level it, but do not affect approximately three centimeters from the edges.

7. We chop a big bunch of greens. You can use any kind. Sprinkle the salad on top.

8. Tuck the pita bread, twist the thick roll. Wrap cling film or just put in the bag.

9. We remove the snack in the fridge, giving it to get stronger.

10. Get the roll out of the bag, cut off the tips that are not lubricated. From the rest of the make neat pieces. We shift them to the dish and you're done!

Chips - a tasty snack from pita without harm

One of the most delicious snacks of pita are chips. Unlike purchased analogs, they are not so harmful, and the composition is completely transparent. It uses garlic and dill, but you can also make chips with other flavors, changing the number and types of spices.


• two pita bread;

• three cloves of garlic;

• a mixture of peppers;

• four spoons of butter;

• a bunch of dill.


1. Cut the fennel very finely, squeeze the garlic to it, add salt and pepper mixture. Stir well.

2. Pour in vegetable oil, stir again.

3. Pita bread should be cut into equal pieces. You can make diamonds or squares. Of course, this is usually done with a knife. But it is much faster and easier with scissors.

4. Spread the pieces of pita on the baking sheet in a single layer.

5. On each piece you need to put a little mixture of greens with butter. It is better to just scatter a little bit, then take a silicone brush and smear.

6. The oven at this point should warm up to 200 degrees. Put the baking tray with chips, bake for 5-7 minutes. Follow to not burn.

7. Lay the rest of the pita on other pans and also dry.

Delicious pita snack with filling

The option of delicious snacks of pita with juicy filling. For filling, you need cheese, sausage and tomato. It is also made simply from cheese with sausage or ham, but with a tomato it turns out juicier. Ingredients

• three pita bread;

• 2-3 tomatoes;

• a spoonful of flour;

• 200 g of processed cheese;

• a bunch of dill;

• a pair of eggs;

• 250 grams of sausage;

• a bunch of dill.


1. Cut the sausage and tomatoes into cubes. Dill just chop finely.

2. Brush one sheet of pita with melted cheese and also the second, then the third. We distribute evenly, we don’t do a thick layer.

3. Sprinkle greased pita with chopped dill.

4. We put on one sheet half of the filling of the tomato and sausage.

5. Cover the second smeared sheet of pita bread with the cheese up. On it, too, lay out the stuffing.

6. Cover with third pita bread, but with the cheese side down. Lightly press and leave for a couple of minutes.

7. Beat eggs with fork and salt, add flour, one spoon is enough.

8. Cut the pita bread stuffed into pieces. You can make rectangles, triangles.

9. Heat a thin layer of oil in a skillet.

10. Gently moisten the pieces in the egg, spread it in a pre-heated pan and fry on both sides. We do everything carefully so that the filling does not fall out.

Delicious snack from pita "Cigars"

The filling in this tasty snack of pita will be cottage cheese with eggs. But there are other options: cheese, sausage, chicken, sometimes the tubes are simply smeared with sauces, twisted, fried until golden brown.


• 3 eggs;

• 1 protein;

• a clove of garlic;

• 450 grams of cottage cheese;

• pita breads;

• dill, salt.


1. Boil eggs, chop finely, combine with grated curd.

2. Add chopped dill to the stuffing, squeeze the garlic, season with spices and stir.

3. One raw protein whip into a strong foam.

4. Lavash cut into strips, a width of about 12-13 cm. But you can navigate the diameter of the pan.

5. For each pita put a strip of filling. Free area to smear with protein, turn the cigar. In a similar way to make all the other cigarettes.

6. Put in hot oil, fry to ruddy color.

7. Finished cigars must be blotted with napkins to remove excess oil from the surface. Serve hot or cold.

Delicious pita bread with mushrooms and cheese

Option hot appetizer of pita, which is prepared with the usual mushrooms. If necessary, replace with other mushrooms.


• 250 g of champignons;

• 150 grams of cheese;

• 130 g onions;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• 2 tablespoons sour cream;

• pita bread;

• 30 ml of oil;

• egg.


1. Wash the mushrooms, cut into pieces. Pour the butter in the pan, put the mushrooms, fry for five minutes.

2. Add chopped onions to the mushrooms, bring the filling to full readiness, remove from the heat.

3. Add to the mushrooms garlic, sour cream, various spices to your taste.

4. Spread pita bread, sprinkle with grated hard cheese.

5. Spread out the mushroom filling on top. You can sprinkle this layer with chopped greens.

6. Twist the roll. Cover with foil, leave for 15-20 minutes so that it is slightly otmyk.

7. Cut the roll into slices and place on a baking sheet.

8. Beat the egg. Be sure to salt it, as the lavash itself is unleavened.

9. Grease slices of cooked rolls on a baking sheet. Sometimes sprinkled with grated cheese over the eggs, so can also be done.

10. Send to the oven. Bake snack rolls at 200 degrees until a beautiful crust on top.

Delicious snack of pita and crab sticks

Crab sticks can not only lay in the roll, but also fry in pita bread. In order to prepare such a snack, you will additionally need breadcrumbs.


• 150 g chopsticks;

• 90 g of mayonnaise;

• 100 g pita;

• 3 eggs;

• 50 g of crackers;

• 3 tbsp. l sesame.


1. Cut the pita bread into pieces the width of a crab stick. Each smear a thin layer of mayonnaise, sprinkle inside with any spices.

2. Put the wand, twist the straw.

3. Beat the eggs. In another bowl pour the crackers with sesame, stir.

4. Heat the oil in the pan, make a layer so that the stick will float in it by half. That is not less than 0.5 cm.

5. Moisten the stick in the egg, breaded in breadcrumbs with sesame.

6. Put in butter, fry until golden brown.

Delicious snack of pita "Cheerful monkey"

Option tasty snack of pita in the sweet version. This recipe is very quick and can also be a wand. Instead of nut paste you can use chocolate or vanilla, which is more like.


• pita thin;

• 2 bananas;

• 200 g nut paste.


1. Coat the lavash with a layer of nut paste. Carefully stretch, making a uniform layer.

2. Peel the bananas. Put in a row at one edge.

3. Cover the bananas with the tip of the pita bread and roll into a roll.

4. Leave for a while, let the pita limp slightly, otherwise it will be difficult to cut it.

5. Use a sharp knife to cut the banana roll into equal pieces.

Tasty pita snacks - tips and tricks

• Pita dried and crumbled? You can sprinkle it with water, cover with a towel, wait a bit. Or moisten, shift into a package, heat a minute in the microwave.

• To prevent the edges of lavash from turning, they are smeared with a beaten egg before frying. But what about cold snacks? You can use melted cheese as glue.

• Pita bread is usually unleavened, it lacks salt, this should be taken into account and added, but it is better to sprinkle the inside of rolls, cigars and other snacks with spices.

• Nowhere to buy pita bread? It is easy to prepare it at home from the usual unleavened dough, roll it out and fry it in a dry frying pan, but small cakes turn out. After frying, they should be slightly sprinkled with water and immediately removed under a towel. Otherwise, the pita will quickly dry out and will not become elastic.

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