Cottage cheese with greens and garlic is an unusual combination, and why not? Pies, light rolls, and profiteroles stuffed with cottage cheese with greens and garlic

Cottage cheese with greens and garlic is an unusual combination, and why not? Pies, light rolls, and profiteroles stuffed with cottage cheese with greens and garlic

Classic curd dishes - sweet, with sugar, jam, dried apricots and raisins. However, product use options are not limited to them. From high-quality, often homemade, cottage cheese cooked and brackish, spicy snacks and toppings.

To obtain a paste-like mass, mayonnaise of different degrees of fat is used. It is he who, among other things, smoothes the sharpness of garlic juice, and if mustard or its oil is included in the sauce, then the dishes acquire a completely indescribable flavor.

Cottage cheese with greens and garlic - general principles of cooking

• Curd with greens and garlic - a homogeneous, slightly sharp curd mass. To bring its main components to the required, uniform state, a blender may be required (submersible or with a bowl). In the absence of this kitchen processor, you can take the most ordinary meat grinder with a very fine grill or a rare metal sieve.

• In most cases, such a dish is not subjected to any heat treatment, except for the use of curd mass for filling pies fried in a pan. Therefore, all products for cooking should be taken only the first freshness.

• Cottage cheese - the basis of such a dish. Its consistence, granularity and fat content have no special role. Anyone can pick one that prefers. But it should be noted that the fatter the curd, the easier it is to stir it and the mass will be easier to spread on bread or vegetables. Therefore, sour cream or mayonnaise is added to the low-fat one, and the fat-free one for the dietary meal is interrupted by a blender.

• You can add any greens - dill, parsley, cilantro, mint, basil, etc. It all depends on the type of food and personal preferences. It is undesirable to put green onions - a dish can be bitter.

• Homogeneous curd mass is adjusted to the desired taste, adding and seasoning with black pepper. • Cottage cheese with herbs and garlic can be served as a separate dish. This mass is spread on slices of bread, bread, fresh or fried vegetables (zucchini). With it you can cook Turkish sweet pies from thin pita. It is also perfect for stuffing fresh vegetables (tomatoes) or filling holiday profiteroles. It is very simple and easy enough to prepare a festive snack roll with tomato slices inside.

Cottage cheese with greens and garlic - snack version of the dish


• cottage cheese - 400 gr .;

• fresh greens to taste;

• juice 1/8 of lemon;

• two cloves of garlic;

• tablespoon of fat sour cream.

Cooking Method:

1. Separate the washed and well-dried greens from the stems, cut them in small pieces and place in a blender bowl or a small deep bowl.

2. Cut the garlic cloves into 3-4 pieces and send to the greens. Salt lightly and chop as finely as possible.

3. Combine the mixture with half the curd and moisten with lemon juice. If necessary, add salt, add the remaining curd and mix well again with a blender.

4. Curd mass is suitable as a pate, it can be spread on bread, circles of fresh tomatoes or half boiled eggs. It can be laid out before serving on tartlets or simply served on a plate, decorated with lemon rings, and fresh greens.

Cottage cheese with herbs and garlic for those who are on a diet


• low-fat cottage cheese - 100 gr .;

• medium sized cucumber;

• Dill - to taste;

• small garlic clove;

• bread.

Cooking Method:

1. Slightly mash the lumps of cottage cheese and large bunches with a fork and place in the blender bowl.

2. With a cucumber, cut off the peel with a thin layer, cut it into thin ringlets and add to the mashed curd.

3. Push garlic and garlic here, put chopped dill and salt to taste.

4. To make the curd mass homogeneous, whisk it with a blender. The time of whipping depends on the power of the device and does not take more than three minutes. 5. Spread the finished curd mass with greens and garlic on the loaves, and put the fennel sprigs on top.

Turkish pies stuffed with cottage cheese with herbs and garlic in pita


• two thin “Armenian” lavash;

• three boiled eggs;

• one raw egg (protein);

• 450 gr. homemade or fat “factory” cottage cheese;

• a small bunch of dill;

• refined sunflower oil.

Cooking Method:

1. Mash the cottage cheese laid out in a bowl with a fork or knife. Add salt to your taste, add finely chopped dill, crushed garlic and mashed yolks.

2. Stir the curd mass with a fork, slightly grinding all the ingredients.

3. Cut the pita bread into rectangles of size 10 by 12 cm. One edge of each such piece is well spread with whipped protein, and on the opposite side (on the edge) lay a spoonful of cottage cheese filling.

4. Roll up the pieces of pita bread roll and fry all sides in a small amount of vegetable fat.

5. To remove excess oil from pies, put them out of the pan on a disposable towel (for 2-3 minutes) and only then on a plate.

Curd snack with greens and garlic in tomatoes


• 2-3 sprigs of fresh basil;

• 100 gr. fat 18% cottage cheese;

• a clove of garlic;

• ground black, or a mixture of peppers;

• 1 tsp. sour cream 20% and mayonnaise;

• two branches of dill;

• five dense ripe tomatoes of the same size.

Cooking Method:

1. Rinse dill greens and basil leaves under a tap and dry thoroughly.

2. In a bowl with cottage cheese, place small, chopped greens, crushed through a press garlic. Stir, grind twice, using the finest grinder of the meat grinder, and season mixed with sour cream mayonnaise.

3. At your discretion and taste, add fine salt, season with pepper and mix well again.

4. Rinse the tomatoes with cold water and dry them with a towel. Cut each in half with a sharp knife, slitting in the middle with a zigzag, make two “tulips” from each tomato. From the middle of the spoon, select the pulp and fill the free space with cottage cheese with greens.

Fried zucchini with cottage cheese, with greens and garlic


• small young zucchini - 2 pcs .;

• two raw eggs;

• 300 gr. cottage cheese;

• a few sprigs of dill and parsley;

• four tablespoons of white flour;

• 100 gr. 15% cream;

• three cloves of garlic;

• small carrot;

• medium sized beets.

Cooking Method:

1. First make a batter for zucchini. To do this, well whip the eggs with a small amount of salt (literally a pinch). Add flour and whisk well again. Klyar should be homogeneous, without admixture of flour lumps.

2. Wash zucchini, lightly dry and cut into small thick ringlets. It is desirable that the thickness does not exceed 0.6 cm. Then dip each such circle in batter and fry in a well-heated vegetable oil on both sides.

3. Grind the cottage cheese through a fine metal sieve. Squeeze garlic into it, add carefully chopped, young green dill and parsley (without stalks), salt and mix thoroughly.

4. Separately, with a fine grater, rub the carrot and beetroot and squeeze the juice out of them. Divide the curd mass into two parts. One mix with two tablespoons of carrot juice, and the second with the same amount of beetroot.

5. When the zucchini is completely cooled, lay them on lettuce leaves in two large, flat plates. Part of zucchini grease curd mass of pink, and the rest yellow.

6. You can make the original design of the edges. To do this, put the remnants of multi-colored mixtures in the pastry bag and squeeze out the yellow mass around the edges of the pink, and the pink at the edges of the yellow.

Original roll with curd tomatoes with greens and garlic


• two dense ripe tomatoes;

• a tablespoon of 72% mayonnaise;

• 250 gr. curd, no grains;

• a bunch of fresh dill;

• two small cloves of garlic;

• 2-3 leaves of fresh mint.

Cooking Method:

1. Rinse the mint leaves with dill sprigs under cold running water and wipe dry with a towel. In dill tear off the rough stems and chop the greens as small as possible. Mint leaves also chop, but separately. 2. In a deep enamel bowl, mix the curd with chopped mint, mayonnaise and garlic, grated in a small grater. Season to taste with pepper, lightly salt and mix thoroughly again.

3. On a large sheet of foil or food film, lay out the curd mass and distribute in an even centimeter layer. On it, scatter evenly finely chopped dill, and in the center lay out a wide strip of sliced ​​small tomatoes.

4. Lifting the layers laid out with foil, wrap the roll. Make sure that it does not curl up “snail”, and the stuffing does not fall out at the edges.

5. Do not remove the foil from the roll, carefully wrap its edges and remove the “packing” with the roll in the fridge for a couple of hours, so as to set.

6. Serving to the table, remove the “packaging” and cut the cottage cheese roll stuffed with tomato in even pieces.

7. Serve on lettuce leaves laid out on the bottom of a shallow dish.

Original appetizer of profiteroles stuffed with curd with greens and garlic


• home-made or purchased fat cottage cheese - 300 gr .;

• 20 gr. homemade thickened cream or natural butter;

• ten ready profiteroles;

• 40 gr. 30% cream;

• six sprigs of fresh dill;

• a small head of garlic;

• half an average lemon;

• three small fleshy tomatoes;

• 20 gr. peeled walnut kernels.

Cooking Method:

1. Tomatoes and dill, rinse and dry well, blotting with a cloth or disposable towel. Put the tomatoes to the side, and the dill is very finely cut with scissors. Do not forget to leave a few twigs for serving.

2. In a small bowl, combine the cottage cheese with medium-cut garlic, butter, and walnut kernels. Smash all the ingredients with a blender into a homogeneous mass or twist several times in a meat grinder.

3. Then add sour cream, chopped dill, a tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Mix well and bring the mass to taste, seasoned with pepper and salt.

4. With profiteroles with a sharp knife, cut off not too thick “caps” and fill with curd mass. They must be filled completely and even with a small hill. Cover each of the “lids”, slightly moving them to the edge, and lay on a flat plate, slightly receding from each other. 5. Two tomatoes cut in half, and then in medium-sized slices. Slightly drown one edge of the tomato wedge in the curd filling, between the filled profiteroles and the “lid” (the second edge of the tomato should hang down). Dill together with the remaining, chopped tomato rings beautifully spread between profiteroles.

Cottage cheese with herbs and garlic - cooking tricks - useful tips

• Fresh cottage cheese is always white. Too greasy or homemade may have a characteristic, slightly yellowish tint.

• Quality product is not too lumpy and not dry, but does not contain excess whey.

• Stale expired cottage cheese has a faint mildew smell and is slim. It is very unpleasant to the taste.

• Rinse all greens thoroughly and dry. The remains of water should not get into the cooking dish, otherwise it will quickly deteriorate.

• Salt is better to take fine. Its crystals will better disperse in the curd mass, and it will salt evenly.

• Excessively grainy cottage cheese before twisting in a meat grinder, it is desirable to grind through a sieve, the mass will be more homogeneous.

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